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Instagram full-size media scroll wall

Creates a scrollable wall of full-size images from any user's instagram page, "tagged" page, or the instagram homepage. Just click the "Load Images" button at the top of the list of images/posts.

< Spätná väzba na Instagram full-size media scroll wall

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 31.12.2022

It was really good!

ErrorUtils caught an error:                                                          eFp6Wmv-797.js:59

Requiring unknown module "PolarisAPI"

Subsequent non-fatal errors won't be logged; see
errorListener @ eFp6Wmv-797.js:59
reportNormalizedError @ eFp6Wmv-797.js:59
applyWithGuard @ eFp6Wmv-797.js:59
H @ eFp6Wmv-797.js:47
C @ eFp6Wmv-797.js:47
E @ eFp6Wmv-797.js:47
getQueryHash @ Instagram full-size media scroll wall.user.js:170
getUserId @ Instagram full-size media scroll wall.user.js:65
pickMode @ Instagram full-size media scroll wall.user.js:54
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_state')           Instagram full-size media scroll wall.user.js:172 
    at checkError (Instagram full-size media scroll wall.user.js:172)
    at getQueryHash (Instagram full-size media scroll wall.user.js:200)
    at getUserId (Instagram full-size media scroll wall.user.js:65)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.pickMode (Instagram full-size media scroll wall.user.js:54)
checkError @ Instagram full-size media scroll wall.user.js:172
getQueryHash @ Instagram full-size media scroll wall.user.js:200
getUserId @ Instagram full-size media scroll wall.user.js:65
pickMode @ Instagram full-size media scroll wall.user.js:54
Pridaný: 31.12.2022

Holy cow, that was a fast fix! I posted these console logs ~20 minutes ago.

The author, driver8 posted an update ~18 minutes ago. Wow!

Pridaný: 31.12.2022

I'd been meaning to get to this as soon as I had some time. Pure coincidence that I fixed it right after your post, but I appreciate the report :)

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