Greasy Fork is available in English.

Disable YouTube Video Ads

Disable YouTube video & screen based ads at home page, and right before or in the middle of the main video playback. Also disable YouTube's anti-adblocker popup dialog. For new YouTube layout (Polymer) only.

< Spätná väzba na Disable YouTube Video Ads


Pridaný: 07.12.2023

Pls help, it worked well till a few hours ago, now i see an ad every few mins..............

Pridaný: 07.12.2023

Most users' problem with this script is due to interference from other script and/or browser extension.

Pridaný: 03.02.2024

no, it worked with all the other browser extensions and scripts, up until a few days ago. Now I see ads and I didnt add any new browser extensions, so it cant be the browser extensions

Pridaný: 04.02.2024

beelzl: one other reason why the latest version of the script might not work is because of some new updates by YouTube - they keep doing this every so often that it becomes a cat-and-mouse game. The script authors fix something, then YouTube changes somethings. Then script authors have to fix it again, and so on....

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