Netflix: Click to Play/Pause

Play/Pause when clicking the video.

< Spätná väzba na Netflix: Click to Play/Pause

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 24.06.2017

Nice, simple and does what it's supposed to. Here's my contribution.

I added && document.querySelector('video').offsetWidth >= window.innerWidth to the IF condition to make it not pause when clicking to zoom back into a zoomed out video at the end of an episode/movie.

Pridaný: 24.06.2017
Upravený: 24.06.2017

Hmm, there's a player-postplay class added. But that seems to disappear on mouse down or something, since '#netflix-player:not(.player-postplay) .player-video-wrapper *' doesn't work. Oh well.

Thanks. Added to v2.

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