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Netflix - subtitle downloader

Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix

< Spätná väzba na Netflix - subtitle downloader

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 29.02.2024


first of all, thanks a lot for your work! I find this script very useful.

I think found a use case when the actual subtitle file is not downloaded. Netflix seems to have changed the subtitle behavior, and in some cases, when we choose a dubbed version of the audio, it gives us another subtitle file than when we choose the original audio. Also, there are more subtitle streams - standard and CC, which include additional information for the hearing impaired.

An example can be Avatar: The Last Airbender, s01e01 -

Depending on the subtitle/audio combination, different kinds of subtitles are displayed to the viewer while playing.
- Polish dubbed audio and Polish subtitles selected (not CC, just Polish) - the displayed subtitles are a text version of the dubbing (let's call it SUB-DUB)
- Polish CC and either Polish or English audio - the subtitles are similar to SUB-DUB, but with changed formatting and hearing impaired information (let's call it SUB-CC)
- English audio and Polish subtitles - the subtitles are another translation, made from scratch, not matching the dubbing (let's call it SUB-2).

This affects the script behavior. When I download all languages, the script downloads only SUB-DUB and SUB-CC (and forced subtitles, but this is something different). SUB-2 is not downloaded at all. It would be great if you could update the script so that it downloads this version too, as it is the one that is probably watched the most often and is the most useful. I can see that SUB-2 is delivered as an XML file.

Pridaný: 29.02.2024
Upravený: 29.02.2024

Set the audio to English and subs to Polish, refresh the page, check if after refreshing it's still set like that, and then download the subtitles. What subs do you get? Repeat the test but disable the option to force all languages (it doesn't work properly anyway).

Edit: can't test myself because I don't have Netflix.

Pridaný: 29.02.2024

Hi, I've just tried that, and the downloaded subtitles are only SUB-DUB and SUB-CC (and forced). I'm attaching a screenshot. After disabling the force all languages option, nothing changes, the downloaded zip file is exactly the same.

Pridaný: 29.02.2024

Try version 4.2.3

Pridaný: 29.02.2024

Works great! Now all versions are downloaded. This affects some other languages too, as there are 46 files in the downloaded zip instead of 43.

Thanks a lot for the fix.

Pridaný: 10.11.2024

Numbers are not a good solution, because you don't know what version the subtitle file actually contains.
It's much better to use 'trackVariant' (could be 'DUBTITLE', 'STRIPPED_SDH' etc).

Just change this line:
const lang = track.language + type + (track.isForcedNarrative ? '-forced' : '');
to this:
const lang = track.language + type + (typeof track.trackVariant !== 'undefined' ? `-${track.trackVariant}` : '') + (track.isForcedNarrative ? '-forced' : '');

Pridaný: 10.11.2024

Eh, I thought they'd use .rawTrackType for that. :/ Thanks, I added it in 4.2.6! But I'm keeping the numbers workaround just in case.

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