GDocs Display blank form after submit

Redirects back to empty form after displaying the confirmation message for 5 seconds

< Spätná väzba na GDocs Display blank form after submit


Pridaný: 09.03.2020

Google Form - reload form Again

Is there any way that i can embbade this code directy into google docs script and it can run on it own. as i want to use this form on multiple device like ( Andriond, ios, Windows , Linux)

Pridaný: 09.03.2020

Unfortunately this isn't supported by Google. There's an option to create add-ons for Google Forms, but those scripts are limited in what they are allowed to do. As you can read in the developer documentation: "Forms add-ons only extend the Forms editor itself, where the forms are constructed. Forms add-ons can't extend the form that is presented to potential respondents"

Therefore it isn't possible to add this script to the form that the user will see.

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