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Can't see an userscript in author page... (no indicator that's deleted)

Pridaný: 27.08.2020

It's about:
[TS] Citrus GFork
Why i can't see it in the author list scripts:

There is no indicator that's deleted or something like that.

Pridaný: 28.08.2020

Maybe should be have an indicator on its page info?

Pridaný: 13.09.2020

Alright, I RTFF and finally found this thread... Did I miss an announcement about this? Is this a recent decision? It's very disconcerting to find my favorite scripts evaporated from the site. With no indication of where they went.

Also--in the previous forum era, discussions of unlisted AND deleted scripts remained available. It was very helpful. Looks like that feature has been pulled too.

Brother @decembre is right (as always)-- could we get maybe, e.g., a redirect to a notice page that 'unlisted' scripts are, well, unlisted - as opposed to deleted. And keep the discussions public?

I use alot of old scripts. I like them. ALOT. They still work. I luv them even more when they got reposted to GF. Where I then direct new users to come here and use them.

If there's now going to be a purging phase on GF, we'ld like the courtesy of knowing when and which will get the axe. Then maybe we can get them protected on openuserjs or github.

Pridaný: 15.09.2020

Jason, sorry but there's no way that CODYQX4 came out of the blue to unlist, what - one! - script! That he hasn't touched since 2014. So how is it that the script page is 404?

And again, what about the discussions? CODYQX4 didn't do that.

What's happening here?

Pridaný: 15.09.2020

Maybe this one is the same :
URL Shortener Unshortener

Pridaný: 19.09.2020

Thanks decembre but no-- CODYQX4 made a mod of Smiths's script, from the link I posted. His script was here on GF 2-3 weeks ago, I'm sure of it. It's still on UM - for now. That's where I'll point new users.

Alright Jason, I gotta go with your explanation, thanks.

But I'm going to review my install list, see if any other scripts have mysteriously disappeared off GF. I'll report back here if (not)found.

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