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Any way to hide/remove Chinese-language userscripts from GF?
modify from https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/305
// ==UserScript== // @name userscripts hide chinese // @namespace https://github.com/ywzhaiqi // @version 1.7.3 // @author [email protected] // @description fork from https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/305 // @homepageURL https://greasyfork.org/scripts/305 // @include http*://greasyfork.org/scripts* // @include http*://greasyfork.org/*/scripts* // @include http*://userscripts.org*/scripts* // @include http*://userscripts-mirror.org*/scripts* // @include http*://www.webextender.net*/scripts* // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== (function(){ var Config = { debug: false, buttonID: 'gm-userscript-show-chinese-button', hiddenStyleID: 'gm-userscript-show-chinese-style', // 需要?稍微减少 MutationObserver 的触发? igoreAddedNodeName: ['script', 'hr', 'p', 'button'], chineseRegExp: /[\u4E00-\u9Fa5]/, // 日文包含:1、片假名(Katakana) 2、平假名(Hiragana) 3、汉字 // 下面正则检测的是 片假名 和 平假名 japaneseRegexp: /[\u30A0-\u30FF]|[\u3040-\u309F]/, }; var Sites = { // 兼容了 "Greasy Fork (Firefox)"、"GreasyFork 中文" 脚本 'greasyfork.org': { button: '#script-list-filter', // 按钮插入的位置 line: '.script-list > li, #script-table > tr[id]', // 要隐藏的行(css 选择器) test: 'h2, td', // 要检测的对象(css 选择器) }, 'userscripts.org': { button: '#content th.la', line: 'tr[id^="scripts-"]', test: '.title, .desc', }, }; Sites['userscripts-mirror.org'] = Sites['userscripts.org']; Sites['www.webextender.net'] = Sites['userscripts.org']; var debug = Config.debug ? console.log.bind(console) : function() {}; var onlyChinese, info; function init() { var hostname = location.hostname; info = Sites[hostname]; if (!info) { return; } var buttonParent = document.querySelector(info.button); if (!buttonParent) { return; } // load setting onlyChinese = GM_getValue('onlyChinese', false); if (onlyChinese) { addHiddenStyle(); } addButton(buttonParent); checkScriptNode(); // 增加对 翻页脚本的支持 addMutationObserver('body', checkScriptNode); } function addHiddenStyle() { if (document.getElementById(Config.hiddenStyleID)) { return; } var cssArr = info.line.split(',').map(function(selector) { return selector + '[gm-script-lan="zh"] {display:none !important}'; }); var style = document.createElement('style'); style.id = Config.hiddenStyleID; style.textContent = cssArr.join('\n'); document.head.appendChild(style); } function removeHiddenStyle() { var style = document.getElementById(Config.hiddenStyleID); if (style) { document.head.removeChild(style); } } function checkScriptNode() { var scripts = document.querySelectorAll(info.line); var script, nodes; for (var i = scripts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { script = scripts[i]; if (script.hasAttribute('gm-script-lan')) { continue; } nodes = script.querySelectorAll(info.test); if (nodes.length === 0) { nodes = [script]; } script.setAttribute('gm-script-lan', getScriptLan(nodes)); } } function getScriptLan(nodes) { for (var i = nodes.length - 1, text; i >= 0; i--) { text = nodes[i].textContent; if (text.match(Config.japaneseRegexp)) { return 'jp'; } if (text.match(Config.chineseRegExp)) { return 'zh'; } } return ''; } function addButton(parent) { var button = document.createElement('button'); button.type = "button"; button.id = Config.buttonID; button.innerHTML = onlyChinese ? "show all" : "show english"; button.onclick = function(){ if (onlyChinese) { removeHiddenStyle(); button.innerHTML = "show english"; } else { addHiddenStyle(); button.innerHTML = "show all"; } onlyChinese = !onlyChinese; GM_setValue('onlyChinese', onlyChinese); }; return parent.appendChild(button); } function addMutationObserver(selector, callback) { var watch = document.querySelector(selector); if (!watch) return; var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations){ // 排除设定里的插入对象 var nodeAdded = mutations.some(function(x){ return [].some.call(x.addedNodes, function(node) { return node.localName && Config.igoreAddedNodeName.indexOf(node.localName) == -1; }); }); if (nodeAdded) { // console.log(mutations) // observer.disconnect(); callback(mutations); } }); observer.observe(watch, {childList: true, subtree: true}); } // function showAll () { // var trs = document.querySelectorAll(".gm-mhide"); // for (var i = trs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // trs[i].classList.remove("gm-mhide"); // } // onlyChinese = false; // } // // 隐藏其它,只显示中文 // function hideOthers(){ // var scripts = document.querySelectorAll(info.line + ':not(.gm-mhide)'), // script, checkElems; // debug('要检查的行是:', scripts, '选择器是:' + info.line + ':not(.gm-mhide)'); // var hasChinese = function (elems) { // for (var i = elems.length - 1, text; i >= 0; i--) { // text = elems[i].textContent; // if (text.match(Config.japaneseRegexp)) { // continue; // } // if (text.match(Config.chineseRegExp)) { // return true; // } // } // return false; // }; // for (var i = scripts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // script = scripts[i]; // checkElems = script.querySelectorAll(info.test); // if (!hasChinese(checkElems)) { // script.classList.add('gm-mhide'); // } // } // onlyChinese = true; // } init(); })();
( self-promotion )
Any way to hide/remove Chinese-language userscripts from GF?
I only speak English and there are a great many Chinese-language userscripts convoluting the list of scripts. Even going to greasyfork.org/en doesn't remove Chinese-language scripts as expected from a /en version. Any way to filter this so I only see English-only scripts? Thanks.