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Who are the staff of Greasy Fork? (Except JasonBarnabe)

Pridaný: 30.01.2018

Who are the staff of Greasy Fork? (Except JasonBarnabe)

Who are the staff of Greasy Fork? (Except JasonBarnabe)

Pridaný: 01.02.2018

Other than me, Jixun.Moe, jerone, JesseW, w0xx0m, and 文科 are moderators.

Pridaný: 01.02.2018
Upravený: 01.02.2018
Other than me, Jixun.Moe, jerone, JesseW, w0xx0m, and 文科 are moderators.

Are they active? because I have never seen them actually maybe w0xx0m but no one else also is it possible to apply for staff? and if so, where? if not, will there ever be an application for GreasyFork staff?

Pridaný: 01.02.2018

You can see what mods are doing on the script side of things at . What they do on the forum is not public, unfortunately.

If I think someone would make a good moderator, I contact them directly. There is never an "open call" or anything.

Pridaný: 03.02.2018

Oh okay that makes sense thx

Pridaný: 03.02.2018

is just a copy of:
except the top one is in english... also the top one didnt give any credits to anyone and also didn't add a description... also they just change the name of the mod...
(alot of also's)

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