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Why isn't there any Google Dark Mode script yet, and would anyone be interested if I made one?

Pridaný: 05.10.2020
Upravený: 05.10.2020

I'm new here, so Hi everyone!

I was looking through scripts libraries this afternoon, desperately searching one to display Google search pages as Dark Themed pages.
I couldn't find any, is there any good reason to this?

And as it seems like there's none, I started to make one on my own (even though I'm not a real expert in CSS).
Would anyone be interested in such a thing?

Also I had a little trouble to find support to write scripts, is there any "script bible" or something similar I could refer to? For now I've been referring to other popular scripts, but not everything is clear to me (yet, I hope :) )

Thanks in advance!

Pridaný: 06.10.2020
Upravený: 06.10.2020

There's no good reason to this!

I was thinking on the exact same thing a few hours ago...

"Script Bibles" for js/jquery/html/css etc can be found here https://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp

Instead of making an "script" in JS/jquery, you could just use css and make an userstyle, tampermonkey and greasyfork supports userstyles.

Userstyles are something like this example https://userstyles.org/styles/119804/mal-dark-theme

You can't really refer to other scripts that were made for other websites to make that script you are doing... Because the css and classes are totally different between websites...

There are also dozens of browser extensions that can make any website dark...

I found some scripts that already can make google dark

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