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Custom Border JS - Custom map border for!
Fastsplit and Bubble Cells Script JS - try to take over the agma/cellcarft servers!
SCI RIS Helper - EndNote+Scihub JS - Download the Refman(*.ris) with pdf URL queried from Sci-hub. Supported 80+ sites include Web of science, Researchgate, Springer, ScienceDirect, IEEE, MDPI, Scopus, etc. Just see:
Google Translate for browser JS - Google Translate for browser..
Literature mutual helper JS - ①Show ssid/dxid from Library Reference Alliance (ucdrs) or Duxiu (duxiu) ②Show ssno from CADAL ③Provide links from ucdrs, duxiu, cadal to Douban Books
DuckDuckGo Enhancements JS - Block the specified domain name, link without source, and quickly return to the top (the blank space on both sides of the right button)...
Geoguessr Unity Script JS - For a full list of features included in this script, see this document
To Do list title - Canvas Instructure JS - Shows the full TO Do task title when you hover over it on the dashboard of your course.
Steam/GOG Games Links to Free Download Site JS - Simply adds a pirate link to all games on the GOG store
Download Extension from Chrome Web Store JS - Script meant for Ungoogled Chromium, but may be used with any browser to directly download Chrome Extensions from Chrome Web Store.
Youtube shorts redirect JS - Youtuebe shorts > watch redirect
Omegle Grabber JS - Get IP addresses on multiple video chat sites
Idle Breakout JS - Hacks
Baidu Google Bing URL Shorten JS - Mark Baidu、Google、Bing URL Shortest.
Netflix UHD JS - Play Netflix UHD content on any screen resolution
MyFigureCollection: Image Downloader JS - The original fullsize images downloader. The album pull down to load next page.
Kahoot! QOL JS - Improves the Quality of Life on Kahoot!
EdPuzzle+ JS - You can skip forward or skip directly to the questions
NitroType Auto Reload JS - Automatically reloads the page at the end of each race.
Pokeclicker Automation JS - Automation for | Auto click | Auto quests | Auto achivements | Auto mine | Auto farm | Auto hatch | and more ...
Geoguessr GeoStats Script JS - Keeps track of various stats and displays it on an interactive map on your profile (Duels and Classic)
AE86 JS - 0 shame anti, op insta, autp replace..etc!
- All Skins Unlocked JS - Unlocks ALL skins in the game! Select any skins you want!
- bot JS - Trying to create a bot for the game
- Remove Adblocker messages & respawn timer JS - Remove the Adblock popup, as well as the respawn timer to avoid the extra wait in shell shockers
GitHub Internationalization JS - Translate GitHub
EWT Playback Rate 16 JS - This script forces the EWT playback rate to 16. When you need to run it, click it in the browser context menu.
Nitrotype Bot JS - nitro type hack
- HACK 2022 | Custom Welcome Message,Chat Blocker MAX,Base AutoBuilder | Resurgence Bundle X JS - Best Scripts Ever! By DarkResurgence
Cookie Clicker Mod Menu JS - Mod menu for Cookie Clicker
Cathay Award Search Fixer 2022 JS - Beware: Only install using the "Install this Script" or "安裝腳本" button below, beware of fake buttons in the ad under it.
- IP Logger JS - See people's IP addresses in
- Video download helper JS - Adds a button to open a Video download website.
Mining and Crafting XP Calculator JS - lol
ScienceDirect Download JS - Avoid jumping to online pdf,and directly download ScienceDirect literature to local,Support custom file names.
AdBlock Script for WebView JS - Parse ABP Cosmetic rules to CSS and apply it.
全网VIP视频免费破解【专注一个脚本只做一件事件】长期更新,放心使用 JS - 全网VIP视频免费破解【专注一个脚本只做一件事件】长期更新,放心使用。支持:腾讯、爱奇艺、优酷、芒果、Bilibili、pptv、乐视等其它网站;
YouTube - Non-Rounded Design JS - This script disables YouTube's new rounded corners (reverts back to the previous layout from 2021.)
Win Every Nitro Type Race You play. JS - Sing Developments has created this script for you to use for personal use. This script should help you to win every Nitro Type race you play. Make sure to go to the link below to use this correctly. Enjoy!
- bypass JS - bypasses annoying time taking rekonise links.
Freeship JS - Unlock all Fireship PRO courses/lessons.
ZyBooks Auto Clicker JS - Automatically click through participation activities on Zybooks
AUTO-OPEN hCaptcha + reCaptcha JS - Auto clicks the recaptcha and hcaptcha - NOT SOLVING
Web Access Accelerator JS - Web page access accelerator based on Google quicklink to speed up the opening of web pages and improve browsing experience
- zoom hack - zoom on mousewheel JS - zoom
Tinder Deblur JS - Simple script using the official Tinder API to get clean photos of the users who liked you
My Phone Video Script JS - Full-screen landscape, fast-forward and rewind, long-press for speed adjustment. Designed for Kiwi and Lemur browsers.
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
- speed turn JS - Replaces inline JS on
GC - MI training school pet reorganizer JS - puts pets that are on a course at the top of the page
YouTube - Shorts remover JS - Remove all short videos from your homepage, subscription feed, search and watch page on YouTube.
sketchfab JS - download sketchfab models
dndbeyond-json-exporter JS - Export your character sheets into JSON.
- Auto-heal JS - Simple just Auto-heal
AB Links Solver JS - Solves AbLink images
Copy hash for YGG JS - Copy easly the hash from a torrent on YGG in one click and more...
IXL JS - It adds confetti to the ixl awards screen!
Scribd bypass JS - Script disables blur on text & add full document
ChatGPT and Gemini width JS - increase chat gpt and gemini conversation box width
DiscordTextReact JS - Discord client-side userscript that allows users to comment messages with reactions/emojis (eg you input nice in the text box and it will react with 🇳 🇮 🇨 🇪 to the message)
Auto Refresh ChatGPT session JS - Auto refresh chatGPT session
chatgpt-infinite JS - Infinite auto ask for chatgpt
Tostes mods JS - Custom profile pics & help with every single lesson 😋
Paywall redirect to JS - Redirect Süddeutsche Zeitung SZPlus tagesspiegel paywall pages to
Egg Finder JS - Makes finding eggs a little bit easier...
Heasley's Egg Navigator JS - Traverse every page in Torn in search for eggs
XiaoHongShu No Watermark JS - XiaoHongShu No Watermark, and Show Some Useful Options.
Remove Reddit Login Requirement JS - Remove the on-screen modal that forces you to log in for certain posts.
chatgpt-page-translate-button JS - 🍓 let ChatGPT translate the web page you are reading in one click
ChatGPT is GPT4 by default(PLUS only available) JS - ChatGPT switch The default is GPT4
Canvas ChatGPT JS - Adds ChatGPT into Instructure Canvas
Grundo's Cafe Book Helper JS - Show unread books on your pet's book page
Quizlet Login Bypass 2024 JS - Unblur text, Remove ads, Clean UI
- Adblocker JS - Blocks Ads and the Premium, Adblock & Bandwidth Popup on
Player-List Mod (Draggable) | Shell Shockers | flyg0n LiTe JS - Adds a draggable player list to the shell shockers game UI. Shows paused players and players hp.
CleanURLs (Clean URL Improved) JS - Remove tracking parameters and redirect to original URL. This Userscript uses the URL Interface instead of RegEx.
Spotify ad skipper JS - Detects and skips ads on spotify
Grundo's Cafe Remember Training Selection JS - Auto remembers and chooses the user's last selection on the training page on
Greasy Fork Enhance JS - Enhance your experience at Greasyfork.
YouTube Fixed Video Quality JS - Remember video quality without any additional user interface.
Bilibili Mobile Lite JS - view bilibili mobile page recommended video directly
Paywall Element Blocker JS - Blocks rendering of elements with class or id containing "paywall"
Rekonize Bypasser JS - Bypasses the subscription prompts present on rekonise urls.
Double-click Image Downloader JS - Double-click images to download them.
gimkitcheat JS - A userscript that allows you to cheat across various gimkit games
Perplexity helper JS - Simple script that adds buttons to Perplexity website for repeating request using Copilot.
NexusClient JS - Bloxd Client
- Legit Macros JS - MOOMOO.IO WORKING MACROS, TRAP => F || Spike => V || Food => Q || WINDMILLS => N
Enable Attack Button on Torn Profile Page JS - Enables the disabled button on Torn profile page when a player is in hospital and redirects to the attack page when the button is clicked
YoutubeDL JS - Download youtube videos at the comfort of your browser.
Reddit Old Redirect 🔙 JS - redirect to old reddit
Twitch Beautify JS - Live page: Auto-beautify, auto-collapse buttons on mouse hover, auto-trigger replay function. Home page: Restore original style, auto-pause and mute, draggable and scalable live window.
媒體音量增強器 JS - Boost media volume up to 20 times, automatically apply saved settings, may not work or have no sound on some sites, can disable if needed.
bumble-enhanced JS - show votes, show online status, and change location on bumble
Youtube Downloader JS - Adds a download button (That actually looks good) that redirects to
Torn Bazaar Filler JS - On "Fill" click autofills bazaar item price with lowest bazaar price currently minus $1 (can be customised), shows current price coefficient compared to 3rd lowest, fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.
NoredInk Bubble Fill 100% Hack JS - Automatically fills mastery bubbles every 1 second
- Auto Triple Mill JS - Automatically place Triple Mill in when the [M] key is pressed.