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[Pokeclicker] Catch Speed Adjuster JS - Adjusts catch speed of all Pokeballs. Currently only makes Pokeballs catch as fast as possible.
Gartic Phone Shortcuts Plus JS - Gartic Phone Shortcuts Plus it's fixed and updated script with shortcuts for Gartic Phone from Rundik
Screenshare with Audio JS - Screenshare with Audio on Discord
Fullscreen - JS - Adds a button to enter fullscreen
- - Nice Crosshair JS - Change the crosshair in the game!
Anti-ads - JS - Remove the porn and hot dates ads from Yandex Disk
Bumble Auto Swipe Bot JS - Bumble auto swipe bot
Privacy Redirector JS - Redirect social media platforms to their privacy respecting frontends
Crosshair for Shellshock JS - Crosshair for to help you aim better... I guess
Cleanup YouTube Recommendations in Search and Playlist JS - Deletes "People also watched", "For you", "Previously watched", "From related searches", "Latest from", "Popular videos from today", "New channels for you", "People also search for", "Shorts", "Latest Shorts from", "Recommended playlists" and "Recommended videos" Sections from Search Results, Playlists and Channels on YouTube
Better Youtube Theatre Mode JS - Enlarges the media player to fill the entire screen with theatre mode.
Useless Egg Count JS - Egg Count Abuse
Gold Shell Shockers Theme JS - Shell Shockers Theme
[Aternos] AntiAntiAdblock! JS - Removes all the adblock reminders without a hussle.
wkcm2 JS - Community Mnemonics for WaniKani. Submit your own mnemonics and view other submissions.
Base Record & Rebuild JS - Record Base
WaniKani Katakana For On'yomi JS - A userscript for wanikani that transforms everything related to on'yomi into katakana.
Fortnite Code Generator JS - Despite how sketchy the name is, this is an actual code generator. The odds of getting an actual code is low but not zero.
Nitro Type - Safe Space JS - Replaces the Race Track with a Typing Test Lobby Chatroom. Choose which users to mute and block, it's your "safe space".
Cloudflare DNS Records Identity List Fetcher JS - See your Cloudflare DNS records identity list
- - Disable P2P JS - Disables peer-to-peer connections on and to hide your IP address
auto-task-v4 JS - 自动完成 Freeanywhere,Giveawaysu,GiveeClub,Givekey,Gleam,Indiedb,keyhub,OpiumPulses,Opquests,SweepWidget 等网站的任务。
Browse your interests without registration JS - Find more ideas on the web without login/registration
K12 Dark Mode Remastered JS - THIS SCRIPT IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. Many features/looks are subject to change. Allows for full customization of the K12 Pages, including custom background images, fonts, styles, and more! Press TAB to open the customization menu.
- Bad Hack JS - The best public script for
1v1lol JS - 1v1.LOL hack script - infinite ammo, infinite armor, rapid fire
UploadHavenDownloadTimeSkiper JS - Skips the download time of UploadHeaven
YouTube™ Video Downloader (1440p Update) JS - In just one page, you can now download your favorite videos on YouTube
1v1.www v2 JS - 1v1.LOL hack script - infinite ammmo, infinite armor, rapid fire
"Not Yet Aired" Hider JS - Allows you to hide "Not Yet Aired" entries of your list.
Neopets Links Redirector JS - Redirects Neopets inventory links to non-beta version, Premium button to Beta premium portal, and NC mall button to the actual mall.
Scribd Book Downloader JS - Scribd Book and Document Downloader
swordz.IO Hack JS - Support extension for SwOrDz.Io
[Pokeclicker] Oak Items Unlimited JS - Removes the limit for the amount of Oak Items that you're able to equip so that you're able to equip all of them.
Multi wolvesville JS - Allows you open multiple WOV game pages in one browser.
Hacker News Dark Mode + QoL JS - Dark mode for Hacker News
[SNOLAB] Google Calendar Colorize JS - 【Functional testing, bug feedback: [email protected]】Google Calendar automatically color, according to the keywords matched to show specific colors, such as: rest|sleep, wash|pack|organize|diary|journal, research|study|explore|recite words|understand, school|work|class, fitness|workout|warm-up, on the road|commute, cooking|cooking ritual|ceremony|sacrifice, urgent|important|exam|quiz, group chat|communicate|play|game|know, movie|watch|read|review, (20210709) Add English support
Khan Acadamy UI Enhance JS - 1. Khan Acadamy dialogs force FullScreen, 2. Ctrl+Enter To confirm
youtube-hide-download-button JS - Simple script, that hides the download button on youtube videos (below the video and from the context menu)
- AutoGuesser JS - Goes into's console to guess possible outputs, and puts them in chat.
EmuParadise Download Workaround JS - Replaces the download button link with a working one; Now without JQuery slowdown!
Text Copy Universal JS - Text copy general version, suitable for most websites.
Google Infinite Scroll JS - -
Auto Brilliant Move (Click B) JS - Makes your moves brilliant! Broken? DC: 9674#9674
Wordle - Word Reveal Hack JS - This script adds an element to the bottom of the page with the daily word. Simply hover & click it and the daily word is revealed. Always "guess" the word on the first try and impress your friends.
Greasyfork script-set-edit button JS - Add / Remove script into / from script set directly in GF script info page
Progress Knight 2.0 Bot JS - Auto parts of Progress Knight 2.0
Copy Video Source Link JS - Copies the source URL of the currently playing video in various streaming sites to clipboard, opens it in a new tab, or provides a safe-to-share link.
Pixiv Novel Downloader JS - Download novels from Pixiv
Nitro Type Race Stats V2 | ND JS - Get your stats displayed while racing!
Voxiom Better text JS - Better text visability
ZType Bot JS - Bot for typing game ZType
Google Chrome Dino-Game Hack ( JS - A basic GUI for Chrome Dino Speed Hack, Jump Hack, Points Hack, Invincibility Hack, & More.
🎁Free Unlimited BITCOIN Faucet🎁 JS - Claim Free BTC [Every 5 Min]
18-0241 ( x18_ ) Theme JS - Subscribe to x18_
Recommend_Unrate JS - 批量撤回评测点赞/有趣
The New York Times Paywall Bypass JS - Removes paywalls when trying to view content on The New York Times
gorgias ticket prod JS - gorgias 增加基本信息 易仓补发
Wanikani: Overall Progress Bars JS - Creates a progress bar on the dashboard for every level
wsmud_funny2 JS - A script for Mud WuShen
- - Strip all 'ouo' link protector from download links and fix file download names JS - Strip all 'ouo' link protector from download links and fix file download names
Auto Clicker JS - Auto Clicker for Browsers!!
Remove Skip to next video button JS - Removes the skip to next video button present in media bar
ACT.YouTube.DM.Auto-translate JS - Automatically translate any non-specified language Subtitles/CC.
Voxiom Sniper Speed JS - Move faster with the heavy sniper
private stacking script leak JS - stacking bullets while using sandbox hacks
Hide Reddit special posts - popular near you, popular right now JS - An attempt to hide some of the special posts from Reddit main page. Should hide popular near you, popular right now, videos that redditors liked, similar to r/, some redditors find this funny etc. Might hide too much, to be tested still.
Filter 1pbtID on 4chan /pol/ JS - Filter 1pbtID on /pol/ and /biz/ (Requires 4chanX Catalog)
Neopets: Search Closet and Safety Deposit Box JS - Checking if you have something in your closet and/or sdb? Simply type the keyword in the search box to open up both and cut down your clicks.
Terraria Wiki Cleaner JS - Terraria Wiki Cleaner removes the annoying header, sidebar and footer banners from the wiki while also fixing the spacing issues when removing those ads.
BeanHacks JS - Epic ep hack
Nitro Type Leaderboard Button JS - This script adds a Leaderboard button to your NitroYype navigation bar. Once you click the button, it takes you to the NitroType leaderboards page
wsmud_login1 JS - 武神传说登录插件
Telegram Photo Protection Remover JS - Removes photo protection in Telegram
wov auto play JS - yeyeye aasdd
Nitro Type Glitched Window Style! JS - It looks like you are on window. But way cooler!!!
Songsterr - Print-Enabler JS - Enable printing at for free accounts
GeoFS Attribute Editor JS - Edit attributes of your plane, like Max Throttle, Scale, and Mass.
Shift Space Toggle Youtube CE Element JS - This is to toggle annoying Youtube CE Element near the end of the video
Code Injector - JS - Allows different userscripts to define functions that modify the game's code
Youtube Video Downloader | MP3,MP4 JS - A basic youtube video downloader using y2mate, faster, a single click!
Add Advanced Search Button - JS - 4/28/2022, 9:50:18 PM
Soundsnap Downloader JS - Add download link to Soundsnap previews.
Paper.IO Skins & Zoom Hack JS - Get all skins and ability to zoom in
Scroll to Grammar Info JS - When showing Grammar Info, scroll down to it, if hiding, scroll back up.
NitroType Auto Reload JS - Automatically reloads the page at the end of each race.
NitroType Perfect Nitros JS - Highlights the largest words for perfect nitros.
Auto Clicker - JS - Clicks through battles appropriately depending on the game state.
Auto Hatchery - JS - Automatically hatches eggs at 100% completion. Then uses the sorting and filters from the Hatcher to fill it with the best remaining Pokémon.
Neko's Scripts JS - Script for OWOP
[Pokeclicker] Simple Weather Changer JS - Adds a button to select the weather for the current region, also freezes all weather
Twitch helper JS - Auto claim bonus and automatically restart the player if an error occurs
weibo Helper JS - 微博 weibo Helper: Auto-sign-in, timed sign-in, auto-thank you, auto-load original image, auto-play image, auto-pay to buy theme post, auto-complete voting task, optimize browsing experience, one-click bulk reply/thank you, one-click package to download post image
Instagram 2014 CSS - Makes Instagram (WEB) look like it did in 2014
Pop-Up Blocker JS - Simple but effective popup window blocker. Also tries to deny unsolicited redirections.
Bumble Bonus (Voice Speedcontrol + Large Images) JS - 28.1.23
I hate listicles! JS - Removes obnoxious/unwanted listicles from the feed and search
- free download JS - svg preview and free download