Mouse Throttler

Throttles your cursor to make it run at 20hz. Useful for websites that have lag induced by a high cursor polling rate. Also features auto-precision when your mouse stops moving to ensure unaltered cursor aim. Keywords: throttle mouse lag cursor lag starblast dueling fps uncap bypass unlimiter unlock mod 60fps bugfix

< Feedback on Mouse Throttler

Review: Bad - script does not work

Posted: 2024-11-15

sir this code just creates a new eventlistener and throttles its execution. While that would be all well and good, the thing is that it dosen't actually do anything after it throttles the event, just executes nothing. if you want to throttle all listeners that get added to the page you have to overwrite document.addEventListener

Posted: 2024-12-08

yea, it really just kinda slowed down my game :(

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