Disney Plus Enchantments

Enhancements for Disney Plus video player: auto fullscreen, skip intro, skip credits, and more.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v0.6.1 2024-11-27


    Version 0.6.1


    • Skip Button Tracking: Introduced a system to prevent repeated clicks on the "Skip Intro" button (CLICK_DELAY and clickedButtons).
    • Maintain Fullscreen: Added functionality to automatically enable and maintain fullscreen mode during playback (maintainFullscreen).
    • Improved Settings UI: Redesigned the settings dialog with responsive design and enhanced toggle switches.


    • Button Selection: Updated selectors for "Skip Intro" and "Auto Play Next" buttons to improve compatibility with Disney Plus updates.
    • Visibility Validation: Enhanced isElementVisible function to ensure only interactable buttons are clicked.
    • Code Organization: Refactored the script for better readability and modularity.


    • Unintended Button Clicks: Resolved issues where buttons with ambiguous text (e.g., "Next" instead of "Skip") were clicked mistakenly.
    • Dialog Behavior: Fixed bugs with the settings dialog not closing properly when Escape was pressed.


    • None
  • v0.6 2024-11-27

    Ignore version 0.6.1 that I uploaded by mistake

  • v0.6.1 2024-11-27


    Version 0.6.1


    • Skip Button Tracking: Introduced a system to prevent repeated clicks on the "Skip Intro" button (CLICK_DELAY and clickedButtons).
    • Maintain Fullscreen: Added functionality to automatically enable and maintain fullscreen mode during playback (maintainFullscreen).
    • Improved Settings UI: Redesigned the settings dialog with responsive design and enhanced toggle switches.


    • Button Selection: Updated selectors for "Skip Intro" and "Auto Play Next" buttons to improve compatibility with Disney Plus updates.
    • Visibility Validation: Enhanced isElementVisible function to ensure only interactable buttons are clicked.
    • Code Organization: Refactored the script for better readability and modularity.


    • Unintended Button Clicks: Resolved issues where buttons with ambiguous text (e.g., "Next" instead of "Skip") were clicked mistakenly.
    • Dialog Behavior: Fixed bugs with the settings dialog not closing properly when Escape was pressed.


    • None
  • v0.6 2024-05-23

    Refactored code to avoid repetition by extracting common functionality into separate functions.
    Introduced a configuration object to store and manage settings.
    Enhanced the settings dialog with tooltips and consistent styling for better user experience.
    Replaced the use of requestAnimationFrame with a MutationObserver for handling skip actions.
    Added error handling to catch and handle any potential errors.

  • v0.5 2024-05-14