GoogleGPT 🤖

Adds AI answers to Google Search (powered by Google Gemma + GPT-4o!)

< Feedback on GoogleGPT 🤖

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2024-04-30

Is it possible to remove the requirement to login?
ChatGPT no longer requires login to work...

Posted: 2024-05-18

I still want this feature...

Also, I just installed the script to try it again, just to check if my suggestion was implemented or not, and I already got the error message "ChatGPT is flooded with too many requests. Try switching on Proxy Mode in toolbar" right on my first google try...
After I changed it as requested, it's stuck on waiting for reply....

Posted: 2024-05-18

ok @hacker09 I'm solving ChatGPT Widescreen new UI fix because many users are waiting for that right now, then after that, do you want this or the Autoclear front-end history clearing more?

Posted: 2024-05-18
Edited: 2024-05-18

I would likely use both together

I was using another script available on greasyfork that does the same as this one, but that one is older... And now has the same issue as this script.

I liked finding the auto-clear script because it cleared all the random stuff I googled after I logged in on chatgpt. The issue that old script has is that sometimes (maybe after a cookie expires or something like that) I had to keep logging in on chatgpt back again.

If there is a way to make the GoogleGPT script work without requiring an account login I would prefer to have this script fixed first.

My browser auto-clears everything (history/cookies etc) when closed anyway.

Posted: 2024-05-18

ok then I will prioritize this one, also auto-clear already gets rid of chats in back-end so if your concern is privacy, functionally it solved it already

Posted: 2024-05-18


I'm concerned about privacy, but not about that script. I only use that script to save time mass deleting chats, which makes it look better and not cluttered, but currently, it is really tricky because I can chat in deleted chats, so I get an error message saying that the chat no longer exists...

Posted: 2024-05-23

let me know if that is possible or not and when you update it

Posted: 2024-05-30

@hacker09 I just updated it to work with Proxy Mode again no login

Posted: 2024-05-31
Edited: 2024-05-31


if you could remove the little ad footer that would be nice... Sometimes instead of an ad I get an inspirational quote or a random joke

Also, sometimes the background grey bar is much larger than it needs to be, it should stop when the last suggestion is shown, but it keeps going till the end of the page.
I'm using pagetual as well, and the more I scroll down and new pages load, the longer the grey background bar goes.

Posted: 2024-05-31

Not sure if this is something you could try to figure out, but most of the contributors listed can't be seen after the first contributors line

Posted: 2024-05-31

@hacker09 the footer is my way to continue to work on it for free. For background bar, does it stretch before pagetual's first next-page-load? Also does it stretch with pagetual off? Also what is your browser and userscript manager

Posted: 2024-05-31

Not sure if this is something you could try to figure out, but most of the contributors listed can't be seen after the first contributors line

It looks like this to me:

How about you? What is your browser?

Posted: 2024-05-31
Edited: 2024-05-31

Yes it does it stretch with pagetual off.

Posted: 2024-05-31
Edited: 2024-05-31

Maybe you could convert the markdown that chatgpt uses, like ** into a <b> html tag

Posted: 2024-05-31
Edited: 2024-05-31

Maybe you could convert the markdown that chatgpt uses, like ** into a <b> html tag

Ok I added it

Posted: 2024-06-01


Posted: 2024-06-03
Edited: 2024-06-03

It shouldn't run on the Google Images page, but it keeps running on this page

Posted: 2024-06-03

ok @hacker09 I fixed it thanks for heads up

Posted: 2024-06-03


That was so quick!

Posted: 2024-06-04

Occasionally the answer I get is messed up like

Posted: 2024-06-04
Edited: 2024-06-04

Hey @hacker09 I fixed it, the reason was for that specific API, I never wrote the logic to parse it as a stream, because originally the priority was get as many proxy APIs going as possible, and during testing, that one always skipped via tryDiffAPI() since it was temporarily down for the day so I never caught that. But now I wrote the logic, so all the APIs stream perfectly now

Posted: 2024-06-05


I am not sure why, but seems like your script has something against Google developer coding queries, haha.
I searched for and it made your script menu page stay in the bottom of the page, and it also makes the whole site keep focusing on your element until the answer finished, which makes pagetual load the next page forever until the AI finishes the answer.

Can we have the script stop auto-focusing on the chat bar?

Posted: 2024-06-05

@hacker09 is this with the latest version where Auto-Scroll is now a mode (and off by default)?

Posted: 2024-06-05

(in which case it only auto-focuses if app is fully contained within the viewport)

Posted: 2024-06-05
Edited: 2024-06-05

Oh ok, not it wasn't I guess it was the version released 4 hrs ago

Now with the latest version it no longer scrolls down or auto-focuses, but on my link above I'm still seeing it below everything, at the bottom of the page.

Posted: 2024-06-05

Oh ok, not it wasn't I guess it was the version released 4 hrs ago

Now with the latest version it no longer scrolls down or auto-focuses, but on my link above I'm still seeing it below everything, at the bottom of the page.

wdym can you screenshot

Posted: 2024-06-05

Wow never encountered imgur down before but I shall investigate whenever they recover

Posted: 2024-06-05

I've never seen that before either

Posted: 2024-06-05

btw if you sign up for GitHub, you could make contributions directly to the code @ since you're a programmer

Posted: 2024-06-05

I've never seen that before either

That only happens w/ Pagetual right?

Posted: 2024-06-05
Edited: 2024-06-05

nvm I see it happens without Pagetual in Edge only, I will investigate now

Posted: 2024-06-05

Funny story, the issue is

I don't understand what you mean, also I found a way to fix, but it will hide their showing of native AI and I don't want to do this (they stalk me and my BraveGPT made them copy way of inserting ai answer, but they use a flex way that is incompatible unless I hide them)

Posted: 2024-06-05

"their showing of native AI"? what do you mean?

I mean that I tested all my scripts and extensions off, and when I had only enabled, your script had that issue.

Posted: 2024-06-05

Ohhh i get it. But actually I'm having that issue too without your extension. It's because they added a new CSS property that occasionally triggers to fit their native way of showing AI (copied from my AI apps) but actually I figured a way around it. All I have to do is remove and re-insert my app div so it no longer shoves to the bottom. But I have to smoke first then will finalize the details of this solution

Posted: 2024-06-05


smoking kills though...

Posted: 2024-06-05

this is usually true but it saves me from COVID (makes discomfort go away)

Posted: 2024-06-05

I figured out, it is the markdown rendering causing the bug

Posted: 2024-06-05

omg I finally fixed it, it took forever and much testing of different techniques, but the bug comes from the markdown renderer `pedantic` option is `false` by default causing it to do unwanted stuff triggering weird behavior, so I set it to `true` and it finally went away

Posted: 2024-06-05

It causes code to look like this now instead though:


... which is actually beneficial since syntax is not highlighted for code (yet) so there's no use for the language word (yet), so at least now it informs what language the code is

Posted: 2024-06-05


That would be a nice future update to format the code

Posted: 2024-06-05

It also shouldn't run on the videos pages

Posted: 2024-06-05


That would be a nice future update to format the code

I added it look

Posted: 2024-06-05

It also shouldn't run on the videos pages

For this, I noticed before it does, but did not block it since that page has empty sidebar so GoogleGPT does not intrude IMO. Do you find it bad to be there? For example, user could be searching for video of some recent event, and GoogleGPT could provide more context

Posted: 2024-06-05

Cool, that was fast!

But javascript const is wrong... I guess the title in chatgpt would be javascript, but it was added along the code as it if were part of the code... That should be fixed. Also, could you add a "copy code block" button?

Posted: 2024-06-05

Isn't bad, but with pagetual is, the bug is in the image I shared...
It leaves page 1, and goes to page 2 for no reason, messing up the whole next pages view.

Posted: 2024-06-06

Actually, I'm still having the same issue of the video I sent you earlier with pagetual when I google "matrix background HTML" Also, now the menu is white even if my whole google page is black.

Posted: 2024-06-06
Edited: 2024-06-06

It's broken so badly and crashing my page, as well as loading the next pages forever and in an unreadable way that I had to disable the script
The site and AI answer content are no longer readable, so the script is unusable.

Posted: 2024-06-06
Edited: 2024-06-06

Cool, that was fast!

But javascript const is wrong... I guess the title in chatgpt would be javascript, but it was added along the code as it if were part of the code... That should be fixed. Also, could you add a "copy code block" button?

Google is such a pain, I added special logic to fix formatting code after that screenshot, no other seach engine required such special treatment for my BraveGPT and DuckDuckGPT

Also, now the menu is white even if my whole google page is black.

Again Google is very painful and uncooperative when it comes to scheme detection, I have to constantly update isDarkMode() (they don't use a simple flag like everyone else)

Actually, I'm still having the same issue of the video I sent you earlier with pagetual when I google "matrix background HTML"

I never actually installed Pagetual to test what you mean and since you didn't say anything I let it go, I'll install and check it out after I eat (I often take hours to eat though)

It's broken so badly and crashing my page, as well as loading the next pages forever and in an unreadable way that I had to disable the script site and AI answer content are no longer readable, so the script is unusable.

It crashes your page with Pagetual you mea? And how are the next pages unreadable?

Posted: 2024-06-06

For the darkmode, it's because there are two ways it is detected, one is on a element that doesn't always exist, and the other is on the logo being white/blacck that doesn't always exist. But I noticed since Google stalks me, after I added logo detection (just like first time then I removed it since they updated logo to toy with me) they immediately changed the logo again

Posted: 2024-06-06
Edited: 2024-06-06

Also I don't use Google because they are a very unprivate company/search engine making it so much extra work monitoring their site for changes to accomodate their unnecessary and relentless need to make updates that don't really add value (similar to OpenAI to at at times)

Posted: 2024-06-06
Edited: 2024-06-06

Normal behavior until it reaches 0:16
0:17 glitches and the next page is called and attached to the page (this shouldn't happen unless the user scrolls nearly all the whole page to the bottom)
0:06 glitches and leaves the top right side of the first page, and is attached to the next page that was just loaded (The links are moved to the left side of the screen, making it impossible to fully see them, I can only see parts of the right end side of the links)
0:02 the glitch above gets fixed because I manually scrolled down, now I can finally fully see the whole link (the left part that was hidden)

Thinking about it now, maybe if you use // @noframes that would be fixed.

Posted: 2024-06-06

Hey thanks for the video, I added // @noframes also a scheme selection popup you can pick from the userscript manager toolbar menu:

The way it works, it will default to Auto and try to sync w/ Google's scheme displayed, but if you pick 'Dark' or 'Light' it will always show in that mode (so should fix the dark scheme fails to auto-detect for you)

For the moving-around glitch, is that with Pagetual on or off?

Posted: 2024-06-11

This service has been suspended.

Posted: 2024-06-11

@hacker09 I removed the proxy API that got suspended by its creator's host so it works 100% of the time again

Posted: 2024-06-11

Fast as always!

Posted: 2024-06-11


Posted: 2024-06-12
Edited: 2024-06-12

Send Reply, is always auto focused a billion times until the answer ends, so it's impossible to click on other input places in the search page/bar, there is also no way to edit whatever I search for, so I have to keep waiting for the answer to finish so that I can finally edit whatever I searched for.

Posted: 2024-06-13

I'm guessing that this is the line that should be removed appDiv.querySelector('#app-chatbar').focus()

Posted: 2024-06-13

Send Reply, is always auto focused a billion times until the answer ends

hey sorry I just read this, I changed it to focus only one time

there is also no way to edit whatever I search for, so I have to keep waiting for the answer to finish so that I can finally edit whatever I searched for

How would you like to edit it? What about a stop button for answer to stop generating? Or allowing typing new query in chatbar and send to interrupt? Or a cancel button when "Waiting for reply..." is newly shown in footer after your reply is sent, restoring the chatbar?

Posted: 2024-06-13

No worries.

That doesn't sound good.
I'm not sure I get your second suggestion.

I'm only talking about the google search bar, not your script "search/input" bar.

I would rather never have your script input box focused, or only focused once like 3 seconds after the page fully loaded.

Posted: 2024-06-14

How come? Google de-focuses search bar currently, and GoogleGPT focuses GoogleGPT bar when answer starts loading. Is it because you're often typing a new query in Google Search bar, and then GoogleGPT takes focus away?

Posted: 2024-06-14
Edited: 2024-06-14

Basically yes.

If I search for a huge chunk of text, and click on it (after all results showed up), then click on where I want to modify my text, your script focuses on its input bar, so I have to click on the search bar again, find where I was at/which word I wanted to modify, then click on it again, then I'm finally able to modify that specific part of my long search text

Posted: 2024-06-15

Ok I added a menu toggle to disable it

Posted: 2024-06-15
Edited: 2024-06-15


Btw recently your script makes Google impossible to use

The page crashes right after the answer ends

Posted: 2024-06-15
Edited: 2024-06-15

This seems to be a very known Chrome bug ongoing for many years "happening for multiple websites"

Some solutions posted are:


I solved it by just resetting settings on chrome resigned in and it worked


I was able to solve this by accessing chrome://flags and resetting them all. I tinker with these flags before and I guess one of the updates has a conflict with one of the flags I set.


Settings > On Startup (on the left side) > Advanced > Use Hardware Acceleration (set to OFF)

Posted: 2024-06-16
Edited: 2024-06-16

@hacker09 can you try disabling Related Queries for a while and tell me if the Chrome bug ever occurs? (So I can pinpoint if the transition fade-in fx are the cause)

Posted: 2024-06-16

I did it, but nothing changed It's hard to change settings now, since after google finishes loading your script crashes the tab, and all tampermonkey scripts and options as well.

It's much easier to change what I already have in the storage

{ "googleGPT_autoget": true, "googleGPT_fontSize": 16, "googleGPT_notFirstRun": true, "googleGPT_proxyAPIenabled": true, "googleGPT_replyLanguage": "en-US", "googleGPT_scheme": "dark", "googleGPT_stickySidebar": false, "googleGPT_widerSidebar": false, "googleGPT_rqDisabled": true }

Posted: 2024-06-16

I thought you said it was after GoogleGPT finishes loading answer

Posted: 2024-06-16

I was able to replicate the bug in Edge!

Posted: 2024-06-16

Yes I know. This is a very common bug for Chromium/Edge userss so I have to dig thru pages of complaints on for hints on how to fix

Posted: 2024-06-16
Edited: 2024-06-16

Is it? I've never heard about or seen it until your latest updates.

Maybe you could undo whatever you did recently.

I doubt users would want to use/install your script if a whole long tutorial and regedit/etc change has to be done in their system.

Posted: 2024-06-16

I do not intend for users to read long tutorial or make regedit changes. I said I'm combing thru pages for how to fix GoogleGPT to work despite this Microsoft bug. I did pinpoint it only occurs in Streaming Mode though, so I just have to play around and make it work despite Microsoft's common bug is not fixed by Microsoft for years

Posted: 2024-06-16

I will probably temporarily disable Streaming Mode for Edge users if I can't fix it fast so at least it works 100% of the time again

Posted: 2024-06-16

@hacker09 I fixed it! Can you confirm it works in Streaming Mode now?

Posted: 2024-06-16


Could you explain what the issue was?

Posted: 2024-06-16

From my research, the STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION happens because Google added renderer code integrity years ago, then Chromium browsers (like Edge) adopted it. It produces lots of false positives though, so Google probably fixed it just enough so fewer Chrome users encounter/complain, but other publishers like Microsoft did not.

So while my text stream renderer in ran smooth in every other browser, in Edge it triggered false positive (maybe thinking DDOS is occuring for going so fast) so I staggered the chunk processing every 50ms to conquer this glitch

Posted: 2024-06-16
Edited: 2024-06-16

I see, Thanks.
The timeout isn't long enough yet, I still get that error sometimes

Posted: 2024-06-17

@hacker09 can you double it to 100 in the line when you Ctrl+F for 'Edge delay' ? Then if it still happens, can you double it againn? Then can you let me know the lowest number that makes the error never occur?

Posted: 2024-06-17

You've already done it, so I'll test it for a while

Posted: 2024-06-17


Posted: 2024-06-17

ok it is doubled to 200ms

Posted: 2024-06-17


Posted: 2024-06-17

After testing other userscripts in Edge that also process streams, the same error kept happening. It only goes away if the delay is 250ms, but it's too choppy to be an enjoyable "Streaming Mode" so I auto-disabled it for Edge users until Microsoft patches this common false positive (it just makes no sense I spend so much time trying to obliterate this roadblock when I can be delivering functional new features)

I opened an issue @ in case someone can make a workaround, in the meantime it's really not that bad in regular mode (just shows the answer after all chunks are received)

Posted: 2024-06-17

Yeah, I was about to recommend you to do that. Thanks

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