2020 MouseHunt AutoBot

An advance user script to automate sounding the hunter horn in MouseHunt

< Feedback on 2020 MouseHunt AutoBot


Posted: 2021-02-18

Anyone else experiencing this? After every hunt the horn seems to lag until almost a full minute behind the in-game timer. When I switch to aggressive mode instead, after about 3 hunts the script timer becomes faster than the in-game timer D:

Posted: 2021-02-18

The timer is set to randomly add a period of time so that hides the script (or at least makes it less noticable). It is not uncommon that the script may get ahead of the MH timer. I suggest that if you want a tighter tolerance on the added time that you adjust the first delay in the [Show Preferences] link. Hope this helps ~ Hunter.

Posted: 2021-02-19

I only put the horn sounding delay at 3 seconds, but it always ends up lagging behind by almost a minute, not sure what is the cause D:

Posted: 2021-02-21

Yup! Something is definitely wrong. It's like the random time added to the time is being replaced with something else. The text next to the countdown time display the random number generated (in my case it was "1"), yet the horn was showing and the countdown timer was at 30+ seconds. I set the delay in the UI to 0 - 3 seconds and have been trying to keep on eye on it today. I saw the anomaly several times. The odd part is, after refresh or a King's reward solve it corrects itself (I think the "refresh" function is called as part of the KR). I'm guessing that there is some sort of time leak in the code and the delay gets worse and worse until a refresh. I'm gonna try setting the delay to 0 - 10 to see if it persists.

Posted: 2021-02-24

Has the issue been isolated? I tried using the other MouseHunt Autobot UPDATED but the same issue happens :O

Posted: 2021-02-24

Still working on the behavior itself. 10 seconds has the same issue. Trying 20.

Posted: 2021-03-26

The bot is still wonky D:

Posted: 2021-08-19

Anyone still here? :'(

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