Dudemaus's DiceBot for Bitsler

Wont win a fortune, but it will win.

< Feedback on Dudemaus's DiceBot for Bitsler

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2017-06-03


Bonjour votre script fonctionne mais je ne comprends pas l'algorithme. J'ai fait pas mal d'essai et je perd plus que je gagne ... Avez-vous un réglage plus précis ?

Posted: 2017-06-17

You have to experiment. I have a few different ways that work ok for me.
Try this setting on 1.44 and see how it goes. I just went from faucet to 12k just on this setting in about 20 mins.

Yes there is still a chance to lose, but it is gambling after all. Also I set bet #1 and bet #2 to be the same if I increase the payout over 1.6 then 3 is a lot higher and 4 even more. I plan to add more algorithms in a future update.

Posted: 2017-06-17

it is pseudo martingale

Posted: 2017-08-09

Hi admin!
Help me a standard parameter for the original account is 0.00001000 B

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