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As of 2017-02-14. See the latest version.

Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days All time

Daily installs

Weekly installs

Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2024-05-09 66 5,138
2024-05-10 76 5,032
2024-05-11 83 5,054
2024-05-12 55 4,375
2024-05-13 44 5,221
2024-05-14 52 5,140
2024-05-15 68 5,052
2024-05-16 58 5,040
2024-05-17 72 5,089
2024-05-18 66 4,462
2024-05-19 63 4,337
2024-05-20 56 5,173
2024-05-21 50 5,162
2024-05-22 74 5,061
2024-05-23 72 5,047
2024-05-24 38 5,209
2024-05-25 16 4,836
2024-05-26 42 4,581
2024-05-27 84 5,467
2024-05-28 76 5,388
2024-05-29 77 5,379
2024-05-30 85 5,411
2024-05-31 84 5,396
2024-06-01 108 4,756
2024-06-02 93 4,552
2024-06-03 75 5,655
2024-06-04 78 5,512
2024-06-05 98 5,445
2024-06-06 92 5,500
2024-06-07 63 4,349
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