EtoEto Jisho Dictionary Replacer

Replaces Jisho lookup with a few choices (in script). Defaults to Weblio. Fixes rikaichan/san display (esp Firefox). Fixes formatting when copying Japanese dialogue lines.

As of 2017-07-25. See the latest version.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v1.3 2017-11-13
  • v1.3 2017-11-08
  • v1.3 2017-11-08 Update name and description
  • v1.3 2017-11-08 removed a thing
  • v1.3 2017-11-07 fixed typo
  • v1.3 2017-11-07 improved code
  • v1.3 2017-08-04 Fixed matching of HTTP/HTTPS for Greasemonkey (Firefox) installs.
  • v1.2 2017-07-25
  • v1.2 2016-05-22
  • v1.2 2016-05-15
  • v1.1 2016-05-13
  • v1.0 2016-05-09