RateYourMusic - Visual Rating Bar

Adds a visual rating bar on releases pages.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         RateYourMusic - Visual Rating Bar
// @namespace    rym-visual-rating-bar
// @version      0.4
// @description  Adds a visual rating bar on releases pages.
// @author       ewauq
// @supportURL   https://github.com/ewauq/userscripts/issues
// @match        https://rateyourmusic.com/release/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=rateyourmusic.com
// ==/UserScript==
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-extra-semi */
/* eslint-disable indent */
;(function () {
  'use strict'

  const Themes = {
    vibrant: ['#fa4146', '#fa961e', '#fac850', '#91be6e', '#55a569', '#4182a5'],
    rainbow: ['#ff0000', '#ff961e', '#ffff00', '#00cd00', '#aaaaff', '#6532ff', '#c800ff'],
    neon: ['#ff00d9', '#ffb400', '#96ff00', '#00ffc8', '#0082ff', '#b432ff'],
    colorBlind: ['#dc321e', '#ffb400', '#faff00', '#23fffa', '#28b4ff', '#2850ff'],

  class Localstorage {
    constructor(localstorageClient) {
      this.getValue = (name) => {
        const storedValue = this.localstorageClient.getItem(name)
        if (!storedValue) return
        return storedValue
      this.setValue = (name, value) => {
        this.localstorageClient.setItem(name, String(value))
      this.localstorageClient = localstorageClient

  const localstorageClient$1 = new Localstorage(localStorage)
  class OptionsMenu {
    show() {
      const optionsMenuOverlayNode = document.getElementById('userscript-options-menu')
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    hide() {
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      optionsMenuSectionTitle.style.fontSize = '20px'
      optionsMenuSectionTitle.style.marginBottom = '10px'
      optionsMenuSectionTitle.style.fontWeight = 'bold'
      optionsMenuSectionTitle.innerHTML = 'Options'
      const optionsElements = [
          type: 'checkbox',
          name: 'animation-option',
          label: 'Animate the bar on display',
          default: true,
          type: 'select',
          name: 'theme-option',
          options: Object.keys(Themes),
          label: 'Color theme',
          default: 'vibrant',
          type: 'select',
          name: 'color-style-option',
          options: ['gradual', 'blend'],
          label: 'Color mode',
          default: 'gradual',
          type: 'number',
          name: 'height-option',
          min: 0,
          max: 100,
          label: 'Bar height',
          default: 20,
          type: 'number',
          name: 'border-radius-option',
          min: 0,
          label: 'Bar border radius',
          default: 6,
          type: 'checkbox',
          name: 'shadow-option',
          label: 'Display a shadow on the bar',
          default: true,
      const optionsElementsWrapper = document.createElement('div')
      optionsElementsWrapper.style.display = 'flex'
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      let input
      optionsElements.forEach((element) => {
        var _a
        let storedValue = localstorageClient$1.getValue(element.name)
        if (!storedValue) {
          localstorageClient$1.setValue(element.name, element.default)
          storedValue = String(element.default)
        if (element.type == 'checkbox') {
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          label.innerHTML = element.label
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          input.style.width = '14x'
          input.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
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          const label = document.createElement('label')
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          label.innerHTML = element.label
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          input.min = String(element.min)
          input.max = String(element.max)
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          input.value = storedValue
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          input.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
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            localstorageClient$1.setValue(element.name, target.value)
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      footerInformation.style.fontSize = '13px'
      footerInformation.style.marginTop = '16px'
      footerInformation.innerHTML = `Your settings are automatically saved in your browser local storage.
    Press ESC or click out the window to close it and reload the page.`
      return optionsMenuOverlay

  const localstorageClient = new Localstorage(localStorage)
  class VisualRatingBar {
    constructor() {
      this.barOptions = {
        animation: true,
        borderRadius: 6,
        theme: 'vibrant',
        height: 20,
        shadow: true,
        style: 'gradual',
      this.getBackgroundColor = () => {
        const elementNode = document.querySelector('.release_right_column')
        if (!elementNode) throw new Error("Can't find the .release_right_column element")
        return window.getComputedStyle(elementNode).backgroundColor
      this.getThemeMode = () => {
        const currentThemeMode = localstorageClient.getValue('theme')
        if (!currentThemeMode) return null
        if (!['eve', 'night', 'light'].includes(currentThemeMode)) return null
        return currentThemeMode
      this.buildGradient = () => {
        const { theme, style } = this.barOptions
        const colorsCount = Themes[theme].length
        const colorCodes = Themes[theme]
        const gradientStep = 100 / colorsCount
        const cssValues = []
        let currentStep = 0
        colorCodes.forEach((color, index) => {
          cssValues.push(`${color} ${currentStep}%`)
          if (style === 'gradual' && index + 1 < colorsCount) {
            cssValues.push(`${color} ${currentStep + gradientStep}%`)
          if (index + 1 == colorsCount) {
            cssValues.push(`${color} 98%`)
            cssValues.push('transparent 98%')
            cssValues.push('transparent 100%')
          currentStep += gradientStep
        return cssValues.join(', ')
      const animationValue = localstorageClient.getValue('animation-option')
      if (animationValue !== undefined) this.barOptions.animation = animationValue === 'true'
      const borderRadiusValue = localstorageClient.getValue('border-radius-option')
      if (borderRadiusValue === 'false') {
        this.barOptions.borderRadius = 0
      } else if (borderRadiusValue !== undefined) {
        this.barOptions.borderRadius = parseInt(borderRadiusValue)
      const themeValue = localstorageClient.getValue('theme-option')
      if (themeValue !== undefined && Object.keys(Themes).includes(themeValue)) {
        this.barOptions.theme = themeValue
      const styleValue = localstorageClient.getValue('color-style-option')
      if (styleValue !== undefined) this.barOptions.style = styleValue
      const heightOption = localstorageClient.getValue('height-option')
      if (heightOption !== undefined) this.barOptions.height = parseInt(heightOption)
      const shadowValue = localstorageClient.getValue('shadow-option')
      if (shadowValue !== undefined) this.barOptions.shadow = shadowValue === 'true'
    init() {
      var _a, _b, _c
      const ratingNode = document.querySelector('span.avg_rating')
      if (!ratingNode) return
      const { animation, height, borderRadius, shadow } = this.barOptions
      const ratingText =
        ratingNode === null || ratingNode === void 0 ? void 0 : ratingNode.textContent
      if (!ratingText) throw new Error("Can't retieve the rating text of element span.avg_rating")
      const rymThemeMode = this.getThemeMode()
      const rating = parseFloat(ratingText.trim())
      const ratingPercentage = (rating * 100) / 5
      const barWrapper = document.createElement('div')
      barWrapper.id = 'userscript-bar-wrapper'
      barWrapper.style.height = `${height}px`
      barWrapper.style.cursor = 'pointer'
      barWrapper.style.position = 'relative'
      barWrapper.style.marginTop = '6px'
      barWrapper.title = `${rating}/5 (${ratingPercentage}%)`
      const barMask = document.createElement('div')
      barMask.style.width = animation ? '90%' : `${100 - ratingPercentage}%`
      barMask.style.height = '100%'
      barMask.style.backgroundColor = this.getBackgroundColor()
      barMask.style.marginTop = `-${height}px`
      barMask.style.right = '0'
      barMask.style.position = 'absolute'
      barMask.style.filter = 'contrast(90%)'
      if (animation)
        barMask.style.transition = 'width 500ms cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940)'
      if (borderRadius) barMask.style.borderTopRightRadius = `${borderRadius}px`
      if (borderRadius) barMask.style.borderBottomRightRadius = `${borderRadius}px`
      if (shadow) barMask.style.boxShadow = '#00000063 0px 0px 3px 0px inset'
      const barGradient = document.createElement('div')
      barGradient.style.height = '100%'
      barGradient.style.background = `linear-gradient(90deg, ${this.buildGradient()})`
      if (borderRadius) barGradient.style.borderRadius = `${borderRadius}px`
      if (rymThemeMode !== 'light') barGradient.style.filter = 'saturate(50%)'
      if (shadow) barGradient.style.boxShadow = '#0000009c 0px 0px 4px 0px inset'
      const ratingNodeParent =
        (_a = ratingNode === null || ratingNode === void 0 ? void 0 : ratingNode.parentNode) ===
          null || _a === void 0
          ? void 0
          : _a.parentNode
      ratingNodeParent === null || ratingNodeParent === void 0
        ? void 0
        : ratingNodeParent.appendChild(barWrapper)
      const waitingBarVisiblility = window.setInterval(function () {
        const barWrapperNode = document.getElementById('userscript-bar-wrapper')
        if (barWrapperNode) {
          barMask.style.width = `${100 - ratingPercentage}%`
      }, 50)
      ;(_b = document.querySelectorAll('div.header_theme_button')[1]) === null || _b === void 0
        ? void 0
        : _b.addEventListener('click', () => {
            const themeMode = this.getThemeMode()
            barMask.style.backgroundColor = this.getBackgroundColor()
            barGradient.style.filter = `saturate(${themeMode === 'light' ? 100 : 50}%)`
      const optionsMenu = new OptionsMenu()
      ;(_c = document.getElementById('userscript-bar-wrapper')) === null || _c === void 0
        ? void 0
        : _c.addEventListener('click', () => {
      console.log('[USERSCRIPT] RateYourMusic Visual Rating Bar added')
  const visualRatingBar = new VisualRatingBar()