Greasy Fork is available in English.


⭐无缝衔接下一页内容到网页底部(类似瀑布流)⭐,目前支持:【所有「Discuz!、Flarum、phpBB、Xiuno、XenForo、NexusPHP...」论坛】【百度、谷歌(Google)、必应(Bing)、搜狗、微信、360、Yahoo、Yandex 等搜索引擎...】、贴吧、豆瓣、知乎、微博、NGA、V2EX、煎蛋网、龙的天空、起点中文、千图网、千库网、Pixabay、Pixiv、3DM、游侠网、游民星空、NexusMods、Steam 创意工坊、CS.RIN.RU、RuTracker、BT之家、萌番组、动漫花园、樱花动漫、爱恋动漫、AGE 动漫、Nyaa、SrkBT、RARBG、SubHD、423Down、不死鸟、扩展迷、小众软件、【动漫狂、漫画猫、漫画屋、漫画 DB、动漫之家、拷贝漫画、HiComic、Mangabz、Xmanhua 等漫画网站...】、PubMed、Z-Library、GreasyFork、Github、StackOverflow(以上仅一小部分,更多的写不下了...

Устаревшая версия на 26.03.2022. Перейти к последней версии.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         自动无缝翻页
// @name:zh-CN   自动无缝翻页
// @name:zh-TW   自動無縫翻頁
// @name:en      AutoPager
// @version      5.4.6
// @author       X.I.U
// @description  ⭐无缝衔接下一页内容到网页底部(类似瀑布流)⭐,目前支持:【所有「Discuz!、Flarum、phpBB、Xiuno、XenForo、NexusPHP...」论坛】【百度、谷歌(Google)、必应(Bing)、搜狗、微信、360、Yahoo、Yandex 等搜索引擎...】、贴吧、豆瓣、知乎、微博、NGA、V2EX、煎蛋网、龙的天空、起点中文、千图网、千库网、Pixabay、Pixiv、3DM、游侠网、游民星空、NexusMods、Steam 创意工坊、CS.RIN.RU、RuTracker、BT之家、萌番组、动漫花园、樱花动漫、爱恋动漫、AGE 动漫、Nyaa、SrkBT、RARBG、SubHD、423Down、不死鸟、扩展迷、小众软件、【动漫狂、漫画猫、漫画屋、漫画 DB、动漫之家、拷贝漫画、HiComic、Mangabz、Xmanhua 等漫画网站...】、PubMed、Z-Library、GreasyFork、Github、StackOverflow(以上仅一小部分,更多的写不下了...
// @description:zh-TW  ⭐無縫銜接下一頁內容到網頁底部(類似瀑布流)⭐,支持各論壇、社交、遊戲、漫畫、小說、學術、搜索引擎(Google、Bing、Yahoo...) 等網站~
// @description:en  Append the next page content to the bottom seamlessly (like a waterfall)~
// @match        *://*/*
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @icon         
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_openInTab
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_notification
// @grant        window.onurlchange
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @license      GPL-3.0 License
// @run-at       document-end
// @namespace
// @supportURL
// @homepageURL
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// @exclude      https://**
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    var menuAll = [
        ['menu_disable', '✅ 已启用 (点击对当前网站禁用)', '❌ 已禁用 (点击对当前网站启用)', []],
        ['menu_thread', '帖子内自动翻页 (社区类网站)', '帖子内自动翻页 (社区类网站)', true],
        ['menu_page_number', '显示当前页码及点击暂停翻页', '显示当前页码及点击暂停翻页', true],
        ['menu_pause_page', '左键双击网页空白处暂停翻页', '左键双击网页空白处暂停翻页', false],
        ['menu_history', '添加历史记录+修改地址/标题', '添加历史记录+修改地址/标题', true],
        ['menu_rules', '更新外置翻页规则 (每天自动)', '更新外置翻页规则 (每天自动)', {}],
        ['menu_customRules', '自定义翻页规则', '自定义翻页规则', {}]
    ], menuId = [], webType = 0, curSite = {SiteTypeID: 0}, DBSite, SiteType, pausePage = true, pageNum = {now: 1, _now: 1}, urlC = false, nowLocation = '', lp = location.pathname;
    window.autoPage = {lp: ()=>location.pathname, indexOF: indexOF, isMobile: isMobile, isUrlC: isUrlC, forceTarget: forceTarget, getAll: getAll, getOne: getOne, getAllXpath: getAllXpath, getXpath: getXpath, getAllCSS: getAllCSS, getCSS: getCSS, getNextE: getNextE, getNextEP: getNextEP, getNextEPN: getNextEPN, getNextUPN: getNextUPN, getNextUP: getNextUP, getNextF: getNextF, getCookie: getCookie, insStyle: insStyle, insScript: insScript, src_bF: src_bF, xs_bF: xs_bF}

    for (let i=0;i<menuAll.length;i++){ // 如果读取到的值为 null 就写入默认值
        if (GM_getValue(menuAll[i][0]) == null){GM_setValue(menuAll[i][0], menuAll[i][3])};

    if (menuId.length < 4) {return}
    // 注册脚本菜单
    function registerMenuCommand() {
        if (menuId.length != []){
            for (let i=0;i<menuId.length;i++){
        for (let i=0;i<menuAll.length;i++) { // 循环注册脚本菜单
            menuAll[i][3] = GM_getValue(menuAll[i][0]);

            if (menuAll[i][0] === 'menu_disable') { // 启用/禁用

                if (menu_disable('check')) { // 当前网站在禁用列表中
                    menuId[i] = GM_registerMenuCommand(`${menuAll[i][2]}`, function(){menu_disable('del')});
                } else { // 不在禁用列表中
                    webType = doesItSupport(); // 判断网站类型(即是否支持),顺便直接赋值
                    if (webType === 0) {
                        menuId[0] = GM_registerMenuCommand('❌ 当前网页暂不支持 [欢迎点击申请]', function () {window.GM_openInTab('', {active: true,insert: true,setParent: true});window.GM_openInTab('', {active: true,insert: true,setParent: true});});
                        menuId[1] = GM_registerMenuCommand('🔄 更新外置翻页规则 (每天自动)', function(){getRulesUrl(true)});
                        menuId[2] = GM_registerMenuCommand('#️⃣ 自定义翻页规则', function(){customRules()});
              '[自动无缝翻页] - 暂不支持当前网页 [ ' + location.href + ' ],欢迎申请支持: /');
                    } else if (webType === -1) {
                    menuId[i] = GM_registerMenuCommand(`${menuAll[i][1]}`, function(){menu_disable('add')});

            } else if (menuAll[i][0] === 'menu_rules') {
                menuId[i] = GM_registerMenuCommand(`🔄 ${menuAll[i][1]}`, function(){getRulesUrl(true)});

            } else if (menuAll[i][0] === 'menu_customRules') {
                menuId[i] = GM_registerMenuCommand(`#️⃣ ${menuAll[i][1]}`, function(){customRules()});

            } else {
                menuId[i] = GM_registerMenuCommand(`${menuAll[i][3]?'✅':'❌'} ${menuAll[i][1]}`, function(){menu_switch(menuAll[i][3], menuAll[i][0], menuAll[i][2])});
        menuId[menuId.length] = GM_registerMenuCommand('💬 反馈失效 / 欢迎申请支持', function () {window.GM_openInTab('', {active: true,insert: true,setParent: true});window.GM_openInTab('', {active: true,insert: true,setParent: true});});

    // --------------------------------------------------------

    // 判断是支持
    function doesItSupport() {
        setDBSite(); // 配置 DBSite 变量对象

        // 遍历判断是否是某个已支持的网站,顺便直接赋值
        let support = false;
        for (let now in DBSite) { // 遍历 对象
            if (!DBSite[now].host) continue; // 如果不存在则继续下一个循环
            // 如果是 数组
            if (Array.isArray(DBSite[now].host)) {

                for (let i of DBSite[now].host) { // 遍历 数组
                    // 针对自定义翻页规则中的正则
                    if (typeof i === 'string' && i.slice(0,1) === '/') i = new RegExp(i.slice(1,i.length-1), 'i')
                    if ((i instanceof RegExp && i.test(location.hostname)) || (typeof i === 'string' && i === location.hostname)) {

                        if (self != top) {if (!DBSite[now].iframe) break end;} // 如果当前位于 iframe 框架下,就需要判断是否需要继续执行
                        if (DBSite[now].url) {
                            if (typeof DBSite[now].url == 'function') {
                            } else { // 自定义翻页规则时,因为同域名不同页面 url 分开写,所以如果没找到就需要跳出当前数组循环,继续规则循环
                                try {
                                    if (DBSite[now].url.slice(0,1) === '/') { // 如果是正则,则对 URL 路径进行匹配
                                        if (new RegExp(DBSite[now].url.slice(1,DBSite[now].url.length-1), 'i').test(location.pathname + === true) {curSite = DBSite[now];} else {if (urlC === true) {support = true;}; break;}
                                    } else { // 如果是函数,那就执行代码
                                        if (new Function('fun', DBSite[now].url)(window.autoPage) === true) {curSite = DBSite[now];} else {if (urlC === true) {support = true;}; break;}
                                } catch (e) {
                                    console.error('[自动无缝翻页] - 当前网页规则 "url" 有误,请检查!', e);
                        } else {
                            curSite = DBSite[now];
                        support = true; break end; // 如果找到了就退出所有循环

                // 如果是 正则/字符串
            } else {
                // 针对自定义翻页规则中的正则
                if (typeof DBSite[now].host === 'string' && DBSite[now].host.slice(0,1) === '/') DBSite[now].host = new RegExp(DBSite[now].host.slice(1,DBSite[now].host.length-1), 'i')
                if ((DBSite[now].host instanceof RegExp && DBSite[now].host.test(location.hostname)) || (typeof DBSite[now].host === 'string' && DBSite[now].host === location.hostname)) {

                    if (self != top) {if (!DBSite[now].iframe) break;} // 如果当前位于 iframe 框架下,就需要判断是否需要继续执行
                    if (DBSite[now].url) {
                        if (typeof DBSite[now].url == 'function') {
                        } else { // 自定义翻页规则时,因为同域名不同页面 url 分开写,所以如果没找到就需要继续规则循环
                            try {
                                if (DBSite[now].url.slice(0,1) === '/') { // 如果是正则,则对 URL 路径进行匹配
                                    if (new RegExp(DBSite[now].url.slice(1,DBSite[now].url.length-1), 'i').test(location.pathname + === true) {curSite = DBSite[now];} else {if (urlC === true) {support = true;}; continue;}
                                } else { // 如果是函数,那就执行代码

                                    if (new Function('fun', DBSite[now].url)(window.autoPage) === true) {curSite = DBSite[now];} else {if (urlC === true) {support = true;}; continue;}

                            } catch (e) {
                                console.error('[自动无缝翻页] - 当前网页规则 "url" 有误,请检查!', e);
                    } else {
                        curSite = DBSite[now];
                    support = true; break; // 如果找到了就退出循环

        if (support) {
  '[自动无缝翻页] - 独立规则 网站'); return 1;
        } else if (self != top) {
            return -1;
        } else if (typeof discuz_uid != 'undefined' || getCSS('meta[name="author" i][content*="Discuz!" i], meta[name="generator" i][content*="Discuz!" i], body[id="nv_forum" i][class^="pg_" i][onkeydown*="27"], body[id="nv_search" i][onkeydown*="27"]') || getXpath('id("ft")[contains(string(),"Discuz!")]')) {
  `[自动无缝翻页] - <Discuz!> 论坛`); return 2;
        } else if (typeof flarum != 'undefined' || getCSS('#flarum-loading')) {
  `[自动无缝翻页] - <Flarum> 论坛`); return 3;
        } else if (typeof phpbb != 'undefined' || getCSS('body#phpbb')) {
  `[自动无缝翻页] - <phpBB> 论坛`); return 4;
        } else if (typeof xn != 'undefined' && getXpath('//footer//a[contains(string(), "Xiuno")] | //link[contains(@href, "xiuno")] | //script[contains(@src, "xiuno")]')) {
  `[自动无缝翻页] - <Xiuno> 论坛`); return 5;
        } else if (typeof XF != 'undefined') {
  `[自动无缝翻页] - <XenForo> 论坛`); return 6;
        } else if (getCSS('head meta[name="generator" i][content="nexusphp" i]') || getXpath('id("footer")[contains(string(), "NexusPHP")]')) {
  `[自动无缝翻页] - <NexusPHP> 论坛`); return 7;
        } else if (getAllCSS('.load-more, .loadmore, #load-more, #loadmore, .show_more').length === 1) {
  `[自动无缝翻页] - 部分自带 自动无缝翻页 的网站 1`); return 8;
        } else if (getAllXpath('//*[@onclick][text()="加载更多" or text()="查看更多"][not(@href) or @href="#" or starts-with(@href, "javascript")]').length === 1) {
  `[自动无缝翻页] - 部分自带 自动无缝翻页 的网站 2`); return 9;
        } else if (getCSS('link[href*="themes/dux" i], script[src*="themes/dux" i]')) {
  `[自动无缝翻页] - 使用 WordPress <DUX> 主题的网站`); return 100;
        } else if (getCSS('link[href*="themes/xiu" i], script[src*="themes/xiu" i]')) {
  `[自动无缝翻页] - 使用 WordPress <XIU> 主题的网站`); return 101;
        } else if (getCSS('link[href*="themes/d8" i], script[src*="themes/d8" i]')) {
  `[自动无缝翻页] - 使用 WordPress <D8> 主题的网站`); return 102;
        } else if (getCSS('link[href*="themes/begin" i], script[src*="themes/begin" i], img[src*="themes/begin" i]')) {
  `[自动无缝翻页] - 使用 WordPress <Begin> 主题的网站`); return 103;
        } else if (getCSS('link[href*="/wp-content/" i], script[src*="/wp-content/" i]')) {
            if (getAllCSS('article[class]').length > 2 && getCSS('#nav-below, nav.navigation, nav.pagination, ul.pagination, nav.paging-navigation, .wp-pagenavi, .pagenavi')) {
                if (getCSS('')) {
          `[自动无缝翻页] - 部分使用 WordPress 的网站 (`); return 104;
                } else if (getCSS('a[rel="next" i], a[aria-label="Next Page" i], a[aria-label="下一页"]')) {
          `[自动无缝翻页] - 部分使用 WordPress 的网站 (a[rel="next"])`); return 105;
                } else if (getCSS(' > a')) {
          `[自动无缝翻页] - 部分使用 WordPress 的网站 ( > a)`); return 106;
                } else if (getCSS('.nav-previous a')) {
          `[自动无缝翻页] - 部分使用 WordPress 的网站 (旧文章)`); return 107;
                } else if (getXpath('//a[contains(text(), "下一页") or contains(text(), ">") or contains(text(), "next") or contains(text(), "Next") or contains(text(), "NEXT")]', getCSS('#nav-below, nav.navigation, nav.pagination, ul.pagination, nav.paging-navigation, .wp-pagenavi, .pagenavi'))) {
          `[自动无缝翻页] - 部分使用 WordPress 的网站 (下一页)`); return 108;
        } else if ((getCSS('meta[name="description" i][content*="小说"], meta[name="description" i][content*="章节"], meta[name="description" i][content*="阅读"]') || location.hostname.indexOf('biqu') > -1 || document.title.indexOf('笔趣阁') > -1) && getCSS('#content, .content, #chaptercontent, .chaptercontent, #BookText') && getXpath('//a[contains(text(), "下一章") or contains(text(), "下一页")]')) {
  `[自动无缝翻页] - <笔趣阁> 模板的小说网站`); return 200;
        return 0;
    // 判断网站类型
    function webTypeIf() {
        if (webType != 1) {
            switch (webType) {
                case 2: //   < 所有 Discuz!论坛 >
                    discuz_(); break;
                case 3: //   < 所有 Flarum 论坛 >
                    DBSite.flarum.url(); break;
                case 4: //   < 所有 phpBB 论坛 >
                    DBSite.phpbb.url(); break;
                case 5: //   < 所有 Xiuno 论坛 >
                    DBSite.xiuno.url(); break;
                case 6: //   < 所有 XenForo 论坛 >
                    DBSite.xenforo.url(); break;
                case 7: //   < 所有 NexusPHP 论坛 >
                    DBSite.nexusphp.url(); break;
                case 8: // < 部分自带 自动无缝翻页 的网站 1 >
                    DBSite.loadmore.url('.load-more, .loadmore, #load-more, #loadmore, .show_more'); break;
                case 9: // < 部分自带 自动无缝翻页 的网站 2 >
                    DBSite.loadmore.url('//*[@onclick][text()="加载更多" or text()="查看更多"][not(@href) or @href="#" or starts-with(@href, "javascript")]'); break;
                case 100: // < 所有使用 WordPress DUX 主题的网站 >
                    DBSite.dux.url(); if (location.hostname === '') {curSite.pager.scrollD = 2500;}; break;
                case 101: // < 所有使用 WordPress XIU 主题的网站 >
                    DBSite.dux.url(); curSite.function = {bF: src_bF, bFp: [0, 'img.thumb[data-original]', 'data-original']}; break;
                case 102: // < 所有使用 WordPress D8 主题的网站 >
                    DBSite.dux.url(); delete curSite.function; break;
                case 103: // < 所有使用 WordPress Begin 主题的网站 >
                    DBSite.begin.url(); break;
                case 104: // < 部分使用 WordPress 的网站 ( >
                    DBSite.wp_article.url(''); break;
                case 105: // < 部分使用 WordPress 的网站 (a[rel="next"]) >
                    DBSite.wp_article.url('a[rel="next" i], a[aria-label="Next Page" i], a[aria-label="下一页"]'); break;
                case 106: // < 部分使用 WordPress 的网站 ( > a) >
                    DBSite.wp_article.url(' > a'); break;
                case 107: // < 部分使用 WordPress 的网站 (旧文章) >
                    DBSite.wp_article.url('.nav-previous a'); break;
                case 108: // < 部分使用 WordPress 的网站 (下一页) >
                    DBSite.wp_article.url('//nav[@id="nav-below" or contains(@class, "navigation") or contains(@class, "pagination")]//a[contains(text(), "下一页") or contains(text(), ">") or contains(text(), "next") or contains(text(), "Next") or contains(text(), "NEXT")] | //ul[contains(@class, "pagination")]//a[contains(text(), "下一页") or contains(text(), ">") or contains(text(), "next") or contains(text(), "Next") or contains(text(), "NEXT")] | //div[contains(@class, "pagenavi")]//a[contains(text(), "下一页") or contains(text(), ">") or contains(text(), "next") or contains(text(), "Next") or contains(text(), "NEXT")]'); break;
                case 200: // < 所有使用 笔趣阁 模板的小说网站 >
                    DBSite.biquge.url(); break;
    // 网站规则
    function setDBSite() {
    url:         匹配到该域名后要执行的函数/正则(一般用于根据 URL 分配相应翻页规则)
    urlC:        对于使用 pjax 技术的网站,需要监听 URL 变化来重新判断翻页规则(需要放在 url: 中,自定义规则的话需要使用 fun.isUrlC())

    forceTarget: 强制新标签页打开链接
    noReferer:   获取下一页内容时,不携带 Referer(部分网站携带与不携带可能不一样)
    hiddenPN:    不显示脚本左下角的页码
    history:     添加历史记录 并 修改当前 URL(默认开启,对于不支持的网站要设置为 false)
    thread:      对于社区类网站,要在 帖子内 的规则中加入这个,用于脚本的 [帖子内自动翻页] 功能(即用户可以选择开启/关闭所有社区类网站帖子内的自动翻页)
    style:       要插入网页的 CSS Style 样式
    retry:       允许获取失败后重试

pager: {
    type:     翻页模式
       1 = 由脚本实现自动无缝翻页,可省略(适用于:静态加载内容网站,常规模式)

       2 = 只需要点击下一页按钮(适用于:网站自带了 自动无缝翻页 功能)
           nextText:    按钮文本,当按钮文本 = 该文本时,才会点击按钮加载下一页(避免一瞬间加载太多次下一页,下同)
           nextTextOf:  按钮文本的一部分,当按钮文本包含该文本时,才会点击按钮加载下一页
           nextHTML:    按钮内元素,当按钮内元素 = 该元素内容时,才会点击按钮加载下一页
           interval:    点击间隔时间,对于没有按钮文字变化的按钮,可以手动指定间隔时间(单位 ms,默认 500,当指定上面三个时,会忽略 interval)
           isHidden:    只有下一页按钮可见时(没有被隐藏),才会点击

       3 = 依靠 [基准元素] 与 [浏览器可视区域底部] 之间的距离缩小来触发翻页(适用于:主体元素下方内容太多 且 高度不固定时)
           scrollE:     作为基准线的元素(一般为底部页码元素),和 replaceE 一样的话可以省略
           scrollD:     基准元素 - 可视区域底部

       4 = 动态加载类网站(适用于:简单的动态加载内容网站)
           insertE:     用来插入元素的函数

       5 = 插入 iframe 方式来加载下一页,无限套娃(适用于:部分动态加载内容的网站,需要允许 iframe 且支持通过 GET/POST 直接打开下一页)
           style:       加载 iframe 前要插入的 CSS Style 样式(比如为了悬浮的样式与下一页的重叠,隐藏网页底部间距提高阅读连续性)
           iframe:      这个必须加到 pager{} 外面(这样才会在该域名的 iframe 框架下运行脚本)

       6 = 通过 iframe 获取下一页动态加载内容插入本页,只有一个娃(适用于:部分动态加载内容的网站,与上面不同的是,该模式适合简单的网页,没有复杂事件什么的)
           loadTime:    预留的网页加载时间,确保网页内容加载完成

    nextL:    下一页链接所在元素
    pageE:    要从下一页获取的元素
    insertP:  下一页元素插入本页的位置(数组第一个是基准元素,第二个是基准元素的前后具体位置)
       1 = 插入基准元素自身的前面
       2 = 插入基准元素内,第一个子元素前面
       3 = 插入基准元素内,最后一个子元素后面
       4 = 插入基准元素自身的后面
       5 = 插入 pageE 列表最后一个元素的后面(该 insertP 可以直接省略不写,等同于 ['pageE', 5] )
       6 = 插入该元素自身内部末尾(针对小说网站等文本类的),附带参数 insertP6Br: true, 用来中间插入换行
    // 小技巧:当基准元素是下一页主体元素的父元素时(或者说要将下一页元素插入到本页同元素最后一个后面时)是可以省略不写 insertP
         例如:当 pageE: 'ul>li' 且 insertP: ['ul', 3] 时,实际等同于 ['ul>li', 5]
               当 pageE: '.item' 且 insertP: ['.item', 4] 时,实际等同于 ['.item', 5]
               当 pageE: '.item' 且 insertP: ['.page', 1] 时,实际等同于 ['.item', 5]
         注意:如 pageE 中选择了多类元素,则不能省略 insertP(比如包含 `,` 与 `|` 符号),除非另外的选择器是 <script> <style> <link> 标签

    replaceE: 要替换为下一页内容的元素(比如页码)
    scrollD: 翻页动作触发点([滚动条] 与 [网页底部] 之间的距离),数值越大,越早开始翻页,一般是访问网页速度越慢,该值就需要越大,省略后默认 1500

    scriptT:  单独插入 <script> 标签
       0 = 下一页的所有 <script> 标签
       1 = 下一页的所有 <script> 标签(不包括 src 链接)
       2 = 下一页主体元素 (pageE) 的同级 <script> 标签
       3 = 下一页主体元素 (pageE) 的子元素 <script> 标签

    interval:   翻页后间隔时间(单位 ms)
    forceHTTPS: 下一页链接强制 HTTPS
function: {
       bF = 插入前执行函数
       bFp = 参数
       aF = 插入后执行函数
       aFp = 参数
    */ //<<< 规则简单说明 >>>
        DBSite = {
            loadmore: {
                url: function(nextL) {curSite = DBSite.loadmore; curSite.pager.nextL = nextL;},
                pager: {
                    type: 2,
                    isHidden: true,
                    interval: 1000,
                    scrollD: 2000
            }, //           部分自带 自动无缝翻页 的网站
            discuz_forum: {
                pager: {
                    type: 2,
                    nextL: '#autopbn',
                    nextTextOf: '下一'
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                    nextL: 'a.nxt:not([href^="javascript"]) ,[href^="javascript"])',
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                    nextL: 'a.nxt:not([href^="javascript"]) ,[href^="javascript"])',
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                function: {
                    bF: src_bF,
                    bFp: [0, 'img[file]', 'file']
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                    nextL: 'a.nxt:not([href^="javascript"]) ,[href^="javascript"])',
                    pageE: '#threadlist > ul',
                    replaceE: '.pg, .pages',
                    forceHTTPS: true
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                    nextL: 'a.nxt:not([href^="javascript"]) ,[href^="javascript"])',
                    pageE: 'form:not([action^="search.php?"]) tbody > tr:not(.th)',
                    replaceE: '.pg, .pages',
                    forceHTTPS: true
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                pager: {
                    nextL: 'a.nxt:not([href^="javascript"]) ,[href^="javascript"])',
                    pageE: '#ct .bm_c table > tbody',
                    replaceE: '.pg, .pages',
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                    nextL: '//a[@class="nxt" or @class="next"] | //div[@class="page"]/a[text()="下一页" or contains(text(), ">")]',
                    replaceE: '.pg, .page',
                    forceHTTPS: true,
                    scrollD: 1000
            }, //           Discuz! 论坛 - 触屏手机版 - 帖子内
            discuz_m_forum: {
                pager: {
                    type: 2,
                    nextL: 'a.loadmore',
                    interval: 500,
                    scrollD: 1000
            }, //     Discuz! 论坛 - 触屏手机版 - 帖子列表(自带无缝加载下一页按钮的)
            flarum: {
                url: ()=> {urlC = true;if (!indexOF('/d/')) {curSite = DBSite.flarum;}},
                pager: {
                    type: 2,
                    nextL: '.DiscussionList-loadMore > button',
                    isHidden: true
            }, //             Flarum 论坛
            phpbb: {
                url: ()=> {if (indexOF('/viewforum.php')) {
                    curSite = DBSite.phpbb;
                } else if (indexOF('/viewtopic.php')) {
                    curSite = DBSite.phpbb_post;
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                    nextL: '.pagination a[rel="next"], .topic-actions .pagination strong~a',
                    pageE: '.forumbg:not(.announcement) ul.topiclist.topics > li',
                    replaceE: '.action-bar .pagination, .topic-actions .pagination',
                    scrollD: 2000
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            phpbb_post: {
                thread: true,
                pager: {
                    nextL: '.pagination a[rel="next"], .topic-actions .pagination strong~a',
                    pageE: '[id],[id]+hr',
                    replaceE: '.action-bar .pagination, .topic-actions .pagination',
                    scrollD: 2000
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            phpbb_search: {
                pager: {
                    nextL: '.pagination a[rel="next"], .topic-actions .pagination strong~a',
                    pageE: '',
                    replaceE: '.action-bar .pagination, .pagination',
                    scrollD: 2000
            }, //       phpBB 论坛 - 搜索页
            xenforo: {
                url: ()=> {if (indexOF(/\/(forums|f)\//)) {
                    curSite = DBSite.xenforo;
                } else if (indexOF(/\/(threads|t)\//)) {
                    curSite = DBSite.xenforo_post;
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                    curSite = DBSite.xenforo_search;
                pager: {
                    nextL: 'a.pageNav-jump--next',
                    pageE: '.structItemContainer-group.js-threadList > div',
                    replaceE: 'nav.pageNavWrapper',
                    scrollD: 2500
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                thread: true,
                pager: {
                    nextL: 'a.pageNav-jump--next',
                    pageE: '.block-body.js-replyNewMessageContainer > article',
                    replaceE: 'nav.pageNavWrapper',
                    scrollD: 2500
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            xenforo_search: {
                pager: {
                    nextL: 'a.pageNav-jump--next',
                    pageE: 'ol.block-body > li',
                    replaceE: 'nav.pageNavWrapper',
                    scrollD: 2500
            }, //     XenForo 论坛 - 搜索页
            xiuno: {
                url: ()=> {if (lp == '/' || indexOF(/\/(index|forum)/)) {curSite = DBSite.xiuno;} else if (indexOF('/thread')) {curSite = DBSite.xiuno_post;}},
                pager: {
                    nextL: '//li[@class="page-item"]/a[text()="▶" or text()="»" or contains(text(),">") or contains(text(),"下一页")]',
                    pageE: 'ul.threadlist > li',
                    replaceE: 'ul.pagination'
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            xiuno_post: {
                thread: true,
                pager: {
                    nextL: '//li[@class="page-item"]/a[text()="▶" or text()="»" or contains(text(),">") or contains(text(),"下一页")]',
                    pageE: '[data-pid]:not(.newpost)',
                    replaceE: 'ul.pagination'
            }, //         Xiuno 论坛 - 帖子内
            nexusphp: {
                url: ()=> {
                    if (lp == '/torrents.php' || getCSS('table.torrents')) {
                        curSite = DBSite.nexusphp;
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                        curSite = DBSite.nexusphp;
                        curSite.pager.pageE = '#outer > table.main~table > tbody > tr:not(:first-of-type)'
                    } else if (lp == '/forums.php' && indexOF('action=viewforum', 's')) {
                        curSite = DBSite.nexusphp;
                        curSite.pager.pageE = '#outer > table.main+table > tbody > tr:not(:first-of-type):not(:last-of-type)'
                    } else if (lp == '/forums.php' && indexOF('action=viewtopic', 's')) {
                        curSite = DBSite.nexusphp;
                        curSite.thread = true;
                        curSite.pager.pageE = 'td.text > div, td.text > div+table.main';
                pager: {
                    nextL: '//a[./b[contains(text(), "下一页") or contains(text(), ">>")]]',
                    pageE: 'table.torrents > tbody > tr:not(:first-of-type)',
                    replaceE: '//p[@align][./font[@class="gray"]]'
            }, //           NexusPHP 论坛
            dux: {
                host: '',
                url: ()=> {if (!indexOF('.html')) curSite = DBSite.dux;},
                pager: {
                    nextL: ' > a',
                    pageE: '.content > article',
                    replaceE: '.content > .pagination'
                function: {
                    bF: src_bF,
                    bFp: [0, 'img.thumb[data-src]', 'data-src']
            }, //                WordPress 的 DUX、XIU、D8 主题
            begin: {
                url: ()=> {if (,3) === '?s=') {curSite = DBSite.begin_search;} else if (!indexOF('.html')) {curSite = DBSite.begin;}},
                pager: {
                    type: 2,
                    nextL: 'div[id^="ias_trigger_"]',
                    interval: 500
            }, //              WordPress 的 Begin 主题
            begin_search: {
                pager: {
                    nextL: '',
                    pageE: '#main > ul > li',
                    replaceE: 'nav.pagination'
            }, //       WordPress 的 Begin 主题 - 搜索页
            wp_article: {
                url: function(nextL) {if (!indexOF('/post/') && !getCSS('#comments, .comments-area, #disqus_thread')) {curSite = DBSite.wp_article; curSite.pager.nextL = nextL; if (getCSS('img[data-src]')) {curSite.function = {bF: "return fun.src_bF(pageE, [0, 'img[data-src]', 'data-src'])"};} else if (getCSS('img[data-original]')) {curSite.function = {bF: "return fun.src_bF(pageE, [0, 'img[data-original]', 'data-original'])"};}}},
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                    pageE: 'article[class]',
                    replaceE: '#nav-below, nav.navigation, nav.pagination, ul.pagination, nav.paging-navigation, .wp-pagenavi, .pagenavi',
                    scrollD: 2000
            }, //  Wordpress 的 nav.navigation 规则
            biquge: {
                url: ()=> {if (indexOF(/\d+\/\d+\.html/)) {curSite = DBSite.biquge;}},
                style: 'img, .posterror {display: none !important;}',
                pager: {
                    nextL: '//a[contains(text(), "下一章") or contains(text(), "下一页")]',
                    pageE: '#content, .content, #chaptercontent, .chaptercontent, #BookText',
                    insertP: ['#content, .content, #chaptercontent, .chaptercontent, #BookText', 6],
                    insertP6Br: true,
                    replaceE: '//*[./a[contains(text(), "下一章") or contains(text(), "下一页")]]'
            }, //             笔趣阁 模板的小说网站
            baidu_tieba: {
                host: ['', ''],
                url: ()=> {if (location.hostname == '') location.hostname = '';
                           if (lp == '/f') {
                               baidu_tieba_1(); // 右侧悬浮发帖按钮点击事件(解决自动翻页导致无法发帖的问题)
                               curSite = DBSite.baidu_tieba;
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                               curSite = DBSite.baidu_tieba_post;
                           } else if (lp == '/f/search/res') {
                               curSite = DBSite.baidu_tieba_search;
                style: 'img.j_retract {margin-top: 0 !important;margin-bottom: 0 !important;}', // 修复帖子列表中预览图片,在切换下一个/上一个图片时,多出来的图片上下边距
                history: false,
                iframe: true,
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                    type: 4,
                    nextL: ()=> {if (getNextE('')) getPageE_(curSite.pageUrl + '&pagelets=frs-list%2Fpagelet%2Fthread&pagelets_stamp=' + new Date().getTime());},
                    pageE: '#thread_list > li',
                    insertP: ['#thread_list', 3],
                    insertE: baidu_tieba_insertE,
                    replaceE: '#frs_list_pager',
                    interval: 2000,
                    scrollD: 2500
                function: {
                    bF: src_bF,
                    bFp: [0, 'img[data-original]', 'data-original']
            }, //        百度贴吧 - 帖子列表
            baidu_tieba_post: {
                forceTarget: true,
                thread: true,
                style: '.d_sign_split, img.j_user_sign, .d_author .d_pb_icons, .save_face_bg, .save_face_bg_2, li.d_name a.icon_tbworld, .lzl_cnt a.icon_tbworld, .topic_list_box.topic-fixed {display: none !important;} a.p_author_face.j_frame_guide {background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFF !important;border: 1px solid #CCC !important;padding: inherit !important;} .red_text, .red-text, .vip_red, .vip-red, .vip_red:hover, .vip-red:hover, .vip_red:visited, .vip-red:visited {color: #2d64b3 !important;}', // 签名、印记、头像边框、VIP 元素
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                    type: 5,
                    nextL: '//li[contains(@class,"pb_list_pager")]/a[text()="下一页"]',
                    style: 'ul.tbui_aside_float_bar, .core_title_wrap_bright.tbui_follow_fixed.core_title_absolute_bright {display: none !important;}'
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            baidu_tieba_search: {
                pager: {
                    nextL: '',
                    pageE: '.s_post_list > div',
                    replaceE: '.pager',
                    scrollD: 1000
            }, // 百度贴吧 - 搜索页
            nexusmods: {
                host: '',
                url: ()=> {urlC = true; if (!(lp == '/' || indexOF(/\/mods\/\d+/))) {curSite = DBSite.nexusmods;}},
                history: false,
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                    nextL: nexusmods_nextL,
                    pageE: 'ul.tiles > li',
                    replaceE: '.pagination',
                    scrollD: 4000
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                    bF: nexusmods_bF
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                host: '',
                url: ()=> {
                    urlC = true;
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                        curSite = DBSite.bilibili_search;
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                        curSite = DBSite.bilibili_search_article;
                retry: 100,
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                    nextL: bilibili_search_nextL,
                    pageE: '//ul[contains(@class, "video-list")]/li | //script[contains(text(), "window.__INITIAL_STATE__")]',
                    insertP: ['', 3],
                    replaceE: 'ul.pages',
                    scriptT: 2,
                    scrollD: 1000
                function: {
                    bF: bilibili_search_bF,
                    aF: bilibili_search_aF
            }, //         B 站(Bilibili) - 搜索页 - 视频
            bilibili_search_article: {
                retry: 100,
                pager: {
                    nextL: bilibili_search_nextL,
                    pageE: 'li.article-item',
                    replaceE: 'ul.pages',
                    //scriptT: 2,
                    scrollD: 1000
            }, // B 站(Bilibili) - 搜索页 - 专栏
            anime1: {
                host: '',
                url: ()=> {if (indexOF('s=', 's')) {curSite = DBSite.wp_article;} else if (lp == '/') {curSite = DBSite.anime1;}},
                history: false,
                pager: {
                    type: 4,
                    nextL: ()=> { // 获取下一页内容(叠加)
                        let next = getCSS('');
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                            if (oldList) {; = pageNum._now + 1; getCSS('#table-list > tbody').insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', oldList);}
                    interval: 500,
                    scrollD: 800
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                host: '',
                url: ()=> {if (indexOF(/\/m\d+/)) {
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                        document.cookie='showtype=2; expires=Thu, 18 Dec 2031 12:00:00 GMT; path=/'; // 写入 Cookie 开启 [垂直阅读] 模式
                        location.reload(); // 刷新网页
                    curSite = DBSite.mhxqiu;
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            cartoonmad: {
                host: ['',''],
                url: ()=> {if (indexOF('/comic/')) {
                    getCSS('body > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td > table > tbody > tr:first-child > td:first-child > a').href = 'javascript:void(0);'; // 清理图片上的链接
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                    curSite = DBSite.cartoonmad_list;
                style: 'body > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td > table > tbody > tr:first-child > td:not(:first-child) {display: none !important;} body > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td > table > tbody > tr:first-child > td:first-child img {max-width: 100%;height: auto;display: block !important;margin: 0 auto !important;}',
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                    pageE: 'body > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td > table > tbody > tr:first-child > td:first-child img',
                    replaceE: 'body > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2), body > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(5)',
                    scrollD: 2000
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                pager: {
                    nextL: '//a[@class="pages"][contains(text(), "下一頁")]',
                    pageE: 'td[background="/image/content_box4.gif"]+td > table > tbody > tr',
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                    scrollD: 1000
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            manhuacat: {
                host: ['', ''],
                url: ()=> {if (indexOF(/\/manga\/\d+\/.+\.html/)) {
                    if (getCookie('is_pull') == 'true') { // 强制关闭 [下拉] 模式
                        document.cookie='is_pull=false; expires=Thu, 18 Dec 2031 12:00:00 GMT; path=/'; // 写入 Cookie 关闭 [下拉] 模式
                        location.reload(); // 刷新网页
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                    curSite = DBSite.manhuacat;
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                    curSite = DBSite.manhuacat_list;
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                    curSite = DBSite.manhuacat_search;
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                    type: 4,
                    nextL: manhuacat_nextL,
                    insertP: ['.img-content', 3],
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                    scrollD: 2000
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            xmanhua: {
                host: ['', ''],
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            cocomanga_list: {
                pager: {
                    nextL: ()=> getNextEP('.fed-page-info a.fed-btns-green+a[onclick]', 'page=', /page=\d+/),
                    pageE: 'ul.fed-list-info > li',
                    replaceE: '.fed-page-info',
                    scrollD: 1000
                function: {
                    bF: src_bF,
                    bFp: [1, 'a[data-original]', 'data-original']
            }, //    COCOMANGA 漫画 - 分类页
            cocomanga_search: {
                pager: {
                    nextL: ()=> getNextEP('.fed-page-info a.fed-btns-green+a[onclick]', 'page=', /page=\d+/),
                    pageE: 'dl.fed-deta-info',
                    replaceE: '.fed-page-info',
                    scrollD: 1000
                function: {
                    bF: src_bF,
                    bFp: [1, 'a[data-original]', 'data-original']
            }, //  COCOMANGA 漫画 - 搜索页
            coolkeyan: {
                host: '',
                url: ()=> {if (location.hash.indexOf('/project/') > -1) curSite = DBSite.coolkeyan;},
                style: '.q-img {height: auto !important;} .q-img__image {max-height: 1000px !important;} .row.q-my-sm.q-gutter-sm {display: none !important;}',
                pager: {
                    type: 4,
                    nextL: coolkeyan_nextL,
                    insertP: ['//div[contains(@class, "q-img__image")][last()]', 4],
                    insertE: coolkeyan_insertE
            }, //             酷科研
            nsfc: {
                host: ['', ''],
                url: ()=> {if (indexOF('/conclusionProject/')) curSite = DBSite.nsfc;},
                style: '#pageNoUl {display: none !important;}',
                pager: {
                    type: 4,
                    nextL: nsfc_nextL,
                    insertP: ['#pageNoUl', 1],
                    insertE: nsfc_insertE
            } //                   国家自然科学基金
        // 合并 自定义规则、外置规则、内置规则
        DBSite = Object.assign(GM_getValue('menu_customRules', {}), GM_getValue('menu_rules', {}), DBSite)
        // 生成 SiteTypeID
        // 用于脚本判断(针对部分特殊的网站)
        SiteType = {
            BAIDU_TIEBA: DBSite.baidu_tieba.SiteTypeID
    // 获取外置翻页规则
    function getRulesUrl(update = false) {
        // 如果是原来的时间格式 或 刚安装脚本,则需要立即更新
        if (typeof(GM_getValue('menu_ruleUpdateTime', '')) == 'string') update = true

        let urlArr = ['',

        if (update) { // 手动更新(或安装后首次更新)
        } else if (parseInt(+new Date()/1000) - GM_getValue('menu_ruleUpdateTime', 0) > 259200) { // 自动更新,距离上次检查更新超过 3 天,则立即更新规则

        function getRulesUrl_(n = false) {
            let url = urlArr[Math.floor(Math.random()*urlArr.length)];
            if (n) url = ''
                url: url,
                method: 'GET',
                responseType: 'json',
                overrideMimeType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
                timeout: 5000,
                onload: function (response) {
                    try {
                        //console.log('最终 URL:' + response.finalUrl, '返回内容:',response.response, response.responseHeaders)
                        if (response.response) {
                            GM_setValue('menu_rules', response.response); // 写入最新规则
                            GM_setValue('menu_ruleUpdateTime', parseInt(+new Date()/1000)); // 写入当前时间戳

                            curSite = {SiteTypeID: 0}; = 1; // 重置规则+页码
                            registerMenuCommand(); // 重新判断规则
                            if ( {insStyle(} // 插入 Style CSS 样式
                            pageLoading(); // 自动无缝翻页

                            if (GM_getValue('menu_page_number')) {pageNumber('add');} else {pageNumber('set');} // 显示页码
                            pausePageEvent(); // 左键双击网页空白处暂停翻页

                            if (n) GM_notification({text: '✅ 已更新外置翻页规则!\n如果依然无法翻页,则说明还不支持当前网页,欢迎点击此处提交申请~', timeout: 5000, onclick: function(){window.GM_openInTab('', {active: true,insert: true,setParent: true});window.GM_openInTab('', {active: true,insert: true,setParent: true});}});
                        } else {
                            GM_notification({text: '❌ 为空!更新失败,请联系作者解决...', timeout: 5000});
                    } catch (e) {
                        GM_notification({text: '❌ 报错!更新失败,请联系作者解决...', timeout: 5000});
                onerror: function (response) {
                    GM_notification({text: '❌ 错误!更新失败,请联系作者解决...', timeout: 5000});
                ontimeout: function (response) {
                    GM_notification({text: '❌ 超时!更新失败,请联系作者解决...', timeout: 5000});

    // --------------------------------------------------------

    // 判断网站类型

    // 帖子内自动翻页判断
    if (!GM_getValue('menu_thread')) {
        if (curSite.thread) {curSite = {SiteTypeID: 0}; = 1;}

    // 显示页码
    if (GM_getValue('menu_page_number')) {pageNumber('add');} else {pageNumber('set');}
    // 左键双击网页空白处暂停翻页
    // 强制新标签页打开链接(翻页模式 5/6)
    if (curSite.forceTarget) forceTarget();

    // 对于使用 pjax 技术的网站,需要监听 URL 变化来重新判断翻页规则
    if (urlC) {
        nowLocation = location.href
        if (window.onurlchange === undefined) {addUrlChangeEvent();} // Tampermonkey v4.11 版本添加的 onurlchange 事件 grant,可以监控 pjax 等网页的 URL 变化
        if (webType === 1) {
            window.addEventListener('urlchange', function(){
                lp = location.pathname;
                //console.log(nowLocation, location.href)
                if (curSite.history !== false && === location.href) {nowLocation = location.href; return}
                if (nowLocation == location.href) return
                if (curSite.pager && curSite.pager.type == 5) {
                    if (self != top) { = location.href;} else {if (getCSS('iframe#Autopage_iframe')) {getCSS('iframe#Autopage_iframe').remove();}}
                    pausePage = true;
                } // 对于翻页模式 5,如果是 iframe 框架内 URL 变动,则升级为顶级页面,如果是顶级页面的 URL 变动,则清理 iframe 框架
                nowLocation = location.href; curSite = {SiteTypeID: 0}; = 1; // 重置规则+页码
                registerMenuCommand(); // 重新判断规则
                if ( {insStyle(} // 插入 Style CSS 样式
                // 帖子内自动翻页判断
                if (!GM_getValue('menu_thread')) {
                    if (curSite.thread) {curSite = {SiteTypeID: 0}; = 1;}
                pageLoading(); // 自动无缝翻页

                if (GM_getValue('menu_page_number')) {pageNumber('add');} else {pageNumber('set');} // 显示页码
                pausePageEvent(); // 左键双击网页空白处暂停翻页
        } else if (webType === 2) {
            window.addEventListener('urlchange', function(){
                lp = location.pathname;
                //console.log(nowLocation, location.href)
                if (nowLocation == location.href) return
                    nowLocation = location.href; curSite = {SiteTypeID: 0}; = 1; // 重置规则+页码
                    discuz_(); // 重新判断规则

                    // 帖子内自动翻页判断
                    if (!GM_getValue('menu_thread')) {
                        if (curSite.thread) {curSite = {SiteTypeID: 0}; = 1;}

                    if ( {insStyle(} // 插入 Style CSS 样式
                    pageLoading(); // 自动无缝翻页

                    if (GM_getValue('menu_page_number')) {pageNumber('add');} else {pageNumber('set');} // 显示页码
                    pausePageEvent(); // 左键双击网页空白处暂停翻页
                }, 500)
        } else if (webType === 3) {
            window.addEventListener('urlchange', function(){
                lp = location.pathname;
                if (nowLocation == location.href) return
                nowLocation = location.href; curSite = {SiteTypeID: 0}; = 1; // 重置规则+页码
                DBSite.flarum.url(); // 重新判断规则
                if ( {insStyle(} // 插入 Style CSS 样式
                pageLoading(); // 自动无缝翻页

                if (GM_getValue('menu_page_number')) {pageNumber('add');} else {pageNumber('set');} // 显示页码
                pausePageEvent(); // 左键双击网页空白处暂停翻页
    // 插入 Style CSS 样式
    if ( insStyle(

    // 自动无缝翻页

    // --------------------------------------------------------

    // [Discuz! 论坛] 判断各版块帖子列表类型
    function discuzForum(m) {
        if (m == 'm') { // 手机版页面
            if (getCSS('a.loadmore')) {
                curSite = DBSite.discuz_m_forum;
            } else if (getCSS('.threadlist')) {
                curSite = DBSite.discuz_m; curSite.pager.pageE = '.threadlist > ul > li';
            } else if (getCSS('[id^="normalthread_"]')) {
                curSite = DBSite.discuz_m; curSite.pager.pageE = '[id^="normalthread_"]:not(.ZDlist)';
            if (curSite.SiteTypeID !== 0 && location.hostname === '') {curSite.history = false; urlC = true;}
        } else {
            if (getCSS('#autopbn')) { //         判断是否有 [下一页] 按钮
                curSite = DBSite.discuz_forum;
            } else if (getCSS('#waterfall')) { //           判断是否为图片模式
                if (!getCSS('#pgbtn, .pgbtn')) { //         如果各版块帖子列表已存在这个元素,说明自带了无缝翻页
                    curSite = DBSite.discuz_waterfall; waterfallStyle(); // 图片模式列表样式预处理
            } else {
                curSite = DBSite.discuz_guide;
    // [Discuz! 论坛] 判断手机版帖子内
    function discuzThreadM() {
        if (getCSS('[id^="pid"]')) {
            curSite = DBSite.discuz_m; curSite.pager.pageE = '[id^="pid"], [id^="pid"]+div:not([id="post_new"])'
        } else if (getCSS('[id^="post_"]')) {
            curSite = DBSite.discuz_m; curSite.pager.pageE = '[id^="post_"]';
        if (curSite.SiteTypeID !== 0 && location.hostname === '') {curSite.history = false; urlC = true;}
    function discuz_() {
        if (getCSS('body[id="nv_forum"][class^="pg_"][onkeydown*="27"]')) {
            switch (getCSS('body[id="nv_forum"][class^="pg_"][onkeydown*="27"]').className) {
                case 'pg_forumdisplay': // < 各版块帖子列表 >
                    discuzForum(); break;
                case 'pg_viewthread': //   < 帖子内 >
                    curSite = DBSite.discuz_thread; break;
                case 'pg_guide': //        < 导读帖子列表等 >
                    curSite = DBSite.discuz_guide; break;
                case 'pg_collection': //   < 淘贴列表 >
                    curSite = DBSite.discuz_collection; break;
        // 如果上面没有匹配的则继续                  < 搜索结果 >
        if (curSite.SiteTypeID === 0) {
            if (indexOF('search') || getCSS('body[id="nv_search"][onkeydown*="27"]')) {
                if (indexOF('mobile=2', 's')) { // 手机版页面
                    curSite = DBSite.discuz_m; curSite.pager.pageE = '.threadlist > ul > li'; urlC = true;
                } else {
                    curSite = DBSite.discuz_search;
        // 如果上面没有匹配的则继续
        if (curSite.SiteTypeID === 0) {
            if (indexOF('.html')) { //                   判断是不是静态网页(.html 结尾)
                if (indexOF('/forum-')) { //             < 各版块帖子列表 >
                    if (getXpath('//head/meta[@name="applicable-device" and @content="mobile"] | //head/title[contains(text(), "手机版")] | //head/link[contains(@href, "/mobile/")] | //head/script[contains(@src, "/mobile/")]')) { // 手机版页面
                    } else {
                } else if (indexOF('/thread-')) { //     < 帖子内 >
                    if (getXpath('//head/meta[@name="applicable-device" and @content="mobile"] | //head/title[contains(text(), "手机版")] | //head/link[contains(@href, "/mobile/")] | //head/script[contains(@src, "/mobile/")]')) { // 手机版页面
                    } else {
                        curSite = DBSite.discuz_thread;
        // 如果上面没有匹配的则继续
        if (curSite.SiteTypeID === 0) {
            if (indexOF('mod=forumdisplay', 's') || indexOF('forumdisplay.php')) { //      < 各版块帖子列表 >
                if (indexOF('mobile=2', 's') || indexOF('mobile=yes', 's') || getXpath('//head/meta[@name="applicable-device" and @content="mobile"] | //head/title[contains(text(), "手机版")] | //head/link[contains(@href, "/mobile/")] | //head/script[contains(@src, "/mobile/")]')) { // 手机版页面
                } else {
            } else if (indexOF('mod=viewthread', 's') || indexOF('viewthread.php')) { // < 帖子内 >
                if (indexOF('mobile=2', 's') || getXpath('//head/meta[@name="applicable-device" and @content="mobile"] | //head/title[contains(text(), "手机版")] | //head/link[contains(@href, "/mobile/")] | //head/script[contains(@src, "/mobile/")]')) { // 手机版页面
                } else {
                    curSite = DBSite.discuz_thread;
            } else if (indexOF('mod=guide', 's')) { //      < 导读帖子列表 >
                curSite = DBSite.discuz_guide;
            } else if(indexOF('mod=space', 's') && indexOF('do=thread', 's')) { // 别人的主题/回复
                curSite = DBSite.discuz_youspace;
            } else if (indexOF('mod=collection', 's')) { // < 淘贴列表 >
                curSite = DBSite.discuz_collection;
            } else if (getCSS('#threadlist')) { //          < 部分论坛的各板块 URL 是自定义的 >
            } else if (getCSS('#postlist')) { //            < 部分论坛的帖子内 URL 是自定义的 >
                curSite = DBSite.discuz_thread;
            } else { // 手机版判断
                if (curSite.SiteTypeID === 0) discuzThreadM();
    // [Discuz! 论坛] 图片模式列表样式预处理
    function waterfallStyle() {
        let width = getCSS('#waterfall > li:first-child').style.width;
        if (width) insStyle(`#waterfall {height: auto !important; width: 100% !important;} #waterfall > li {width: ${width} !important; float: left !important; position: inherit !important; left: auto !important; top: auto !important;}`);

    // [百度贴吧](发帖按钮点击事件)
    function baidu_tieba_1() {
        let button = getCSS('.tbui_aside_fbar_button.tbui_fbar_post > a');
        if (button) {
            getCSS('li.tbui_aside_fbar_button.tbui_fbar_down').insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(4), '<li class="tbui_aside_fbar_button tbui_fbar_post"><a href="javascript:void(0);" title="因为 [自动无缝翻页] 的原因,请点击该按钮发帖!"></a></li>')
            button = getCSS('.tbui_aside_fbar_button.tbui_fbar_post > a');
            if (button) {
                button.onclick = function(){
                    let button2 = getCSS('div.edui-btn.edui-btn-fullscreen.edui-btn-name-portrait');
                    if (button2) {;} else {alert('提示:登录后才能发帖!');}
                    return false;
    // [百度贴吧] 插入数据
    function baidu_tieba_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE) return
        // 获取 <script> 内容
        const scriptElems = getXpath(`//script[contains(text(), 'Bigpipe.register("frs-list/pagelet/thread_list", ')]`, pageE, pageE);
        if (scriptElems) {
            // 从 <script> 中提取帖子列表字符串
            let scriptText = scriptElems.textContent.replace('Bigpipe.register("frs-list/pagelet/thread_list", ','');
            scriptText = scriptText.slice(0, scriptText.indexOf(').'));
            // 字符串转 Element 元素
            let temp_baidu_tieba = document.createElement('div'); temp_baidu_tieba.innerHTML = JSON.parse(scriptText).content;

    // [NexusMods] 获取下一页地址
    function nexusmods_nextL() {
        if (getCSS('.nexus-ui-blocker')) return
        let modList;
        if (indexOF('/news')) {modList = RH_NewsTabContent;} else {modList = RH_ModList;}
        if (!modList) return
        let out_items = JSON.stringify(modList.out_items).replace(/{|}|"/g,''),
            nextNum = getXpath('//div[contains(@class, "pagenav")][1]//a[contains(@class, "page-selected")]/parent::li/following-sibling::li/a'),
            categories = modList.out_items.categories, categoriesUrl = '';
        var url = '';
        if (nextNum && nextNum.innerText) {
            nextNum = nextNum.innerText;
            if (out_items.indexOf('page:') > -1) {
                out_items = out_items.replace(/page:\d+/, `page:${nextNum}`)
            } else {
                out_items += `,page:${nextNum}`;
            if (categories && categories != []) {
                for (let i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
                    categoriesUrl += `,categories[]:${categories[i]}`
                categoriesUrl = categoriesUrl.replace(/,/,'');
                if (out_items.indexOf('categories:') > -1) {
                    out_items = out_items.replace(/categories:\[.*\]/, categoriesUrl)
            return `${modList.uri}?RH_${}=${out_items}`
        return ''
    // [NexusMods] 的插入前函数(隐藏底部元素)
    function nexusmods_bF(pageE) {
        pageE.forEach(function (one) {
            let now = one.querySelector('.mod-tile-left');
            if (now) {
                let downloadCount = now.querySelector('.downloadcount > span.flex-label');
                if (downloadCount) {
                    if (GlobalModStats[now.dataset.gameId] && GlobalModStats[now.dataset.gameId][now.dataset.modId]) {
                        downloadCount.textContent = shortFormat(parseInt(GlobalModStats[now.dataset.gameId][now.dataset.modId].total));
        return pageE

    // [bilibili_search] 获取下一页地址
    function bilibili_search_nextL() {
        if (! return
        let pageActive = 1, pageLast = parseInt(getXpath('//ul[@class="pages"]/li[contains(@class, "page-item")][not(contains(@class, "next") or contains(@class, "prev"))][last()]').innerText);
        if (!pageLast) return
        if (indexOF(/page=\d+/, 's')) {
            pageActive = parseInt(/page=\d+/.exec([0].replace('page=',''))
        if (pageActive < pageLast) {
            if (indexOF(/page=\d+/, 's')) {
                return (location.origin + location.pathname +\d+/,`page=${pageActive+1}`))
            } else {
                return (location.origin + location.pathname + + `&page=${pageActive+1}`)
    // [bilibili_search] 插入前函数(加载图片)
    function bilibili_search_bF(pageE) {
        pageE.forEach(function (one) {
            let img = getCSS('.img > .lazy-img > img[src=""]', one)
            if (img) {
                img.setAttribute('data-srclz', 'lazy')
        return pageE
    // [bilibili_search] 插入后函数(加载图片)
    function bilibili_search_aF() {
        let result = __INITIAL_STATE__.flow[__INITIAL_STATE__.flow.fields[0]].result;
        if (result.length > 0) {
            let imgArr = getAllCSS('.img > .lazy-img > img[data-srclz]');
            if (imgArr.length > 0) {
                for (let i = 0; i < imgArr.length; i++) {
                    imgArr[i].src = result[i].pic;

    // [漫画狂] 获取下一页地址
    function cartoonmad_nextL() {
        let url = getXpath('//a[@class="pages"][contains(text(),"下一頁")]');
        if (url) {
            if (url.getAttribute('href') === 'thend.asp') {
                url = getXpath('//a[@class="pages"][contains(string(),"下一話")]')
                if (url) return url.href;
                pausePage = false;
                GM_notification({text: `注意:该网站早期漫画章节,因为网站自身问题而无法翻至下一话(仅限于显示为 [第 X 卷]/[下一卷] 的)。\n因此需要手动去 [目录页] 进入下一卷!`, timeout: 10000});
            } else {
                return url.href;
        return '';

    // [漫画猫] 初始化(显示本话所以图片)
    function manhuacat_init() {
        let _img = '';
        for (let now of img_data_arr) {_img += `<img src="${asset_domain}${img_pre}${now}">`;}
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).innerHTML = _img;

    // [漫画猫] 获取下一页地址
    function manhuacat_nextL(pageE, type) {
        if (type === 'url') {
            if(pageE.code == '0000') {
                if (pageE.url === curSite.pageUrl) return
                curSite.pageUrl = pageE.url;
                getPageE_(curSite.pageUrl); // 真正的下一页链接
        } else {
            let vg_r_data = getCSS('.vg-r-data');
            if (vg_r_data) {
                getPageE_(`${location.origin}/chapter_num?chapter_id=${vg_r_data.dataset.chapter_num}&ctype=1&type=${vg_r_data.dataset.chapterType};`, 'json', 'GET', '', 'url');
    // [漫画猫] 插入数据
    function manhuacat_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE) return
        if (type === 'url') { // 获取下一页链接
            manhuacat_nextL(pageE, type); return

        // 插入图片
        let _img = '', _img_arr = LZString.decompressFromBase64(getXpath('//body/script[not(@src)][contains(text(), "img_data")]').textContent.split('"')[1]).split(','), vg_r_data = getCSS('.vg-r-data');;
        for (let now of _img_arr) {_img += `<img src="${vg_r_data.dataset.chapterDomain}${img_pre}${now}">`;}
        if (_img) {
            getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img); // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
   = pageNum._now + 1

    // [漫画柜] 初始化(将本话其余图片插入网页中)
    function manhuagui_init() {
        // hook imgDate 代码
        SMH.imgData = function(n) {window['imgDate'] = n;return{preInit:function(){}}}
        // 重新执行本页的 imgDate 代码
        let _img = '', imgPath = `${location.protocol}//${window['imgDate'].path}`;
        //console.log(imgPath, window['imgDate'])
        if (!(window['imgDate']) || !(imgPath)) return
        // 遍历图片文件名数组,组合为 img 标签
        for (let i = 0; i < window['imgDate'].files.length; i++) {_img += `<img src="${imgPath + window['imgDate'].files[i]}?e=${window['imgDate'].sl.e}&m=${window['imgDate'].sl.m}">`;}
        // 插入并覆盖原来的一个图片
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).innerHTML = _img;
        pausePage = true;
    // [漫画柜] 获取下一页地址
    function manhuagui_nextL() {
        if (window['imgDate'].nextId == 0) return
        var url = location.origin + location.pathname.replace(window['imgDate'].cid.toString(), window['imgDate'].nextId.toString())
        if (url === curSite.pageUrl) return
        curSite.pageUrl = url
    // [漫画柜] 插入数据
    function manhuagui_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE) return
        // 重新执行本页的 imgDate 代码
        insScript(curSite.pager.pageE, pageE);
        let _img = '', imgPath = `${location.protocol}//${window['imgDate'].path}`;
        //console.log(imgPath, window['imgDate'])
        if (!(window['imgDate']) || !(imgPath)) return
        // 遍历图片文件名数组,组合为 img 标签
        for (let i = 0; i < window['imgDate'].files.length; i++) {_img += `<img src="${imgPath + window['imgDate'].files[i]}?e=${window['imgDate'].sl.e}&m=${window['imgDate'].sl.m}">`;}
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img);
        addHistory(pageE); = pageNum._now + 1

    // [36漫画] 初始化(将本话其余图片插入网页中)
    function _36manga_init() {
        let _img = '', imgPath = `${SinConf.resHost[0].domain[0]}${chapterPath}`;
        if (!(chapterImages) || !(imgPath)) return
        // 遍历图片文件名数组,组合为 img 标签
        for (let i = 0; i < chapterImages.length; i++) {_img += `<img src="${imgPath}${chapterImages[i]}">`;}
        // 插入并覆盖原来的一个图片
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).innerHTML = _img;
        pausePage = true;
    // [36漫画] 获取下一页地址
    function _36manga_nextL() {
        if (! return
        var url = comicUrl + + '.html'
        if (url === curSite.pageUrl) return
        curSite.pageUrl = url
    // [36漫画] 插入数据
    function _36manga_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE) return
        // 插入并执行数据代码
        insScript(curSite.pager.pageE, pageE);
        let _img = '', imgPath = `${SinConf.resHost[0].domain[0]}${chapterPath}`;
        if (!(chapterImages) || !(imgPath)) return
        // 遍历图片文件名数组,组合为 img 标签
        for (let i = 0; i < chapterImages.length; i++) {_img += `<img src="${imgPath}${chapterImages[i]}">`;}
        // 插入并覆盖原来的一个图片
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img);
        addHistory(pageE); = pageNum._now + 1

    // [爱漫画] 获取全部图片
    function imanhuaw_getIMG() {
        let _img = '', _imgUrl;
        for (let one of base64_decode(qTcms_S_m_murl_e).split("$qingtiandy$")) {
            _imgUrl = one;
            if (one.substring(0,1) == '/') {
                _imgUrl = qTcms_m_weburl + _imgUrl;
            } else {
                if (qTcms_Pic_m_if != '2') {
                    one = one.replace(/\?/gi, 'a1a1');
                    one = one.replace(/&/gi, 'b1b1');
                    one = one.replace(/%/gi, 'c1c1');
                    let m_httpurl = '';
                    if (typeof(qTcms_S_m_mhttpurl) != 'undefined') m_httpurl = base64_decode(qTcms_S_m_mhttpurl);
                    if (location.hostname == '') qTcms_m_indexurl = '';
                    _imgUrl = qTcms_m_indexurl + 'statics/pic/?p=' + escape(one) + '&picid=' + qTcms_S_m_id + '&m_httpurl=' + escape(m_httpurl);
                } else {
                    _imgUrl = _imgUrl.replace('http:', '')	;
                    _imgUrl = _imgUrl.replace('https:', '');
            _img += `<img src="${_imgUrl}">`;
        return _img;
    // [爱漫画] 初始化(调整本话其余图片)
    function imanhuaw_init() {
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).outerHTML = imanhuaw_getIMG();
        document.oncontextmenu = function(){}
    // [爱漫画] 获取下一页地址
    function imanhuaw_nextL() {
        let next = location.origin + qTcms_Pic_nextArr
        if (next && next != location.origin && next != curSite.pageUrl) {
            curSite.pageUrl = next;
    // [爱漫画] 插入数据
    function imanhuaw_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE) return
        // 插入并运行 <script>
        insScript('//head/script[not(@src)][contains(text(), "qTcms_S_m_murl_e")]', pageE);
        // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), imanhuaw_getIMG());
        addHistory(pageE); = pageNum._now + 1

    // [漫画 DB] 初始化(将本话其余图片插入网页中)
    function manhuadb_init() {
        let _img = '', data = getCSS('.vg-r-data'), imgDate;
        if (!data) return
        getAllCSS(curSite.pager.pageE.replace('', '')).forEach(function (one) {
            if (one.tagName === 'SCRIPT' && one.textContent.indexOf('var img_data =') > -1) {
                let json = JSON.parse(window.atob(one.textContent.split("'")[1]));
                if (json) {
                    let _img = '';
                    for (let i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {_img += `<img class="img-fluid show-pic" src="${ + data.dataset.img_pre + json[i].img}">`;}
                    getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img); // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
    // [漫画 DB] 获取下一页地址
    function manhuadb_nextL() {
        let nextArr = getAllCSS('a.fixed-a-es'), next;
        var url = '';
        if (nextArr.length == 0) return
        for (let i = 0; i < nextArr.length; i++) {
            if (nextArr[i].className.indexOf('active') > -1) {
                if (nextArr[i+1]) url = nextArr[i+1].href;
        if (url === curSite.pageUrl) return
        curSite.pageUrl = url
    // [漫画 DB] 插入数据
    function manhuadb_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE) return
        if (replaceElems(pageE, curSite.pager.pageE, curSite.pager.pageE)) {
   = pageNum._now + 1
            manhuadb_init(); // 将刚刚替换的图片插入网页中

    // [HiComic(嗨漫画)] 初始化(将本话其余图片插入网页中)
    function hicomic_init() {
        let _img = '';
        getAllCSS('.chapter > section:not(:first-child) > section[val]').forEach(function (one) {
            let src = one.getAttribute('val');
            if (src.indexOf('!p_c_c_') === -1) src += '!p_c_c_h'
            _img += `<img src="${src}">`
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img); // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
        window.document.title = window.document.title.replace(/(\(第.+\))? - HiComic/, `(${getCSS('.chapter_name').textContent}) - HiComic`); // 修改网页标题(加上 第 X 话)
    // [HiComic(嗨漫画)] 获取下一页地址
    function hicomic_nextL() {
        let nextId;
        nextId = getCSS('.next_chapter:not(.end)')
        if (nextId && && != 'None') {
            curSite.pageUrl = location.href;
            getPageE_(`${}/contents`, 'json');
    // [HiComic(嗨漫画)] 插入数据
    function hicomic_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE || pageE.code != 200) return
        if ( { // 写入下一页的 UUID
            getCSS('.next_chapter').id =;
        } else {
            getCSS('.next_chapter').id = 'None';
        curSite.pageUrl =`${pageE.results.chapter.uuid}/contents`
        getCSS('.chapter_name').textContent =; // 修改漫画标题
        addHistory(pageE, window.document.title.replace(/(\(第.+\))? - HiComic/, `(${}) - HiComic`));
        let _img = '';
        for (let i = 0; i < pageE.results.chapter.contents.length; i++) { // 遍历图片文件名数组,组合为 img 标签
            let src = pageE.results.chapter.contents[i].url;
            if (src.indexOf('!p_c_c_') === -1) src += '!p_c_c_h';
            _img += `<img src="${src}">`
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img); // 将 img 标签插入到网页中 = pageNum._now + 1

    // [动漫之家] 初始化(调整本话其余图片)
    function dmzj_init(css) {
        let _img = '';
        getAllCSS(css).forEach(function (one) {_img += `<img src="${one.dataset.original}">`;})
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).innerHTML = _img;
    // [动漫之家] 插入数据
    function dmzj_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE) return
        // 插入并运行 <script>
        insScript('head > script[type]:not([src])', pageE);

        // 插入图片
        let _img = '', _img_arr;
        if (pages.indexOf('|') === -1) {
            _img_arr = JSON.parse(pages.replace(/\r\n/g,'|')).page_url.split('|');
        } else {
            _img_arr = JSON.parse(pages).page_url.split('|');
        for (let now of _img_arr) {
            _img += `<img src="${img_prefix}${now}">`;
        if (_img) {
            getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img); // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
            if (replaceElems(pageE)) = pageNum._now + 1
    // [动漫之家-漫画] 插入数据
    function dmzj_manhua_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE) return
        // 插入并运行 <script>
        insScript('head > script[type]:not([src])', pageE);

        // 插入图片
        let _img = '';
        for (let now of arr_pages) {
            _img += `<img src="${img_prefix}${now}">`;
        if (_img) {
            getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img); // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
            if (replaceElems(pageE)) = pageNum._now + 1

    // [优酷漫画] 初始化(调整本话其余图片)
    function ykmh_init(css) {
        let host = SinMH.getChapterImage(1).split('/')[0] + '//' + SinMH.getChapterImage(1).split('/')[2];
        if (!host) return
        let _img = '';
        for (let one of chapterImages) {_img += `<img src="${host}${one}">`;}
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).innerHTML = _img;
    // [优酷漫画] 获取下一页地址
    function ykmh_nextL() {
        let url = comicUrl + + '.html'
        if (url && url != '.html' && url != curSite.pageUrl) {
            curSite.pageUrl = url;
    // [优酷漫画] 插入数据
    function ykmh_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE) return
        // 插入并运行 <script>
        insScript('//script[contains(text(),"chapterImages")]', pageE);

        let host = SinMH.getChapterImage(1).split('/')[0] + '//' + SinMH.getChapterImage(1).split('/')[2];
        if (!host) host = document.querySelector(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).src.split('/')[0] + '//' + document.querySelector(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).src.split('/')[2]
        // 插入图片
        let _img = '';
        for (let one of chapterImages) {_img += `<img src="${host}${one}">`;}
        if (_img) {
            getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img); // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
            if (replaceElems(pageE)) = pageNum._now + 1

    // [动漫戏说] 插入后函数(加载图片)
    function acgn_aF() {
        let old = getAllCSS('.pic[_src][id]'), _img = '';
        if (old.length > 0) {
            for (let now of old) {now.outerHTML = `<div class="pic" _src="${now.getAttribute('_src')}"><img src="${now.getAttribute('_src')}" class="img1"></div>`;}

    // [漫画星球] 插入数据
    function mhxqiu_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE) return
        // 插入并运行 <script>
        insScript('//script[contains(text(), "eval") and contains(text(), "newImgs")]', pageE);

        // 插入图片
        let _img = '';
        for (let now of newImgs) {_img += `<li><div style="display: inline-block;zoom: 1;"><img src="${now}" class="loaded lazy" style="opacity: 1;box-shadow:none;"></div></li>`;}
        if (_img) {
            // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
            getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img);
   = pageNum._now + 1

    // [风之动漫] 插入数据
    function fffdm_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE) return
        // 插入并运行 <script>
        let scriptElems = getXpath('id("main")/script[contains(text(), "mhpicurl")][1]', pageE, pageE);
        if (scriptElems) {
            document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).textContent = scriptElems.textContent.replace(/document\.write.+/, '');

            // 插入图片
            setTimeout(function() {
                getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).appendChild(document.createElement('img')).src = mhpicurl;
       = pageNum._now + 1
            }, 100)

    // [乐语漫画] 初始化(调整本话其余图片)
    function leyuman_init() {
        let _img = '';
        for (let one of JSON.parse(z_img)) {
            if (one.slice(0,4) === 'http') {
                _img += `<img src="${one}">`;
            } else {
                _img += `<img src="${one}">`;
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).innerHTML = _img;

    // [乐语漫画] 插入数据
    function leyuman_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE) return
        // 插入并运行 <script>
        insScript('//body//script[not(@src)][contains(text(), "z_img=")]', pageE);

        // 插入图片
        let _img = '';
        for (let one of JSON.parse(z_img)) {
            if (one.slice(0,4) === 'http') {
                _img += `<img src="${one}">`;
            } else {
                _img += `<img src="${one}">`;
        if (_img) {
            // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
            getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img);
   = pageNum._now + 1

    // [新新漫画] 初始化(调整本话其余图片)
    function _77mh_init() {
        let _img = '';
        for (let one of arr) {_img += `<img src="${img_qianz}${one}">`;}
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).innerHTML = _img;
    // [新新漫画] 获取下一页地址
    function _77mh_nextL() {
        let next = nextLink_b
        if (next && next != curSite.pageUrl) {
            curSite.pageUrl = next;
    // [新新漫画] 插入数据
    function _77mh_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE) return
        // 插入并运行 <script>
        insScript('//script[not(@src)][contains(text(), "eval(")]', pageE);

        // 插入图片
        let _img = '';
        for (let one of msg.split('|')) {_img += `<img src="${img_qianz}${one}.webp">`;}
        if (_img) {
            // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
            getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img);
   = pageNum._now + 1

    // [古风漫画网] 获取下一页地址
    function gufengmh_nextL() {
        let pageE = getOne(curSite.pager.pageE); // 寻找数据所在元素
        if (pageE) {
            let comicUrl, nextId;
            var url = '';
            pageE.textContent.split(';').forEach(function (one){ // 分号 ; 分割为数组并遍历
                if (one.indexOf('comicUrl') > -1) { // 下一页 URL 前半部分
                    comicUrl = one.split('"')[1];
                } else if (one.indexOf('nextChapterData') > -1) { // 下一页 URL 的后半部分 ID
                    nextId = one.split('"id":')[1].split(',')[0];
            if (comicUrl && nextId && nextId != 'null') { // 组合到一起就是下一页 URL
                url = comicUrl + nextId + '.html'
                if (url === curSite.pageUrl) return
                curSite.pageUrl = url
                getPageE_(curSite.pageUrl); // 访问下一页 URL 获取
    // [古风漫画网] 插入数据
    function gufengmh_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (pageE) {
            let url = curSite.pageUrl;
            pageE = getOne(curSite.pager.pageE, pageE, pageE);
            let chapterImages, chapterPath;
            getOne(curSite.pager.pageE).innerText = pageE.textContent; // 将当前网页内的数据所在元素内容改为刚刚获取的下一页数据内容,以便循环获取下一页 URL
            pageE.textContent.split(';').forEach(function (one){ // 分号 ; 分割为数组并遍历
                if (one.indexOf('chapterImages') > -1) { // 图片文件名数组
                    chapterImages = one.replace(/^.+\[/, '').replace(']', '').replaceAll('"', '').split(',')
                } else if (one.indexOf('chapterPath') > -1) { // 图片文件路径
                    chapterPath = one.split('"')[1];
                } else if (one.indexOf('pageTitle') > -1) { // 网页标题
                    addHistory(pageE, one.split('"')[1]);
            if (chapterImages && chapterPath) {
                let _img = '';
                chapterImages.forEach(function (one2){_img += '<img src="' + chapterPath + one2 + '" data-index="0" style="display: inline-block;">';})
                getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img); // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
       = pageNum._now + 1

    // [Mangabz 漫画] 初始化(调整本话图片)
    function mangabz_init() {
        let showimage = getCSS('#showimage'),
            cp_img = getCSS('#cp_img'),
            cp_image = getCSS('#cp_image');
        if (showimage) {showimage.removeAttribute('oncontextmenu');}
        if (cp_img) {cp_img.removeAttribute('oncontextmenu');}
        if (cp_image) {
    // [Mangabz 漫画] 获取下一页地址
    function mangabz_nextL() {
        var url = '';
        if (MANGABZ_PAGE === MANGABZ_IMAGE_COUNT) { // 下一话
            if (getNextE('//a[./img[contains(@src, "icon_xiayizhang")]]')) getPageE_(curSite.pageUrl); // 访问下一话 URL 获取
        } else { // 下一页
            if (!mkey) var mkey = '';
            url = location.origin + location.pathname + 'chapterimage.ashx' + `?cid=${MANGABZ_CID}&page=${MANGABZ_PAGE + 1}&key=${(mkey)}&_cid=${MANGABZ_CID}&_mid=${MANGABZ_MID}&_dt=${MANGABZ_VIEWSIGN_DT}&_sign=${MANGABZ_VIEWSIGN}`
            if (url === curSite.pageUrl) return
            curSite.pageUrl = url
            getPageE_(curSite.pageUrl, 'text', 'GET', '', 'Next'); // 访问下一页 URL 获取
    // [Mangabz 漫画] 插入数据
    function mangabz_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (pageE) {
            if (type === 'Next') { // 下一页
                let imgArr = eval(pageE),
                    _img = '';
                for (let now of imgArr) {_img += `<img src="${now}">`;}
                if (_img) {
                    getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img); // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
                    MANGABZ_PAGE += imgArr.length;
                    addHistory(pageE, document.title, location.origin + MANGABZ_CURL.substring(0, MANGABZ_CURL.length - 1) + '-p' + MANGABZ_PAGE + '/');
            } else { // 下一话
                // 插入 <script> 标签
                insScript('html:not([dir]) > head > script:not([src])', pageE);
       = pageNum._now + 1
                MANGABZ_PAGE = 0;

    // [动漫屋] 获取下一页地址
    function dm5_nextL() {
        var url = '';
        if (DM5_PAGE === DM5_IMAGE_COUNT) { // 下一话
            if (getNextE('//div[@class="view-paging"]//a[text()="下一章"]')) getPageE_(curSite.pageUrl); // 访问下一话 URL 获取
        } else { // 下一页
            if (!mkey) var mkey = '';
            url = location.origin + location.pathname + 'chapterfun.ashx' + `?cid=${DM5_CID}&page=${DM5_PAGE + 1}&key=${(mkey)}&language=1&gtk=6&_cid=${DM5_CID}&_mid=${DM5_MID}&_dt=${DM5_VIEWSIGN_DT}&_sign=${DM5_VIEWSIGN}`
            if (url === curSite.pageUrl) return
            curSite.pageUrl = url
            getPageE_(curSite.pageUrl, 'text', 'GET', '', 'Next'); // 访问下一页 URL 获取
    // [动漫屋] 插入数据
    function dm5_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (pageE) {
            if (type === 'Next') { // 下一页
                let imgArr = eval(pageE),
                    _img = '';
                for (let now of imgArr) {_img += `<img src="${now}">`;}
                if (_img) {
                    getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img); // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
                    DM5_PAGE += imgArr.length;
                    addHistory(pageE, document.title, location.origin + DM5_CURL.substring(0, DM5_CURL.length - 1) + '-p' + DM5_PAGE + '/');
            } else { // 下一话
                // 插入 <script> 标签
                insScript('html:not([dir]) > head > script:not([src])', pageE);
       = pageNum._now + 1
                DM5_PAGE = 0;

    // [Xmanhua 漫画] 获取下一页地址
    function xmanhua_nextL() {
        var url = '';
        if (XMANHUA_PAGE === XMANHUA_IMAGE_COUNT) { // 下一话
            if (getNextE('//a[./img[contains(@src, "reader-bottom-right-2.png")]]')) getPageE_(curSite.pageUrl); // 访问下一话 URL 获取
        } else { // 下一页
            if (!mkey) var mkey = '';
            url = location.origin + location.pathname + 'chapterimage.ashx' + `?cid=${XMANHUA_CID}&page=${XMANHUA_PAGE + 1}&key=${(mkey)}&_cid=${XMANHUA_CID}&_mid=${XMANHUA_MID}&_dt=${XMANHUA_VIEWSIGN_DT}&_sign=${XMANHUA_VIEWSIGN}`
            if (url === curSite.pageUrl) return
            curSite.pageUrl = url
            getPageE_(curSite.pageUrl, 'text', 'GET', '', 'Next'); // 访问下一页 URL 获取
    // [Xmanhua 漫画] 插入数据
    function xmanhua_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (pageE) {
            if (type === 'Next') { // 下一页
                let imgArr = eval(pageE),
                    _img = '';
                for (let now of imgArr) {_img += `<img src="${now}">`;}
                if (_img) {
                    getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img); // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
                    XMANHUA_PAGE += imgArr.length;
                    addHistory(pageE, document.title, location.origin + XMANHUA_CURL.substring(0, XMANHUA_CURL.length - 1) + '-p' + XMANHUA_PAGE + '/');
            } else { // 下一话
                // 插入 <script> 标签
                insScript('html:not([dir]) > head > script:not([src])', pageE);
       = pageNum._now + 1
                XMANHUA_PAGE = 0;

    // [COCOMANGA 漫画] 初始化(调整本话图片)
    function cocomanga_init() {
        let last = getCSS('.mh_comicpic:last-of-type');
        if (last && last.getAttribute('p')) {
            getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).innerHTML = ''; // 删除旧图片元素
            cocomanga_img(parseInt(last.getAttribute('p'))) // 插入新图片元素
    // [COCOMANGA 漫画] 生成图片元素并插入网页
    function cocomanga_img(totalImageCount) {
        if (totalImageCount < 1) return
        let _img = '';
        for (let i=1; i<=totalImageCount; i++) {_img += `<div class="mh_comicpic" p="${i}"><img src="${__cr.getPicUrl(i)}"></div>`;}
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), _img); // 将 img 标签插入到网页中
    // [COCOMANGA 漫画] 插入数据
    function cocomanga_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (pageE) {
            // 插入 <script> 标签
            insScript('head > script:not([src]), script[src*="custom.js"], script[src*="dynamicjs.js"]', pageE);

            // 插入新图片元素
            setTimeout(function() {
                let totalImageCount = __cdecrypt('fw122587mkertyui', CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(mh_info.enc_code1).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8));
                if (!totalImageCount) totalImageCount = __cdecrypt('fw12558899ertyui', CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(mh_info.enc_code1).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8));
            }, 100)
   = pageNum._now + 1

    // [国家自然科学基金] 获取下一页地址
    function nsfc_nextL() {
        let id = decodeURIComponent(document.location.href.split('/')[document.location.href.split('/').length - 1]), data
        if (!document.nowPageNum) document.nowPageNum = 2
        data = `id=${id}&index=${document.nowPageNum}`
        if (data === curSite.pageUrl) return
        curSite.pageUrl = data
        getPageE_(location.origin + '/baseQuery/data/completeProjectReport', 'json', 'POST', data); // 访问下一页 URL 获取
    // [国家自然科学基金] 插入数据
    function nsfc_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE || pageE.code != 200) {curSite.SiteTypeID = 0; return}
        if (! {curSite.SiteTypeID = 0} else {document.nowPageNum++} = pageNum._now + 1
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), `<img style="width: 100%;" data-magnify="gallery" data-src="${}" src="${}">`);

    // [酷科研] 获取下一页地址
    function coolkeyan_nextL() {
        if (!getCSS('.q-img__image')) return
        let id = getCSS('.q-breadcrumbs--last > span.q-breadcrumbs__el'), data
        if (id && id.textContent) {id=parseInt(id.textContent)} else {return}
        if (!document.nowPageNum) document.nowPageNum = 2
        data = `ratify_no=${id}&index=${document.nowPageNum}`
        if (data === curSite.pageUrl) return
        curSite.pageUrl = data
        getPageE_(location.origin + '/api/funds/nsfc/creport?' + data, 'json', 'GET'); // 访问下一页 URL 获取
    // [酷科研] 插入数据
    function coolkeyan_insertE(pageE, type) {
        if (!pageE || pageE == {}) {curSite.SiteTypeID = 0; return}
        if (!pageE.url) {curSite.SiteTypeID = 0; return} else {document.nowPageNum++} = pageNum._now + 1
        getCSS('.q-img>div[style*="padding-bottom"]').style.paddingBottom = `${(document.nowPageNum * 1000) - 1000}px`
        getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]).insertAdjacentHTML(getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]), `<div class="q-img__image absolute-full" style="background-size: contain; background-position: 50% 50%; background-image: url('${pageE.url}'); top: ${(document.nowPageNum * 1000) - 2000}px"></div>`);

    // --------------------------------------------------------

    // 自动无缝翻页
    function pageLoading() {
        if (curSite.SiteTypeID === 0 || !curSite.pager) return
        if (curSite.pager.type === undefined) curSite.pager.type = 1; // 默认翻页模式 1
        if (curSite.pager.scrollD === undefined) curSite.pager.scrollD = 1500; // 默认翻页触发线 1500
        if (curSite.pager.interval === undefined) curSite.pager.interval = 500; // 默认间隔时间 500ms
        curSite.pageUrl = ''; // 下一页URL
        windowScroll(function (direction, e) {
            // 下滑 且 未暂停翻页 且 SiteTypeID > 0 时,才准备翻页
            if (direction != 'down' || !pausePage || curSite.SiteTypeID == 0) return

            // 翻页模式 5 且为框架内时,要判断顶层是否通过页码暂停翻页了
            if (curSite.pager.type == 5 && self != top && == false) return

            let scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop,
                scrollHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight,
                scrollD = curSite.pager.scrollD;
            // <<<<< 翻页类型 3(依靠 [基准元素] 与 [浏览器可视区域底部] 之间的距离缩小来触发翻页)>>>>>
            if (curSite.pager.type === 3) {
                if (!curSite.pager.scrollE) curSite.pager.scrollE = curSite.pager.replaceE; // 默认基准元素是页码
                let scrollE = getOne(curSite.pager.scrollE);
                //console.log(scrollE.offsetTop, scrollE.offsetTop - (scrollTop + scrollHeight), scrollD, scrollTop + scrollHeight, curSite.SiteTypeID)
                if (scrollE.offsetTop - (scrollTop + scrollHeight) <= scrollD) {intervalPause(); checkURL(getPageE);}

            } else if (document.documentElement.scrollHeight <= scrollHeight + scrollTop + scrollD) {
                // <<<<< 翻页类型 1(由脚本实现自动无缝翻页)>>>>>
                if (curSite.pager.type === 1) {
                    intervalPause(); checkURL(getPageE);

                    // <<<<< 翻页类型 2(网站自带了自动无缝翻页功能,只需要点击下一页按钮即可)>>>>>
                } else if (curSite.pager.type === 2) {
                    let autopbn = getOne(curSite.pager.nextL);
                    if (!autopbn) return
                    if (curSite.pager.isHidden && isHidden(autopbn)) return // 如果 isHidden = true,那么需要判断元素是否隐藏
                    if (curSite.pager.nextText) {
                        //console.log(curSite.pager.nextText, autopbn.innerText, autopbn)
                        // 按钮文本,当按钮文本 = 该文本时,才会点击按钮加载下一页
                        if (autopbn.innerText === curSite.pager.nextText) {; = pageNum._now + 1;}
                    } else if (curSite.pager.nextTextOf) {
                        // 按钮文本的一部分,当按钮文本包含该文本时,才会点击按钮加载下一页
                        if (autopbn.innerText.indexOf(curSite.pager.nextTextOf) > -1) {; = pageNum._now + 1;}
                    } else if (curSite.pager.nextHTML) {
                        // 按钮内元素,当按钮内元素 = 该元素内容时,才会点击按钮加载下一页
                        if (autopbn.innerHTML === curSite.pager.nextHTML) {; = pageNum._now + 1;}
                    } else {
                        // 如果没有指定按钮文字就直接点击
              ; = pageNum._now + 1;

                    // <<<<< 翻页类型 4(部分简单的动态加载类网站)>>>>>
                } else if (curSite.pager.type === 4) {
                    // 为百度贴吧的发帖考虑,预留底部一小部分...
                    if (!(curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BAIDU_TIEBA && document.documentElement.scrollHeight <= scrollHeight + scrollTop + 200)) {
                        intervalPause(); if (typeof curSite.pager.nextL == 'function') {curSite.pager.nextL();} else if (getNextE(curSite.pager.nextL)) {getPageE_(curSite.pageUrl);}

                    // <<<<< 翻页类型 5(插入 iframe 方式来加载下一页)>>>>>
                } else if (curSite.pager.type === 5) {

                    // <<<<< 翻页类型 6(通过 iframe 获取下一页动态加载内容)>>>>>
                } else if (curSite.pager.type === 6) {checkURL(insIframe_);}

        function intervalPause() {
            if (curSite.pager.interval) {
                pausePage = false
                setTimeout(function(){pausePage = true;}, curSite.pager.interval)

    // 翻页类型 1/3
    function getPageE(url) {
            url: url,
            method: 'GET',
            overrideMimeType: 'text/html; charset=' + document.charset,
            headers: {
                'Referer': (curSite.noReferer === true) ? '':location.href,
                'User-Agent': navigator.userAgent
            timeout: 10000,
            onload: function (response) {
                try {
                    //console.log('URL:' + url, '最终 URL:' + response.finalUrl, '返回内容:' + response.responseText)
                } catch (e) {
                    console.error('[自动无缝翻页] - 处理获取到的下一页内容时出现问题,请检查!', e);
    // 翻页类型 4
    function getPageE_(url, type = '', method = 'GET', data = '', type2) {
        let mimeType;
        switch (type) {
            case 'json':
                mimeType = 'application/json; charset=' + document.charset; break;
            case 'text':
                mimeType = 'text/plain; charset=' + document.charset; break;
                mimeType = 'text/html; charset=' + document.charset;

            url: url,
            method: method,
            data: data,
            responseType: type,
            overrideMimeType: mimeType,
            headers: {
                'Referer': (curSite.noReferer === true) ? '':location.href,
                'Content-Type': (method === 'POST') ? 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':'',
                'User-Agent': navigator.userAgent
            timeout: 10000,
            onload: function (response) {
                try {
                    //console.log('最终 URL:' + response.finalUrl, '返回内容:' + response.responseText)
                    switch (type) {
                        case 'json':
                            curSite.pager.insertE(response.response, type2);
                        case 'text':
                            curSite.pager.insertE(response.responseText, type2)
                            curSite.pager.insertE(createDocumentByString(response.responseText), type2)
                } catch (e) {
    // 翻页类型 5(插入 iframe 方式加载下一页,无限套娃)
    function insIframe(src) {
        // 停用当前页面翻页
        if (curSite.SiteTypeID == 0) return
        curSite.SiteTypeID = 0;

        // 创建 iframe
        let iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none;'; = 'Autopage_iframe';
        iframe.src = src;

        var beforeScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop
        // 当滚动条到底部时(即完全显示 iframe 框架),隐藏当前页面的滚动条
        window.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
            let scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop,
                clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight,
                scrollHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight || document.body.scrollHeight,
                afterScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop,
                delta = afterScrollTop - beforeScrollTop;
            if (delta == 0) return false;
            beforeScrollTop = afterScrollTop;

            //console.log(delta, (scrollTop + clientHeight + 10), scrollHeight, '1111')
            if (delta > 0 && scrollTop + clientHeight + 10 >= scrollHeight && !getCSS('#Autopage_iframe-scroll')) {
                let newStyle = document.createElement('style'); = 'Autopage_iframe-scroll';
                newStyle.textContent = 'html::-webkit-scrollbar, body::-webkit-scrollbar {width: 0 !important;height: 0 !important;} html, body {scrollbar-width: none !important;}';
                if ( newStyle.textContent +=;

                // 恢复 iframe 的滚动条
                if (iframe.contentWindow.document.querySelector('#Autopage_iframe-scroll-hidden')) iframe.contentWindow.document.querySelector('#Autopage_iframe-scroll-hidden').remove();

                // 给予 iframe 焦点
                if (iframe.contentWindow.document.body) {iframe.contentWindow.document.body.focus();;}
            } else if (delta < 0 && scrollTop + clientHeight + 10 <= scrollHeight && getCSS('#Autopage_iframe-scroll')) {

                // 再次禁用 iframe 的滚动条
                let newStyle = document.createElement('style'); = 'Autopage_iframe-scroll-hidden';
                newStyle.textContent = 'html, body {overflow: hidden !important;}';
        }, false);

        // 加载完成后才继续
        iframe.onload = function() {
            // 暂时禁用 iframe 的滚动条
            let newStyle = document.createElement('style'); = 'Autopage_iframe-scroll-hidden';
            newStyle.textContent = 'html, body {overflow: hidden !important;}';

            // 添加历史记录
            if (curSite.history === undefined) {
                if (GM_getValue('menu_history', true)) addHistory(iframe.contentWindow.document, iframe.contentWindow.document.title);
            } else {
                if (curSite.history) addHistory(iframe.contentWindow.document, iframe.contentWindow.document.title);
            // 当前页码 + 1
            if (!curSite.hiddenPN) {
                let autopageNumber = getCSS('#Autopage_number',
                if (autopageNumber) {autopageNumber.textContent = parseInt(autopageNumber.textContent) + 1;}

        // 插入 iframe
    // 翻页类型 6(通过 iframe 获取下一页动态加载内容,只有一个娃)
    function insIframe_(src) {
        // 暂停翻页
        if (!pausePage) return
        pausePage = false
        // 如果不存在,则创建一个 iframe
        let iframe = document.getElementById('Autopage_iframe');
        if (!iframe) {
            iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
   = 'position: absolute; top: -9999px; left: -9999px; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none; z-index: -999; /*visibility: hidden;*/';
            //iframe.sandbox = 'allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms';
   = 'Autopage_iframe';
            iframe.src = src;

        // 加载完成后才继续
        iframe.onload = function() {
            //iframe.contentWindow.scrollTo(0, 999999); // 滚动到底部,以触发网页的滚动条相关加载事件
            //iframe.contentWindow.scrollTo({top: 9999999, behavior: 'smooth'});
            if (!curSite.pager.loadTime) curSite.pager.loadTime = 100; // 默认 100ms
            //console.log(curSite.pager.loadTime, curSite.pager.loadTime/30)
            let time1 = 0 ,time2 = setInterval(function(){
                let scrollHeight = (iframe.contentWindow.document.documentElement.scrollHeight || iframe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight)/10
                iframe.contentWindow.scrollTo(0, 999999);
                iframe.contentWindow.scrollTo(0, scrollHeight*time1);
                //console.log(time1, iframe.contentWindow.document.documentElement.scrollHeight || iframe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight)
                if (++time1 == 10) {
                    processElems(iframe.contentWindow.document); // 插入/替换元素等
                    //console.log(iframe.contentWindow.document.documentElement.scrollHeight || iframe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight)
                    pausePage = true; //      恢复翻页
            }, curSite.pager.loadTime/10)

        // 插入 iframe(如果已存在则直接改 src)
        if (document.getElementById('Autopage_iframe')) {
            iframe.src = src;
        } else {

    // XHR 后处理结果,插入、替换元素等(适用于翻页类型 1/3/6)
    function processElems(response) {
        if (!curSite.pager.insertP) {curSite.pager.insertP = [curSite.pager.pageE, 5]}
        let pageE = getAll(curSite.pager.pageE, response, response), toE;
        if (curSite.pager.insertP[1] === 5) { // 插入 pageE 列表最后一个元素的后面
            toE = toE5pop(getAll(curSite.pager.insertP[0]));
        } else {
            toE = getOne(curSite.pager.insertP[0]);
        //console.log(curSite.pager.pageE, pageE, curSite.pager.insertP, toE)

        if (pageE.length > 0 && toE) {
            // 如果有插入前函数就执行函数
            if (curSite.function && curSite.function.bF) {
                if (curSite.function.bFp) { // 如果指定了参数
                    if (typeof(curSite.function.bF) == 'string') { // 如果是字符串,说明是自定义规则
                        pageE = new Function('pageE', 'bFp', 'fun', curSite.function.bF)(pageE, curSite.function.bFp, window.autoPage)
                    } else {
                        pageE = curSite.function.bF(pageE, curSite.function.bFp);
                } else {
                    if (typeof(curSite.function.bF) == 'string') { // 如果是字符串,说明是自定义规则
                        pageE = new Function('pageE', 'fun', curSite.function.bF)(pageE, window.autoPage)
                    } else {
                        pageE = curSite.function.bF(pageE);

            // 插入位置
            let addTo = getAddTo(curSite.pager.insertP[1]);

            // 插入新页面元素
            if (curSite.pager.insertP[1] === 6) { // 插入到目标内部末尾(针对文本,比如小说网页)
                let afterend = '';
                if (curSite.pager.insertP6Br) afterend += '<br/><br/>'
                pageE.forEach(function (one) {afterend += one.innerHTML;});
                toE.insertAdjacentHTML(addTo, afterend);
            } else {
                if (curSite.pager.insertP[1] === 2 || curSite.pager.insertP[1] === 4 || curSite.pager.insertP[1] === 5) pageE.reverse(); // 插入到 [元素内头部]、[目标本身后面] 时,需要反转顺序
                pageE.forEach(function (one) {toE.insertAdjacentElement(addTo, one);});

            // 当前页码 + 1
   = pageNum._now + 1

            // 添加历史记录
            if (curSite.history === undefined) {
                if (GM_getValue('menu_history', true)) addHistory(response);
            } else {
                if (curSite.history) addHistory(response);

            // 替换待替换元素
            if (curSite.pager.replaceE) replaceElems(response);

            // 插入 <script> 标签
            if (curSite.pager.scriptT || curSite.pager.scriptT == 0) {
                switch (curSite.pager.scriptT) {
                    case 0: // 下一页的所有 <script> 标签
                        insScript('script', response); break;
                    case 1: // 下一页的所有 <script> 标签(不包括 src 链接)
                        insScript('script:not([src])', response); break;
                    case 2: // 下一页主体元素 (pageE) 的同级 <script> 标签
                        if (curSite.pager.insertP[1] === 2 || curSite.pager.insertP[1] === 4 || curSite.pager.insertP[1] === 5) pageE.reverse(); // 为了避免 JS 执行顺序反了,还需要再给反转回去
                        insScript(null, pageE); break;
                    case 3: // 下一页主体元素 (pageE) 的子元素 <script> 标签
                        if (curSite.pager.insertP[1] === 2 || curSite.pager.insertP[1] === 4 || curSite.pager.insertP[1] === 5) pageE.reverse(); // 为了避免 JS 执行顺序反了,还需要再给反转回去
                        insScript('script:not([src])', pageE); break;

            // 如果有插入后函数就执行函数
            if (curSite.function && curSite.function.aF) {
                if (curSite.function.aFp) { // 如果指定了参数
                    if (typeof(curSite.function.aF) == 'string') { // 如果是字符串,说明是自定义规则
                        new Function('aFp', 'fun', curSite.function.aF)(curSite.function.aFp, window.autoPage)
                    } else {
                } else {
                    if (typeof(curSite.function.aF) == 'string') { // 如果是字符串,说明是自定义规则
                        new Function('fun', curSite.function.aF)(window.autoPage);
                    } else {
        } else { // 获取主体元素失败后,尝试重新获取
            console.log(curSite.pager.pageE, pageE, curSite.pager.insertP, toE)
            if (curSite.retry) {
                console.warn('[自动无缝翻页] 获取主体元素失败,尝试重新获取...')
                setTimeout(function(){curSite.pageUrl = '';}, curSite.retry)
            } else { // 尝试替换元素看能不能继续翻页下去
                if (curSite.pager.replaceE) {
                    if (replaceElems(response)) { // 如果替换成功
                        console.log('[自动无缝翻页] 获取主体元素失败,尝试替换元素成功!')
                        // 当前页码 + 1
               = pageNum._now + 1;
                        // 添加历史记录
                        if (curSite.history === undefined) {
                            if (GM_getValue('menu_history', true)) addHistory(response);
                        } else {
                            if (curSite.history) addHistory(response);
                    } else {console.error('[自动无缝翻页] 获取主体元素失败,尝试替换元素失败...')}
    // 通用型插入前函数(加载图片)
    function src_bF(pageE, css) {
        pageE.forEach(function (one) {
            if (css[0] == 0) { // src 图片
                if (one.tagName == 'IMG' && one.getAttribute(css[2])) one.src = one.getAttribute(css[2]);
                one.querySelectorAll(css[1]).forEach(function (now) {
                    now.src = now.getAttribute(css[2]);
            } else if (css[0] == 1) { // 背景图片
                if (one.tagName == 'IMG' && one.getAttribute(css[2])) = 'url("' + one.getAttribute(css[2]) + '")';
                one.querySelectorAll(css[1]).forEach(function (now) {
           = 'url("' + now.getAttribute(css[2]) + '")';
        return pageE
    // 文字型插入前函数(正则过滤)
    function xs_bF(pageE, reg) {
        pageE.forEach(function (one) {
            one.innerHTML = one.innerHTML.replace(reg[0], reg[1])
        return pageE

    // 通用型获取下一页地址(从 元素 中获取页码)
    function getNextE(css) {
        if (!css) css = curSite.pager.nextL;
        let next = getOne(css);
        if (next && next.nodeType === 1 && next.href && next.href.slice(0,4) === 'http' && next.getAttribute('href').slice(0,1) !== '#') {
            if (next.href != curSite.pageUrl) {
                if (curSite.pager.forceHTTPS && location.protocol === 'https:') {
                    if (next.href.replace(/^http:/,'https:') === curSite.pageUrl) {
                        return false
                    curSite.pageUrl = next.href.replace(/^http:/,'https:');
                } else {
                    curSite.pageUrl = next.href;
            } else {
                return false
            return true
        return false
    // 通用型获取下一页地址(从 元素 中获取页码,URL 替换 page= 参数)
    function getNextEP(css, pf, reg) {
        let nextNum = getOne(css), url = '';
        if (nextNum && nextNum.textContent) {
            nextNum = nextNum.textContent.replaceAll(' ','');
            if ( {
                if (indexOF(pf, 's')) {
                    url =, pf + nextNum);
                } else {
                    url = + '&' + pf + nextNum;
            } else {
                url = '?' + pf + nextNum;
            url = location.origin + location.pathname + url;
        return url
    // 通用型获取下一页地址(从 元素 中获取页码,URL 替换 pathname 路径)
    function getNextEPN(css, reg, a, b = '') {
        let nextNum = getOne(css), url = '';
        if (nextNum && nextNum.textContent) {
            nextNum = nextNum.textContent.replaceAll(' ','');
            if (location.pathname) {
                if (indexOF(reg)) {
                    url = location.pathname.replace(reg, a + nextNum + b);
                } else {
                    url = location.pathname + a + nextNum + b;
            } else {
                url = location.pathname + a + nextNum + b;
            url = location.origin + url +;
        return url
    // 通用型获取下一页地址(从 URL 中获取页码,URL 替换 pathname 路径)
    function getNextUPN(urlReg, reg, a, b = '', initP = '2', endP) {
        let nextNum = urlReg.exec(location.pathname);
        if (nextNum) {
            nextNum = String(parseInt(nextNum[0])+1);
            if (endP && (parseInt(nextNum) > parseInt(endP))) return ''
        } else {
            nextNum = initP;
            if (endP && (parseInt(nextNum) >= parseInt(endP))) return ''
        let url = '';
        if (location.pathname) {
            if (indexOF(reg)) {
                url = location.pathname.replace(reg, a + nextNum + b);
            } else {
                url = location.pathname + a + nextNum + b;
        } else {
            url = location.pathname + a + nextNum + b;
        url = location.origin + url +;
        return url
    // 通用型获取下一页地址(从 URL 中获取页码,URL 替换 page= 参数)
    function getNextUP(pf, reg, lp = location.pathname, initP = '2', endP) {
        let nextNum = getSearch(pf.replace('=',''));
        if (nextNum) {
            nextNum = String(parseInt(nextNum)+1);
            if (endP && (parseInt(nextNum) > parseInt(endP))) return ''
        } else {
            nextNum = initP;
            if (endP && (parseInt(nextNum) >= parseInt(endP))) return ''
        let url = '';
        if ( {
            if (indexOF(pf, 's')) {
                url =, pf + nextNum);
            } else {
                url = + '&' + pf + nextNum;
        } else {
            url = '?' + pf + nextNum;
        url = location.origin + lp + url;
        return url
    // 通用型获取下一页地址(从 form input 中获取,返回 GET URL)
    function getNextF(css) {
        let form = getOne(css), value = '';
        if (form) {
            form.querySelectorAll('input[name]').forEach(function(input) {value += + '=' + input.value + '&';}) // 生成表单参数
            value = encodeURI(value.replace(/&$/,'')); // 清理最后一个 & 符号
            if (form.action && value) return (form.action + '?' + value)
        return '';

    // 检查 URL
    function checkURL(func) {
        if (!curSite.pager.nextL) return
        if (typeof curSite.pager.nextL == 'function') {
            let tempUrl = curSite.pager.nextL();
            if (!tempUrl || tempUrl === curSite.pageUrl || tempUrl.slice(0,4) !== 'http') return
            curSite.pageUrl = tempUrl;
        } else if (^js;/i) === 0) { // 自定义翻页规则中执行 JavaScript 代码的
            try {
                let tempUrl = new Function('fun', curSite.pager.nextL.slice(3))(window.autoPage);
                if (!tempUrl || tempUrl === curSite.pageUrl || tempUrl.slice(0,4) !== 'http') return
                curSite.pageUrl = tempUrl;
            } catch (e) {
                console.error('[自动无缝翻页] - 当前网页规则 "nextL" 内 JS 代码有误,请检查!', e);
        } else if (getNextE()) {
    // 替换元素
    function replaceElems(pageE, o = curSite.pager.replaceE, r = curSite.pager.replaceE) {
        let oE = getAll(o),
            rE = getAll(r, pageE, pageE);
        if (oE.length != 0 && rE.length != 0 && oE.length === rE.length) {
            for (let i = 0; i < oE.length; i++) {
                oE[i].outerHTML = rE[i].outerHTML;
            return true
        return false
    // 添加历史记录
    function addHistory(pageE, title, url) {
        if (!curSite.pageUrl) return
        // 对于自带类似功能 或者 覆盖了 history 原生函数的网站,则跳过不再添加历史记录
        if ( !== '[object History]') return

        title = title || (pageE.querySelector('title')) ? pageE.querySelector('title').textContent :;
        url = url || curSite.pageUrl; = curSite.pageUrl;
        // 对于下一页 URL 和当前网页 URL 的协议不同时,跳过
        if (url.indexOf( === -1) return'Autopage_history', title, url); = title;
    // 插入 <Script>
    function insScript(selector, contextNode = document, toE = document.body) {
        let scriptElems = contextNode;
        if (selector) {
            if (contextNode instanceof Array) {
                scriptElems = []; contextNode.forEach(function (one) {scriptElems = scriptElems.concat(getAll(selector, one, one));})
            } else {
                scriptElems = getAll(selector, contextNode, contextNode);

        scriptElems.forEach(function (one) {
            if (one.tagName === 'SCRIPT') {
                if (one.src) {
                    toE.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).src = one.src;
                } else {
                    toE.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).textContent = one.textContent;//.replaceAll('document.write', '');
    // 插入 <Style>
    function insStyle(style) {
        document.documentElement.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = style;

    // 获取元素(CSS/Xpath)来自:
    function getCSS(css, contextNode = document) {
        return contextNode.querySelector(css);
    function getAllCSS(css, contextNode = document) {
        return [];
    function getXpath(xpath, contextNode, doc = document) {
        contextNode = contextNode || doc;
        try {
            const result = doc.evaluate(xpath, contextNode, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);
            // 应该总是返回一个元素节点
            return result.singleNodeValue && result.singleNodeValue.nodeType === 1 && result.singleNodeValue;
        } catch (err) {
            throw new Error(`无效 Xpath: ${xpath}`);
    function getAllXpath(xpath, contextNode, doc = document) {
        contextNode = contextNode || doc;
        const result = [];
        try {
            const query = doc.evaluate(xpath, contextNode, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
            for (let i = 0; i < query.snapshotLength; i++) {
                const node = query.snapshotItem(i);
                // 如果是 Element 节点
                if (node.nodeType === 1) result.push(node);
        } catch (err) {
            throw new Error(`无效 Xpath: ${xpath}`);
        return result;
    function getOne(selector, contextNode = undefined, doc = document) {
        if (!selector) return;
        contextNode = contextNode || doc;
        if (selector.slice(0,1) === '/' || selector.slice(0,2) === './' || selector.slice(0,3) === 'id(') {
            return getXpath(selector, contextNode, doc);
        } else {
            return getCSS(selector, contextNode);
    function getAll(selector, contextNode = undefined, doc = document) {
        if (!selector) return [];
        contextNode = contextNode || doc;
        if (selector.slice(0,1) === '/' || selector.slice(0,2) === './' || selector.slice(0,3) === 'id(') {
            return getAllXpath(selector, contextNode, doc);
        } else {
            return getAllCSS(selector, contextNode);
    function createDocumentByString(e) {
        if (e) {
            if ('HTML' !== document.documentElement.nodeName) return (new DOMParser).parseFromString(e, 'application/xhtml+xml');
            var t;
            try { t = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(e, 'text/html');} catch (e) {}
            if (t) return t;
            if (document.implementation.createHTMLDocument) {
                t = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('ADocument');
            } else {
                try {((t = document.cloneNode(!1)).appendChild(t.importNode(document.documentElement, !1)), t.documentElement.appendChild(t.createElement('head')), t.documentElement.appendChild(t.createElement('body')));} catch (e) {}
            if (t) {
                var r = document.createRange(),
                    n = r.createContextualFragment(e);
                for (var a, o = { TITLE: !0, META: !0, LINK: !0, STYLE: !0, BASE: !0}, i = t.body, s = i.childNodes, c = s.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) o[(a = s[c]).nodeName] && i.removeChild(a);
                return t;
        } else console.error('没有找到要转成 DOM 的字符串');

    // 强制新标签页打开链接(翻页模式 5/6)
    function forceTarget() {
        document.body.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
            if ( === 'A') {
                forceTarget_(, e);
            } else {
                let path = e.path || e.composedPath();
                for (let i = 1; i < path.length - 3; i++) {
                    if (path[i].tagName === 'A') {
                        forceTarget_(path[i], e);

        function forceTarget_(target, e){
            if (target.href && != '_blank' && !(target.getAttribute('onclick')) && target.href.slice(0,4) == 'http' && target.getAttribute('href').slice(0,1) != '#') {
                e.preventDefault(); // 阻止默认打开链接事件
                // = target.href;
                window.GM_openInTab(target.href, {active: true,insert: true,setParent: true});
        //document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('base')).target = '_top';
    // 判断元素是否隐藏(隐藏返回 true)
    function isHidden(el){
        return (el.offsetParent === null);
    // 判断是否为手机版(是则返回 true)
    function isMobile(){
        return (/(phone|pad|pod|iPhone|iPod|ios|iPad|Android|Mobile|BlackBerry|MicroMessenger|IEMobile|MQQBrowser|JUC|Fennec|wOSBrowser|BrowserNG|WebOS|Symbian|Windows Phone)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || (window.screen.width < 500 && window.screen.height < 800));
    // 用以自定义规则中设置 urlC = true
    function isUrlC(){
        urlC = true;
    // 判断 URL 是否存在指定文本
    function indexOF(e, l = 'p', low = false){
        switch (l) {
            case 'h':
                l = location.href; break;
            case 'p':
                l = location.pathname; break;
            case 's':
                l =; break;
        if (low) {e = e.toLowerCase(); l = l.toLowerCase();} // 全部转为小写
        if (e instanceof RegExp) {
            if (e.test(l)) return true
        } else {
            if (l.indexOf(e) > -1) return true
        return false
    // 获取 Search 指定参数
    function getSearch(variable) {
        let query =,
            vars = query.split('&');
        for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
            var pair = vars[i].split('=');
            if(pair[0] == variable){return pair[1];}
        return '';
    // 启用/禁用 (当前网站)
    function menu_disable(type) {
        switch(type) {
            case 'check':
                return check(); break;
            case 'add':
                add(); break;
            case 'del':
                del(); break;

        function check() { // 存在返回真,不存在返回假
            if (GM_getValue('menu_disable').indexOf(location.hostname) == -1) return false // 不存在返回假
            return true

        function add() {
            if (check()) return
            let list = GM_getValue('menu_disable'); // 读取网站列表
            list.push(location.hostname); // 追加网站域名
            GM_setValue('menu_disable', list); // 写入配置
            location.reload(); // 刷新网页

        function del() {
            if (!check()) return
            let list = GM_getValue('menu_disable'), // 读取网站列表
            index = list.indexOf(location.hostname);
            list.splice(index, 1); // 删除网站域名
            GM_setValue('menu_disable', list); // 写入配置
            location.reload(); // 刷新网页
    // 左键双击网页空白处暂停翻页
    function pausePageEvent() {
        if (!GM_getValue('menu_pause_page')) return
        if (curSite.SiteTypeID === 0) return
        if (curSite.pager && curSite.pager.type == 5) = pausePage
        document.body.addEventListener('dblclick', function () {
            if (pausePage) {GM_notification({text: `❌ 已暂停本页 [自动无缝翻页]\n    (再次双击可恢复)`, timeout: 2000});} else {GM_notification({text: `✅ 已恢复本页 [自动无缝翻页]\n    (再次双击可暂停)`, timeout: 2000});}
            pausePage = !pausePage;
            if (curSite.pager && curSite.pager.type == 5) = pausePage
    // 自定义翻页规则
    function customRules() {
        if (getCSS('#Autopage_customRules')) return

        let customRules = JSON.stringify(GM_getValue('menu_customRules', {}), null, '\t');
        if (customRules == '{}') customRules = '{\n\t\n}'; // 引导用户插入位置
        let _html = `<div id="Autopage_customRules" style="left: 0 !important; right: 0 !important; top: 0 !important; bottom: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; margin: auto !important; padding: 25px 10px 10px 10px !important; position: fixed !important; opacity: 0.95 !important; z-index: 99999 !important; background-color: #eee !important; color: #222 !important; font-size: 14px !important; overflow: scroll !important; text-align: left !important;">
<h3 style="font-size: 22px !important;"><strong># 自定义翻页规则(优先级最高,但前提是 "规则名" 不能重复)-【将规则插入默认的 <code>{ }</code> 中间】</strong></h3>
<summary><kbd><strong>「 点击展开 查看示例 」(为了避免需要的时候还要找,我干脆把常用规则都一股脑塞进去了)</strong></kbd></summary>
<ul style="list-style: disc !important; margin-left: 35px !important;">
<li>翻页规则为 JSON 格式,因此大家需要多少<strong>了解一点 JSON 的基本格式</strong>(主要就是逗号、转义、双引号等)。</li>
<li>具体的翻页规则说明、示例,为了方便更新及补充,我都写到 <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Github</a></strong> 里面了。</li>
<li>脚本会自动格式化规则,因此<strong>无需手动缩进、换行</strong>,只需把规则<strong>插入默认的 { } 中间</strong>即可。</li>
// 下面示例是把所有规则都塞进去了,但实际上大都用不上,大多数网站只需要像第一个 "aaa" 这样的规则
// "aaa" 是规则名,唯一!不能重复!否则会被 外置/内置规则 覆盖,支持中文等各种字符
// "url" 是用来控制哪些网站中页面适用该规则,省略后代表该规则应用于全站
// "scrollD" 是用来控制翻页敏感度的(越大就越早触发翻页,访问速度慢的网站需要调大,可省略(注意逗号),默认 1500)
    "aaa": {
        "host": "aaaa",
        "url": "xxxx",
        "pager": {
            "nextL": "xxxx",
            "pageE": "xxxx",
            "replaceE": "xxxx",
            "scrollD": 1000
    "bbb": {
        "host": ["", ""],
        "url": "/^\\/s$/",
        "style": ".aaaa {display: none !important;}",
        "forceTarget": true,
        "hiddenPN": true,
        "history": false,
        "thread": true,
        "iframe": true,
        "pager": {
            "type": 1,
            "nextL": "id('page')//a[contains(text(),'下一页')] || id('page2')//a[text()='下一页']",
            "pageE": "aaa",
            "insertP": [".bbb",3],
            "replaceE": ".page",
            "scriptT": 1,
            "forceHTTPS": true,
            "interval": 500,
            "scrollD": 1500
        "function": {
            "bF": "return fun.src_bF(pageE, [0,'img[data-src]','data-src'])",
            "aF": "document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).textContent = 'xxx'"
    "这里也可以用中文": {
        "host": "/\\.ccc\\.com/",
        "url": "fun.isUrlC(); return (fun.lp() == '/' || fun.indexOF('/s') || fun.isMobile())",
        "pager": {
            "type": 2,
            "nextL": "#autopbn",
            "nextText": "下一页",
            "nextTextOf": "下一页",
            "isHidden": true,
            "interval": 1000,
            "scrollD": 1500

<textarea id="Autopage_customRules_textarea" style="min-width:95% !important; min-height:70% !important; display: block !important; margin: 10px 0 10px 0; white-space:nowrap !important; overflow:scroll !important; resize: auto !important; text-transform: initial !important;" placeholder="留空等于默认的 {},请把规则插入 {} 之间">${customRules}</textarea>
<button id="Autopage_customRules_save" style="margin-right: 20px !important;">保存并刷新</button><button id="Autopage_customRules_cancel">取消修改</button>
        document.documentElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', _html); = = 'hidden';
        // 点击事件
        getCSS('#Autopage_customRules_save').onclick = function () {
            customRules = getCSS('#Autopage_customRules_textarea').value;
            if (!customRules) customRules = '{}'
            try {
                customRules = JSON.parse(customRules)
                GM_setValue('menu_customRules', customRules)
            } catch (e) {
                console.error('自定义规则存在格式错误:\n' + e + '\n\n格式错误一般为:\n· 逗号:每组 {} 中的最后一个值末尾不能加逗号\n\n· 转义:如果正则表达式中含有转义符 \\ 那就要对其再次转义为 \\\\\n\n· 双引号:规则中冒号左右的内容都需要加上双引号,如果内容中含有双引号则需要对双引号转义(即 \\" 这样),或改为单引号')
                window.alert('自定义规则存在格式错误:\n' + e + '\n\n格式错误一般为:\n· 逗号:每组 {} 中的最后一个值末尾不能加逗号\n\n· 转义:如果正则表达式中含有转义符 \\ 那就要对其再次转义为 \\\\\n\n· 双引号:规则中冒号左右的内容都需要加上双引号,如果内容中含有双引号则需要对双引号转义(即 \\" 这样),或改为单引号');
        getCSS('#Autopage_customRules_cancel').onclick = function () { = = ''; getCSS('#Autopage_customRules').remove();}
    // 显示页码
    function pageNumber(type) {
        if (curSite.SiteTypeID === 0 || curSite.hiddenPN || (curSite.pager && curSite.pager.type == 5 && self != top)) {if (getCSS('#Autopage_number')) {getCSS('#Autopage_number').style.display = 'none';}; return}
        let status = getCSS('#Autopage_number');
        switch (type) {
            case 'add':
                add(); break;
            case 'del':
                del(); break;
            case 'set':
                set(); break;

        function add(){
            if (status) {
                if ( === 'none') { = 'flex';}
            // 插入网页
            let _style = `<style>#Autopage_number {top: calc(75vh) !important;left: 0 !important;width: 32px;height: 32px;padding: 6px !important;display: flex;position: fixed !important;opacity: 0.3;transition: .2s;z-index: 9999 !important;cursor: pointer;user-select: none !important;flex-direction: column;align-items: center;justify-content: center;box-sizing: content-box;border-radius: 0 50% 50% 0;transform-origin: center !important;transform: translateX(-8px);background-color: #eee;-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px 0px #aaa !important;color: #000 !important;font-size: medium;} #Autopage_number:hover {opacity: 0.8;transform: translateX(0);}</style>`,
                _html = `<div id="Autopage_number" title="1. 此为 [当前页码](仅指脚本翻了多少页,并非实际页码,该页码可在脚本菜单中关闭)&#10;&#10;2. 鼠标 [左键] 点击此处可 [临时暂停翻页](再次点击可恢复)&#10;&#10;3. 鼠标 [右键] 点击此处可 [回到顶部]">${pageNum._now}</div>`
            document.documentElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', _style + _html);
            // 解决 远景论坛 会清理掉前面插入的 CSS 样式的问题
            if (location.hostname === '') {setTimeout(function(){document.documentElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', _style);}, 500);}
            if (curSite.pager && curSite.pager.type == 5) = pausePage
            // 左键点击事件(临时暂停翻页)
            getCSS('#Autopage_number').onclick = function(e) {
                if (pausePage) { = 'color: #FF5722 !important; font-style: italic !important;';} else { = '';}
                pausePage = !pausePage;
                if (curSite.pager && curSite.pager.type == 5) = pausePage
                return false
            // 右键点击事件(回到顶部)
            getCSS('#Autopage_number').oncontextmenu = function(e) {
                return false
            status = getCSS('#Autopage_number');
        // 监听储存当前页码的对象值的变化
        function set(){
            Object.defineProperty(pageNum, 'now', {
                set: function(value) {
                    this._now = value;
                    if (status) status.textContent = value;
        function del(){
            if (!status) return
   = 'none';
    // 菜单开关
    function menu_switch(menu_status, Name, Tips) {
        if (menu_status === true){
            GM_setValue(Name, false);
        } else {
            GM_setValue(Name, true);
        if (Name === 'menu_page_number') {
            if (menu_status === true){pageNumber('del');} else {pageNumber('add');}
            registerMenuCommand(); // 重新注册脚本菜单
        } else {
    // 生成 SiteTypeID
    function setSiteTypeID() {
        let num = 0
        for (let val in DBSite) {
            DBSite[val].SiteTypeID = num = num + 1;
    // 获取 Cookie
    function getCookie(name) {
        if (!name) return ''
        let arr = document.cookie.split(';');
        name += '='
        for (let i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
            let now = arr[i].trim();
            if (now.indexOf(name) == 0) return now.substring(name.length, now.length);
        return '';
    // 插入位置
    function getAddTo(num) {
        switch (num) {
            case 1:
                return 'beforebegin'; break;
            case 2:
                return 'afterbegin'; break;
            case 3:
            case 6:
                return 'beforeend'; break;
            case 4:
            case 5:
                return 'afterend'; break;
    // 插入位置 5 时,排除 <script> <style> <link> 标签
    function toE5pop(a) {
        if (a.length === 0) return
        let b = a.pop();
        if (b.tagName === 'SCRIPT' || b.tagName === 'STYLE' || b.tagName === 'LINK') {
            return toE5pop(a);
        return b
    // 滚动条事件
    function windowScroll(fn1) {
        var beforeScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop,
            fn = fn1 || function () {};
        setTimeout(function () { // 延时 1 秒执行,避免刚载入到页面就触发翻页事件

            // 避免网页内容太少,高度撑不起来,不显示滚动条而无法触发翻页事件
            let scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop,
                scrollHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight
            if (scrollTop === 0 && document.documentElement.scrollHeight === scrollHeight) {
                insStyle(`html, body {min-height: ${document.documentElement.scrollHeight+10}px;}`)

            window.addEventListener('scroll', function (e) {
                var afterScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop,
                    delta = afterScrollTop - beforeScrollTop;
                if (delta == 0) return false;
                fn(delta > 0 ? 'down' : 'up', e);
                beforeScrollTop = afterScrollTop;
            }, false);
        }, 1000)
    // 自定义 urlchange 事件(用来监听 URL 变化)
    function addUrlChangeEvent() {
        history.pushState = ( f => function pushState(){
            var ret = f.apply(this, arguments);
            window.dispatchEvent(new Event('pushstate'));
            window.dispatchEvent(new Event('urlchange'));
            return ret;

        history.replaceState = ( f => function replaceState(){
            var ret = f.apply(this, arguments);
            window.dispatchEvent(new Event('replacestate'));
            window.dispatchEvent(new Event('urlchange'));
            return ret;

            window.dispatchEvent(new Event('urlchange'))