Diep.io Working AUTOBUILD/Upgrader!

I make custom AutoBuilds just ask me for a custom AutoBuilds in the feedback! This is a work in progress! You can change the scripts to what you want. Also, try my XandY mod! Try to take over the diep.io! How to use: You should see a menu bar on the right side of the screen, hover over it and the menu will slide out! When out click on the buttons shown! This should upgrade your tank automatically! If you don't know what the upgrades do, press [T] twice/once.

Устаревшая версия за 18.05.2021. Перейдите к последней версии.

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Joe T 23.09.2024
Последний: -{Abyss⌬}-oraАвтор 25.01.2025
Плохой dead project
-{Abyss⌬}-oraАвтор 20.01.2025
Последний: -{Abyss⌬}-oraАвтор 20.01.2025
The new beta has bugs! So please report them here! :]
-{Abyss⌬}-oraАвтор 19.01.2025
Fixed it.
BAPR Alchyn 05.02.2024
Последний: BAPR Alchyn 03.11.2024
New idea: Sniper Good for achivement:
Lolyk Bobyk 04.06.2024
Последний: -{Abyss⌬}-oraАвтор 22.06.2024
Плохой Nothing happens when im press R
Adam Siddiq 18.02.2023
Последний: -{Abyss⌬}-oraАвтор 04.02.2024
Плохой bad buttons dont upgrade my character

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