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Auto Scroll Mouse [fork]

No mousewheel? No problem! This script will scroll the page if you place your mouse near the top or bottom of the window and wiggle it.

Ниже показаны все версии этого скрипта. Показать только версии, в которых изменялся код.

  • вер. 2.1.10 21.07.2020 Mark clearly any published scripts which weren't originally mine
  • вер. 2.1.9 02.06.2019 Always show region when hovered, even if not scrolling
  • вер. 2.1.8 28.12.2018 Minor tweak (extract variable)
  • вер. 2.1.7 25.12.2018 Add code to flash up the scrolling regions to improve user sanity, Remove the added class as soon as possible; use transition for delay
  • вер. 2.1.5 17.12.2018 Option to scroll only when key is held
  • вер. 2.1.4 25.04.2018 Bugfix so it works again, reduce delay time
  • вер. 2.1.3 25.04.2018 Imported from URL