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2019 MouseHunt AutoBot

Ooiks: An advance user script to automate sounding the hunter horn in MouseHunt application in Facebook or CnN: An enhanced version to sound horn based on selected algorithm of event or location. Binxxxx: See the description on how to obtain updates and what has been updated. Area specific configurations. Created by Ooiks, enhanced by CnN, kept up to date by Binx! Please read the Author's Description!!!

Устаревшая версия на 04.05.2019. Перейти к последней версии.

Hunter12345, Michael W и iJiB
0 0 0
Работает на

Please note that you need the "MH Auto KR Solver" script for the king's Reward to be automatically solved. It is located here:

If you want updates to this code, donate via PayPal to and I will send it to you in 1-2 business days. Please note that the donation will include updates for the calendar year. Minimum donation is $3 US.

If a FEE based payment is used (credit card), donate a minimum of $4 US!!! Donations not meeting minimums will be refunded and you will lose the cost of the fee.

!!!!!!! The most recent update by MouseHunt has disabled the map system in this script :( !!!!!!!!!!!

Updates you will receive with a donation...
04/30/2019 - v1.42
- Through April 2019, updated list of …
--- Bases: Birthday Banana Cake Base
--- Weapons: Surprise Party Trap, Wacky Inflatable Party People Trap, Dragon Slayer Cannon, Queso Fount Trap, Smoldering
Stone Sentinel Trap and Gouging Geyserite Trap
--- Charms: Factory Repair Charm and Extreme Dragonbane Charm
--- Bait: Coggy Colby Cheese

- Version updated: 1.42 (Was 1.41)

- Default preference values updated
--- Display Fresh Time = False
--- Fixed the timer display. Hidden if preference value is “false”.

- The script name displayed is now pulled from the title variable

- Egg Charge 2016 - High
--- Stop discharging when count = 18 (this would maintain collecting High Charge Eggs only)
NOTE: Not sure this worked

- Queso Canyon > “Queso Geyser”
--- New sub-area added into the code “Queso Geyser”
--- Will arm best Draconic weapon

02/24/2019 - v1.41
- Through February 2019, update list of…
--- Bases: Glowing Golem Guardian Base, 2019 New Year's Base, Pig Jade Base
--- Weapons: Golem Guardian Trap
--- Charms: Golem Guardian Charm, 2019 Charm
--- Bait: Glazed Pecan Pecorino Cheese

- New functionality: [TICKETS] - Automates pushing the “SEND RAFFLE” button within the “DAILY DRAW” tab of the inbox.

- Default preference values updated
--- Auto Solve King Reward = TRUE (was false)
--- Save King Reward Image = FALSE (was true)
--- Two hidden non-UI preferences:
--- --- krStopHour = 2 (was 0)
--- --- secWait = 2 (was 7)

11/14/2018 - v1.40
- Labyrinth – NEW functionality
----- Charm in Focus hall: Option to select Oil or Super oil to be armed when in a focused hall
----- Disarm bait at intersection: Option to remove bait when "Do no open non-focus door" is selected

- Through October 2018, update list of…
----- Bases: Deadwood Plank Base , Black Widow Base, Furoma Base
----- Weapons: Admiral's Galleon Trap, Creepy Coffin Trap
----- Charms: Extreme Spooky Charm, Pointy Charm
----- Bait: Crimson Cheese

- Bristle Woods Rift – Updated default / reset values to better reflect:
----- Portal-not cursed: priority (Acolyte, three mini-games areas, bonus areas, standard areas)
----- Portal-cursed: priority (Three minigame curse removal areas, bonus areas, standard areas)
----- Base and charm defaults set to enerchi farming
NOTE: If previously used this script, reset BRift area to the defaults to take advantage of this: Preferences > select the area > Click “reset & reload” button.
WARNING: Resetting the location will lose all customized selection including sub-area's weapon / base / cheese / charm / pocket watch activation. You can save your preferences, but I believe that reloading them will alter the priority lists.
9/28/2018 - V1.39
- Automatic webpage refresh becomes return to camp:
--- Preference added to turn on/off the refresh of the webpage.
Note: this will also impact the camp return feature
--- Preference added to select the refresh interval
--- When activity is detected (mouse click or keyboard press), timer is reset.
NOTE: This means that refresh will only occur if you are not on the page / away from your computer.
--- Known issues:
----- You can still run out of cheese (I want to detect this and then arm the “next best” cheese, based on preferences.
----- On occasion two headers appear for the timers (I cannot get this to repeat on demand).

- Return to camp:
--- When automatic refresh is triggered, you will be put back into camp


8/21/2018 - V1.38.5
- Currency: All weapons, bases, charms, and bait in MouseHunt as of 8/15/2018 have been added to the script.

- HUD Removal: “Last Page Load” has been removed. This can be re-added searching for “showLastPageLoadTime” and changing the value from “false” to “true”.

- Queso Canyon: Wildfire Queso will not automatically arm in Plains nor Quarry

- Labyrinth: Actions based on the [District to Focus] (selected in the preferences)
----- With focus set to any hall other than farming...
---------- When in a hall which matches the focus, Glowing Gruyere cheese is automatically arm.
---------- When you are in a NON-match hall, Gouda cheese is automatically armed.
---------- NOTE: Previously GG would not automatically arm but would get disarmed
----- With Focus set to FARMING...
---------- In a non-matching hall or in a lower hall type, Gouda is armed
---------- In a SUPERIOR FARMING hall, GG and Nightshade Farming Charms are armed
---------- NOTE: There may be a bug where the “Nightshade Farming Charm” is armed when in ANY Superior Hall

7/17/2018 - Added option to turn off Queso cheese auto-arming in Prickly Plains & Cantera Quarry
7/16/2018 - Gnawnian Express Station: Added “Ember Prison Core Trap” to automatic base arming
- All three areas will arm the appropriate trap type (Power + Power % bonus)
- Queso River...
----- BASE: Will auto-arm the area specific base and then highest Luck base.
----- CHEESE: Will auto-arm Gouda and then SB+
- Prickly Plains & Cantera Quarry...
----- BASE: Will auto-arm the highest Luck base.
----- CHEESE: Will auto-arm Spiciest to Mildest Queso
- Used with the auto-refresh, you don't have to worry about changing your trap set up when traveling within the three areas and will allow you to run through your best cheese, even when you run out.

I have updated the MouseHunt Autobot script previously maintained by Ooi Keng Siang & CnN. The updates include...
- All traps, bases, charms, and cheese as of July 11, 2018
- Best trap types updated based on Power + Power % bonus
- Fix for arming the TWD (must use FreshCoat layout)
- Automatically refresh of the MouseHuntGame web page every minute

NOTICE: Auto Fresh may kick you out of sending Gifts or Tickets, but it is essential if you are in a screen that prevents mouse hunting and leave your computer. This will put you back to the MH Game homepage and get you hunting again!!!