Старая: v20200310.0 - 10.03.2020 - Not sure it's right to exclude hd.kinopoisk.ru (https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/72158/kinopoisk-hd), but it looks like a paid streaming service, so there shouldn't be ads in the first place (unless they are literally crazy).
Новая: v20200310.1 - 10.03.2020 - Removed exception for main unicreditbanking.net page since it doesn't exist. There are subdomains like ro.unicreditbanking.net, but not the main page.
- @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name RU AdList JS Fixes
- // @namespace ruadlist_js_fixes
-// @version 20200310.0
- +// @version 20200310.1
- // @description try to take over the world!
- // @author lainverse & dimisa
- // @supportURL https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/19993-ru-adlist-js-fixes/feedback
- @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
- // @exclude *://*.alfabank.ru/*
- // @exclude *://alfabank.ru/*
- // @exclude *://*.unicreditbanking.net/*
-// @exclude *://unicreditbanking.net/*
- // @exclude *://*.telegram.org/*
- // @exclude *://telegram.org/*
- // @exclude *://trust.yandex.ru/*