有趣的脚本 by Laster2800 Liang
Arătăm rezultate doar pentru limba Română. Arată rezultate în toate limbile.
Userscript Runtime JS - Try to make userscripts work on non-tempermonkey environments(e.g. X Browser, Via Browser, etc.) as well. Attention: All data that are expected to be saved in browser storage will actually NOT be saved, that means, everytime the userscript executes will act as this is the first time.
把Google搜索伪装成百度搜索 JS - 用Google搜索,很多人看到屏幕后会问你怎么上Google的.所以当我们把Google的logo换成百度,他们就不会问那么多问题了!
万用网页标记器 JS - 轻松地标记网页任意元素,删除/更改烦人的内容,以及提供更多的快捷功能
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