Favorite by akaleeroy
Arătăm rezultate doar pentru limba Română. Arată rezultate în toate limbile.
Convert Page to IPA Pronunciation JS - Replaces all English words on a webpage with their pronunciation in the international phonetic alphabet. American and British English flavors available!
VivifyGmail JS - Keep your POP3 account in Gmail up to date
BugMeNot Everywhere JS - Add a list of login accounts from BugMeNot ( bugmenot.com ) on any website when focusing on username input
Sky News AutoPlay Disabler JS - This script prevents the Sky News website from auto-playing (often unrelated) videos after the current one has ended. BBC News provide a toggle, but Sky News doesn't. Until they introduce one, this workaround is for my own sanity.
Telegram Web Emojione JS - Replaces old iOS emojis with Emojione on Telegram Web
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