FYTE /Fast YouTube Embedded/ Player

Hugely improves load speed of pages with lots of embedded Youtube videos by instantly showing clickable and immediately accessible placeholders, then the thumbnails are loaded in background. HTML5 direct playback (720p max) is used when selected and available.

La data de 31-07-2016. Vezi ultima versiune.

0 0 0
43,2 KB
Compatibil cu Firefox Compatibil cu Chrome Compatibil cu Opera
Se aplică pe
Toate site-urile

Tested on Chrome 43+ and Firefox 38+.

The script hugely improves load speed of pages with lots of embedded Youtube videos by instantly showing clickable and immediately accessible placeholders, then the thumbnails are loaded in background.

  1. Click the thumbnail to play the video in a standard Youtube embedded player with a full-screen button
  2. Shift-click to play as HTML5 video directly, 720p is automatically selected if available.

    The behavior may be reversed by an option at the bottom right corner of any video thumbnail. The option is global and applies to all players.

  3. There's also a link to open the video page on Youtube.

  4. Last used volume is remembered for the native HTML5 player.

  5. Video thumbnail is resized to fit available width or custom size, customizable in the right bottom corner of any processed video.

  6. Other videos on current page are automatically paused when you click a new video and it starts to play.

  7. Storyboard (aka "seekbar preview") is shown on mouseover at the bottom of the embedded videos. Click to start the video at the clicked time position.

Shipped translations: EN, RU.

If you want to help translate the UI:

  1. translate the description under the script name on this page
  2. open the script code and scroll down to initTL, copypaste the language definitions somewhere, translate it
  3. optionally, translate the entire additional info block above
  4. send it to me here on forum either via Feedback or private email.