Previzualizare fereastră mică

Deschideți linkul în fereastra pop-up când trageți linkul,și oferă o previzualizare înainte de deschidere,utilizare Edge tehnologie de pre-lectura。În același timp, adăugați un efect acrilic în spatele ferestrei mici atunci când este deschisă.。

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Small window preview

「 Open link in popup window when dragging link,and provide a preview before opening,use Edge pre-reading technology。At the same time, add an acrylic effect behind the small window when it is opened.。 」


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Update record

🛠️ Small Window Preview Change log

📅 2024/9/10 11:05 - Ver

repair: The problem of not being able to read the size and position of the pop-up window across sources。
New: When the pop-up window location cannot be read across sources,Will send information to the pop-up window,Allow pop-ups to set their own size and position。

📅 2024/9/10 09:24 - Ver

grateful: tony0809 code contributions。
• turn on Record window position hour,Automatically record current domain name configuration。
• Find window configuration logic:Domain name configuration → Custom window configuration → Script comes with configuration。
• No manual editing required for configuration,The script will automatically update the domain configuration when you change the window size.Every time you change the window size it will be recorded in the global custom configuration
• Configuration rules reference#529654
• Please refer to the video below for a demonstration of the new features.。

📅 2024/9/3 05:26 - Ver

repair: #527837 event error,Modified to check mouse y axis < 1 Determine if the move is on a browser tab。

📅 2024/9/2 05:34 - Ver

New: #527625
• Pressing the keyboard in long-press mouse mode does not trigger the preview window。
• When dragging a link to a new label in drag mode, the preview window will not be triggered.。

📅 2024/8/29 08:39 - Ver

New: Add timeout to display progress bar when dragging,Cancel drag and drop to open preview window when time runs out。

📅 2024/8/29 06:28 - Ver

optimization: Remove the logic of monitoring mouse movement when long-pressed,Change to monitor the mouse and cancel the opening of the preview window when it enters the dragging state.。#526172

📅 2024/8/27 00:33 - Ver

repair: #526054 feedbackBUG:
• Fixed the probability issue that the time bar cannot be triggered to open the preview window after closing the preview window.。

📅 2024/8/25 04:59 - Ver

New: #257270
• Added display countdown when long press,Added function to remember window position。

📅 2024/8/24 07:29 - Ver 2.4

optimization: Add language pack,Optimize script performance。

📅 2024/8/23 08:12 - Ver 2.4

optimization: compatible Chrome plug-in Google Chrome super drag 0.9.9
repair: Fixed the problem that the acrylic layer does not close when clicking the close button of the small window。

Feature Introduction

🔗 Drag and Drop to Open Preview Window — Easily open and preview web links in a small window by dragging them, utilizing Edge's pre-read technology. The background of the small window features an acrylic effect to enhance visual appeal.

Menu Options Description

Options List

  1. Action Mode (actionMode)

    • Description: Sets the current action mode. Determines which mode to use based on the value of actionMode.
      • Action Mode 1: 1 - Triggers the preview window when the link is long-pressed.
      • Action Mode 2: 2 - Triggers the preview window when the link is dragged.
      • Default Action Mode: 0 - Defaults to enabling both of the above action modes.
  2. Long Press Duration (longPressDuration)

    • Description: Sets the duration of the long press action.
    • Action: setLongPressDuration, used to modify the long press duration in conjunction with Action Mode (actionMode).
  3. Blur Effect Enabled (blurEnabled)

    • Description: Enables or disables the background blur effect.
    • Action: toggleBlurEffect, used to enable or disable the blur effect.
  4. Blur Intensity (blurIntensity)

    • Description: Sets the intensity of the background blur.
  5. Close on Mouse Click (closeOnMouseClick)

    • Description: Closes the preview window when clicking the mouse in the main window (parent window of the preview window).
    • Action: toggleCloseOnMouseClick, used to enable or disable the setting to close the preview window on mouse click.
  6. Close on Scroll (closeOnScroll)

    • Description: Closes the preview window when scrolling the mouse wheel in the main window (parent window of the preview window).
    • Action: toggleCloseOnScroll, used to enable or disable the setting to close the preview window on mouse scroll.
  7. Window Width (windowWidth)

    • Description: Sets the width of the preview window. This configuration will override the set width when Save Window Configuration is enabled.
  8. Window Height (windowHeight)

    • Description: Sets the height of the preview window. This configuration will override the set height when Save Window Configuration is enabled.
  9. Show Countdown (showCountdown)

    • Description: When Action Mode (actionMode)=1 is enabled, displays a countdown progress bar below the mouse before the preview window is triggered by a long press. The time is set by Long Press Duration (longPressDuration).
    • Action: Used to enable or disable the countdown progress bar display.
  10. Show Drag Timeout (showCountdowndrag)

    • Description: When enabled, a timeout progress bar is displayed under the mouse before the drag preview window opens. The duration is determined by the Drag Timeout (dragTimeOut) setting. If the time runs out, the drag operation will not open the preview window. If the timeout is set to 0, both the progress bar and the timeout-based cancellation of the drag preview will be disabled.
    • Action: Used to enable or disable the display of the timeout progress bar.
  11. Save Window Configuration (saveWindowConfig)

    • Description: Used to remember and save the size and position configuration of the window, overriding the user-defined preview window height and width.

Each option is followed by a corresponding action function, which is used to update the menu settings. By clicking on an option, users can directly change the related configuration and see the effect immediately.

Supported Web Pages

🌐 Applicable to All Web Pages — Supports all web pages, allowing convenient link preview and opening functionality anytime, anywhere.

Script Highlights:

  • Acrylic Effect: Adds a beautiful background effect to the small window.
  • Link Pre-read: Accelerates loading using Edge's technology.
  • Configurable Options:
    • Adjustable blur effect intensity.
    • Customizable small window size.


  • Clicking or scrolling on the page can automatically close the small window.
  • Experience it now! 🚀 Enhance Browsing Efficiency — Install the script to enjoy intelligent link previews and aesthetically pleasing small windows!


Original Author


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Recommended browsers and script managers:

  • Greasemonkey + Waterfox
  • Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey + Firefox
  • Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey + Chrome
  • Userscripts + ios Safari
  • Violentmonkey/KiWiBrowser + Android

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