This script downloads youtube custom emojis and badges
It works on both joined and unjoined channels.
Just click the button, and you will get all the emojis/badges!
You will see the button on channel's main page, like
If you already joined the channel, go to main page's "Membership" tab, and click "Show perks info" button, then you'll see download button.
If you can not find the button. Copy all the code, press F12 go to browser console, put code in and hit enter.
You might be able to find the button again. Click the button will download the PNGs separately, not in zip.
Inspired by Tanuki's Youtube Custom Emoji Downloader
Tanuki said his code is no longer maintained, so I made this one. (with the help of Tanuki's code).
It's fully functional! (At least for now :D)
It's partly functional now... :(
To avoid unexpected async problems, the script waits for 500ms to download the file.
So it feels like nothing happened when you click the button. Just wait until something pops up.
(But don't wait for too long. In that case you may click again or press F5 :p)
Somehow many problems can be automatically fixed by F5 or close and re-open perks page.
Also, some pngs might be smaller than others, I don't know why, but it seems these pngs are just naturally smaller.