Unblur nsfw in Shreddit
Acestea sunt versiunile scriptului în care codul a fost actualizat. Arată toate versiunile.
Added icon
Updated version
Updated userjs
Fix always disconnect observer. Update version metadata
Check element
Removed addStyle in code, instead use link tag
Using await instead then()
Version update
Use getElementsByTagName and array methods, instead querySelector, in some items
Update 2.3.9
At all
Update version
Remove overlay blurred in thumbs Variable state name changed Some small improvements
Fix button cropped text
Fix menu button not appear when disable
Does not run in iframes
Fix button overflowing the parent element
Fix menu button not appearing.
Fix not blocking loader nsfw in mobile. Append unblur button in navbar. Add styles for unblur and pointer if status is on. Added media query to fix style.
Observing the document before the DOM loaded
Prevent opening post when click on video
Using a better method to blur the content and not, maybe?
Reverted commit because other method have some problems
Fix not founding prompt
Remove prompt
Using setInterval instead observer
Fixed running in new.reddit.com.
Fix only append element if exists
Fix height content in spoiler text. Fix line-clamp in spoiler text. Not append if revealed alredy exists.
Added menu. Trying to improve code performance. Some bugs fixes.
Using fixed in button menu
Added homepage in userscript
Remove reveladed cloned if it already exists
Fix to remove the overlay
Using MutationObserver to improve speed when detecting blurred content, and cloning the content before it is removed by the shell
Improve some parts