StateFarm Client V3

Only public script with bloom cheats! Best cheats menu for Shell Shockers in 2024. Many modules such as Aimbot, PlayerESP, AmmoESP, Chams, Nametags, Join/Leave messages, Chat Filter Disabling, AntiAFK, FOV Slider, Zooming, Co-ords, Player Stats, Auto Refill and many more whilst having unsurpassed customisation options such as binding to any key, easily editable colour scheme and themes - all on the fly!

La data de 12-01-2024. Vezi ultima versiune.

StateFarm Client for Shell Shockers

Discord Shield

Hack Client for Shell Shockers ( The most feature rich and powerful client to exist for the game.

It includes Aimbot, ESP, Blooms Hacks, Custom Binding, Highly Customisable Modules, Chat Mods and much much more.

StateFarm Client V3 is based off LibertyMutual Client

Information accurate as of StateFarm Client v3.2.1.

  • Join the Discord server for the latest news.

Download Sources:

For older versions of this client, see:

Table of Contents

  1. Installation Tutorial
  2. Features
  3. Gameplay Strategies
  4. Ban Circumvention
  5. Adblocking
  6. Issues and Troubleshooting
  7. Credits and Disclaimer

Installation Tutorial:

Before you can install the client, there are a few things you must set up to be able to run userscripts.

  1. Install the proper version of Tampermonkey from or any other userscript manager.

  2. Make sure you are able to open the extension, and go to the dashboard.

Now you are ready to install StateFarm Client:

  1. Go to the GreasyFork page and press install.

    • Alternatively, go to the Github repository and download/copy StateFarmClient.js
    • You can also use OpenUserJS.
  2. Download the client and install it into your userscript manager of choice.

You are done with installation!

  1. Go to or one of the shell shockers proxies, and use the client!

  2. Our list of proxies can be found as a file in the "others" folder in this github repository. Have fun!


Combat Tab:

  • Aimbot: locks onto targeted player. The player it locks onto is decided by the targeting type, see below.
  • Aimbot Targeting: decides the priority for which aimbot should target.
    • Pointing At: Closest to direction the camera is pointing.
    • Proximity: Closest in distance to player.
  • ToggleRM: allows for aimbot to be controlled by use of the right mouse button. This option makes it so that the player only locks on while right mouse is held.
  • AntiBloom: locks the predicted bloom point on to the target player instead of the center crosshair.
  • SilentAim: only aimbots when you shoot, causes flicks. Inaccurate, only hits 50% of the time due to syncing.
  • AntiSwitch: prevents the aimbot from changing targets.
  • 1 Kill: disables aimbot after 1 kill.
  • Prediction: predicts where the player will be when bullet reaches them. Works well! Currently working on nearer to 100% y axis accuracy.
  • Antisnap: this feature used to be useless, but has been modified to be quite useful against "botter spotters". Set to a high number (above 0.9) to see effects.
  • AntiSneak: recommended distance of 1.8, automatically detects and autokills players within this range. Set to 0 to cancel feature.
    • user is targeting someone far away
    • enemy player sneaks up behind them
    • inside a radius of 1.8 BOOM! MAGDUMP on them, then switch to pistol and magdump, then reload and continue
    • think of it like a tripwire where you are aiming on a target, say, and someone trips within your tripwire's radius now you are firing on them
  • Aimbot ESP Color: the color that should be used to highlight the ESP of a targeted player.
  • Auto Refill: refills once ammo is used up.
  • Auto Fire: fires when locked onto target player. More fun than useful.
  • GrenadeMAX: sets grenades to be thrown to max power without the need of charging.

combat tab

The current player being targeted in the leaderboard in highlighted blue. Crosshair becomes blue when aimbot is enabled.

Render Tab:

  • PlayerESP: creates boxes around enemy players.
  • Tracers: creates lines pointing from the center of the screen to the location of enemy players.
  • Chams: renders players through walls.
  • Nametags: enlarges nametags and makes them appear through walls.
  • PlayerESP Type: determines the scheme to be used to colour the tracers/ESP boxes:
    • Static: one color is used, determined by Color 1.
    • Proximity: fades between Colors 1-3 based on distance and configuration.
  • Color 1: static color/color to fade to when player is very close.
  • Dist 1->2: distance from 0 over which to fade to Color 2.
  • Color 2: color to indicate player is in range, but not very close. Fades from Color 3, and then to Color 1.
  • Dist 2->3: same idea as before.
  • Color 3: color to indicate that player is far from close range, and is more suited to sniping.
  • Ammo/Grenades Tracers: draws lines when enabled to the objects.
  • Ammo/Grenades ESP: draws boxes around objects when enabled.
  • Ammo Regime:
    • When Depleted: activates when you are out of ammo.
    • When low: activates when you can only reload twice or less more times.
    • Below Max: activates when you're not at max capacity.
    • Always On: self explanatory.
  • Grenades Regime:
    • When Depleted: activates when you are out of grenades.
    • When low: activates when you have one remaining grenade.
    • Below Max: activates when you're not at max capacity (3 grenades).
    • Always On: self explanatory.
  • Ammo/Grenades ESP Color: self explanatory.
  • FOV: changes fov which you see the map ingame. Higher will zoom out more (above 180 will invert).
  • Zoom FOV: changes the FOV at which to switch to while holding down the bind related to it (default C). Lower will zoom in more.
  • ShowBloom: shows the bloom of the next shot as a red dot on screen.
  • CamWIP: one day could be freecam. Currently just moves the camera up a bit.
  • Co-ords: displays current position in top left corner.
  • PlayerStats: displays the HP of all the online enemy players.
  • Wireframe: renders everything as a wireframe.
  • Egg size: changes size of eggs for lulz.

render tab

Chat Tab:

  • InfiniHistory: disables the default limiting of history from 5 messages to no limit.
  • DisableFilter: see messages which were filtered for other players! Highlighted in red if a message you or someone else sent has been filtered on non-modified games.
  • AntiAFK: sends cencored messages periodically that others players will not see but prevents you from being kicked for afk.
  • Join msg: shows messages in that chat for player joins
  • Leave msg: shows messages in that chat for player leaves
  • HighlightTxt: allows you to highlight text from the chat to copy somewhere else.
  • Max Ingame: limits the amount of messages that will be shown whilst playing (this is needed as InfiniHistory will cause messages to go all the way up the left side).
  • Spammer: spams chosen text (very annoying and will make all the players in a game mute you. Also likely to get you banned if they implement a measure against this).
  • Delay (ms): delay between each message. 0ms works, but higher values at least let people talk somewhat.
  • Spam Text: text to flood the chat with.
  • Mock: repeats whatever other players say and sends to chat, certain keywords trigger different messages
  • AutoEZ: whenever you kill a player, sends to chat:
    • "imagine dying ${currentlyTargetingName}, couldn't be me"
  • CheatAccuse: whenever you die, sends to chat:
    • "are you cheating ${currentlyTargetingName}? everyone report"

chat tab

Lists Tab:


  • Whitelist: enter a list of names to be used with the corresponding whitelist options. They do not need to be complete and partial matches will work. Separate by commas to list multiple.

  • Whitelist Aimbot: only targets the specified player(s). Warning: if the player(s) is dead or not found, nothing will be targeted.

  • Whitelist ESP: activates ESP options based on chosen type, info below.

  • Whitelist ESP Type:

  • Only Include: changes the ESP to only show those whitelisted.

  • Highlight: just changes the color of ESP boxes/tracers if the whitelist matches that player.

  • Whitelist Highlight Color: if type selected is Highlight, it will use this color and replace the one it had.


  • Blacklist: Same idea as whitelist.

  • Blacklist Aimbot: disables targeting those who match the blacklist.

  • Blacklist ESP Type:

  • Just Exclude: changes the ESP to not display tracers or ESP of blacklisted players.

  • Highlight: just changes the color of ESP boxes/tracers if the blacklist matches that player.

  • Blacklist Highlight Color: self explanatory.

enter image description here

Misc Tab:

  • UnlockSkins: unlocks all skins in shellshockers locally, other players will not see them.
  • ShowStream: Shows all shellshockers streams going on in game.
  • SEIZURE OPTIONS: This is intended to cause visual effects similar to an epileptic seizure for other players.

  • SeizureX: This adds the amount entered in the slider every frame to the yaw. Just enabling this is like helicopter hacks.

  • SeizureY: This does the same but vertically by modifying pitch (vertical) angle. Enabling just this will make the player appear to be rolling.

    When both the X and Y options are enabled and high values are entered, the player's yaw/pitch will effectively be random every frame, causing them to look ridiculous.

    Sometimes a side effect of this is that the player model remains skewed even while returning to normal play.

Misc tab

Client & About:

  • Hide GUI: hides upon pressing the button or the keybind (default H).
  • Theme: Allows the user to choose from a wide range of themes. enter image description here
  • Pop-ups: suppose you want to be more "stealthy", you can turn off pop-ups.
  • Panic: replaces the shell shockers page to a URL of your choice. For educational purposes only.
  • Enable Panic: if you don't need to use this client for educational purposes only, and it is annoying, you can disable this feature.
  • Set Panic URL: where it should go.
  • Creator's Links: to stay up to date.
  • Reset: deletes all locally stored variables, resetting the client config to defaults. Warning: some are used by the game too so you may lose your saved username and some stats.

client tab

Binding Modules:

With the exception of the color pickers and some links, these should all be bindable to a key of your choice. Press the binds button in the tab, and click on the button next to the module you want to bind. Press a key to bind it, or alternatively press Delete to remove the bind. Use this flexibility to your advantage to be more stealthy, or secure more kills. Eg: switch to Nearest targeting when being attacked, and then to Pointing At when sniping.


Gameplay Strategies:

  • Choose your weapon wisely: StateFarm Client synergises with certain weapons better than others, use them to your advantage. > Aimbot (especially with prediction enabled) is powerful with weapons that require high levels of aim, and weak with weapons that do not rely on aiming. > > Bloom hacks are powerful with weapons with bigger blooms, such as the crackshot.
Range Recommended Modules Strategy
Eggk47eggk-47 Close-mid range fights Antibloom greatly enhances DPS Jump around erratically while emptying magazine with aimbot locked on
Scramblerscrambler Close quarter fights Just aimbot is best, with nearest targeting Appoarch your target, reduce distance, quickly kill
RPEGG rpegg Long range Poor synergies with most modules Use ESP to predict where they will go, shoot at the floor
Free Rangerfree ranger Long-mid range Use HoldToFire and Antibloom to quickly deal damage Walk in a straight line approaching your target, taking advantage of the gun's high ammo count.
Whipperenter image description here Close-mid range fights Antibloom greatly enhances DPS Empty magazine with aimbot locked on, jump around erratically or keep distance at mid range
Crackshot crackshot Sniping/All ranges In closer ranges, antibloom makes this very powerful. Good for trickshotting (with prediction) Shoot revealed opponents at long range, or defend yourself when attacked
Tri-Hardtri-hard close-mid (sometimes long) range Antibloom greatly enhances DPS Jump around erratically while spamming shots at closer range, scope in and spam at longer range
Pistol pistol close-mid range Antibloom greatly enhances DPS, HoldToFire to turn it automatic For finishing of opponents/no ammo or to use with worse weapons eg RPEGG
Whisk (Melee) melee very close range No synergies Lock on with aimbot, follow them and spam whisk while jumping around erratically. It is generally just better to use pistol.
Grenades nade NA GrenadeMAX Damage ememies at hard to reach locations (or just make them go away)
  • Use lists tab to even further customise the client: use blacklist if you're teaming with someone and whitelist if someone talks smack in chat about you.
  • Use ESP and Chams to reveal all player locations: ESP can allow you to see know player locations, even when they are behind walls/obstacles.
  • Use Ammo/Grenade ESP to reveal all resource locations: Make sure you are never short on resources.
  • Proximity ESP: Use it to gather more info about opponent's distance with you.
  • Prediction: Use prediction to greatly enhance aimbot accuracy. If you're using aimbot, there's never a good reason to not use this.
  • Antibloom: Easiest way to do more damage is to enable this. Automatic guns get the biggest advantage, while crackshot and free ranger can be used at close range.
  • Lock On: Use this feature to prevent aimbot from switching targets.

Ban Circumvention:

BWD has appointed Eggforcers that will ban cheaters by first-person spectating them.

If you use a private window or clear cookies and cache for the site, then you mostly don't have anything to worry about. Most bans usually just apply to your browser site data, so clearing works. If you want to be completely anonymous while using StateFarm Client, use a VPN in conjunction with a private window. BWD hasn't implemented anything more advanced than this to track users, likely as it would lead to many false positives, especially in schools. But they may do something like cross-browser tracking in the future at any time, so be aware.

However, if you don't, you want to use an account, or you're just interested, we've compiled some info below.

Common detection Methods:

Eggforcers (normal players too) will look for the following actions in your gameplay to detection cheating. Avoid overusing them to an extent.

  • Snapping: Immediately locking on to another player after a kill/distance change (use AntiSnap, or only lock on when you have moved the reticle close to the player, or both).
  • Wall locking: Locking on to player though walls.
  • Unbelievably good aim: Inhuman and robotic aiming.


This is one of the tools Shell Shockers gives to private game hosters. Booting immediately IP bans every user in a private game sharing an IP, and will not allow them to rejoin that particular game unless they use a VPN/proxy.

Boot Circumvention:

This is circumvented only by using a new IP, or waiting for the host to create a new game.



This is the "ban" interface. It allows "banning" of 5, 15, and 60 minutes. Can only be used by Developers/Eggforcers. This is mainly in place to make people feel like they have power, when in fact this is the most useless measure against cheaters.

"Ban" Circumvention:

It is advised to not use an account while using Statefarm, as this method of punishment will apply to your account/browser session. If you are "banned", simply deleted cookies and cache of the site and go back (and change account, if you use one).

Real Bans:

These are only given by the actual developers of the game, who can see the logs and IPs of players. Their tools are more advanced than those of Eggforcer "bans" and can permanently IP ban a user.

Real Ban Circumvention:

As these are very rare, we have not been able to analyse one of these bans. However, it can be assumed it works like booting, but for the whole game. VPNs/proxies would most likely work just fine.


Advertisments are quite a nuisance in Shell Shockers, and BWD even added Adblock punishments (5 seconds extra waiting time). Luckily, there are multiple methods to remove ads in Shell Shockers reliably and quickly.

This is unspecific to StateFarm Client but is here as a helpful tip for user experience improvement.


  1. Install Ublock Orgin - the best blocker. (Note that you should install "Ublock Origin" and not "Ublock" they are different.)

  2. Go to the Ublock Origin settings.enter image description here

  3. Enter the "Filter lists" tab. enter image description here

  4. Keep the default filter lists and enable "uBlock filters – Annoyances". enter image description here

  5. Click the "Apply changes" button on the top. enter image description here

  6. You are done! Go to Shell Shockers and enjoy Ad-free gameplay!

If Adblock is still detected, disable other extensions/userscripts that might interfere with uBlock Orgin's blocking. Also disable built in browser blocking.

Issues and Troubleshooting

Know Issues Solution
Stuck on Shellshockers loading screen Press Crrl + F5 (or fn + F5) until "Script Injected" in shown. This performs a 'hard reset', discarding any cached files which could be causing issues.

If you have any issues, feel free to contact us in our Discord server.

Credits and Disclaimer

  • Hydroflame521 for founding the project.

    • Hydroflame521, onlypuppy7, porcupane, and not_food. for development.
    • susdung for README additions.
    • Zertalious: code that used to be present.


We would like to emphasize that we cannot be held accountable for any negative consequences, such as the loss of friendships or a tarnished reputation, that may arise from your decision to use StateFarm client. It is highly likely that such a choice will result in significant displeasure among those around you. We strongly discourage using StateFarm in public lobbies, as it may lead to widespread animosity, potential bans, and the reset of your statistics.