// ==UserScript==
// @name Rice's AOTY Add-ons
// @namespace https://albumoftheyear.org
// @version
// @description A few different AOTY extensions I made compiled together.
// @author Rice
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id: "AOTY-Addons",
title: "AOTY Add-ons",
fields: {
RScoreEnable: {
section: [
GM_config.create("Unround Scores"),
"Script to show full (unrounded) album/single scores.",
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Toggle Score Unrounder",
type: "radio",
default: "On",
RScoreRound: {
label: "Decimals to show on main album pages.",
type: "float",
default: 1,
RScoreFont: {
label: "Font size to show on main album pages.",
type: "float",
default: 39,
RScoreRound2: {
label: "Decimals to show on small album previews.",
type: "float",
default: 2,
RScoreFont2: {
label: "Font size to show on small album previews.",
type: "float",
default: 18,
HScoreEnable: {
section: [
GM_config.create("Hide Scores"),
"Script to hide album/single ratings",
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Toggle Score Hider",
type: "radio",
default: "Off",
HScoreDisableIfRated: {
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Show Score If Already Rated",
type: "radio",
default: "On",
HScoreHideCriticReviews: {
options: ["Hide", "Show"],
label: "Hide/Show Critic Reviews",
type: "radio",
default: "Show",
HScoreReplacementText: {
label: "Score Replacement Text",
type: "text",
default: "N/A",
hideTrackScores: {
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Hide Only Track scores",
type: "radio",
default: "Off",
THEnable: {
section: [
GM_config.create("Best Tracks Highlighter"),
"If tracks are above a certain score with a certain amount of ratings they will be bolded.",
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Toggle Track Highlighter",
type: "radio",
default: "On",
THMinScore: {
label: "Minimum score a track must have in order to be bolded.",
type: "float",
default: 90,
THMinRatings: {
label: "Minimum amount of ratings a track must have in order to be bolded.",
type: "float",
default: 25,
RAEnable: {
section: [
GM_config.create("Rated Album Shuffle"),
"Script to pick a random rated album from you (or anyone's) rated albums page. \nFull guide: \nhttps://pastebin.com/raw/PehxkCSw",
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Toggle Rated Album Shuffle",
type: "radio",
default: "On",
RAKeyBind: {
label: "Enter key code for keybind",
type: "float",
default: 220,
AARating: {
section: [
GM_config.create("Artist Rating Viewer"),
"Script that automatically calculates a user or critics average rating of an artist when viewed.",
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Toggle Artist Rating Viewer",
type: "radio",
default: "On",
TListSorter: {
section: [
GM_config.create("Tracklist Sorter"),
"Adds a button to sort a tracklist by the highest rated songs.",
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Toggle Tracklist Sorter",
type: "radio",
default: "On",
avgTracklist: {
section: [
GM_config.create("Tracklist Score Average"),
"Adds text to see the average rating of songs on a tracklist and also your personal average ratings.",
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Toggle Tracklist Score Average",
type: "radio",
default: "On",
ATRound: {
label: "Amount of decimals to round by.",
type: "float",
default: 2,
quickSubmitter: {
section: [
GM_config.create("Quick Submitter"),
"Options to click enter instead of manually clicking in different places.",
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Toggle Quick Submitter",
type: "radio",
default: "On",
quickAddTracks: {
section: [
GM_config.create("Quick Track Adder"),
'Adds an option add tracks faster by being able to go to the next section you need to fill out whenever the enter key is pressed instead of manually clicking it.',
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Toggle Quick Track Adder",
type: "radio",
default: "On",
rymUrl: {
section: [
GM_config.create("Quick RYM URL"),
'Feature I use to get track times to add from RYM faster. The text here would normally be quite long so here is a link to a pastebin containing all the info: https://pastebin.com/raw/C774Jb4f',
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Toggle Quick RYM URL",
type: "radio",
default: "Off",
copyUrl: {
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Toggle Automatically Copy RYM URL",
type: "radio",
default: "Off",
checkUrl: {
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Toggle Validate RYM URL",
type: "radio",
default: "Off",
betterColors: {
section: [
GM_config.create("Better Rating Colors"),
'Adds rating colors that more accurately represent the score. This option adds 10 different colors based on the rating while the normal has only 3.',
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Toggle Better Rating Colors",
type: "radio",
default: "Off",
zeroscolor: {
label: "Rating color for score of 1-9",
type: "text",
default: "#D76666",
tenscolor: {
label: "Rating color for score of 10-19",
type: "text",
default: "#E07D70",
twentiescolor: {
label: "Rating color for score of 20-29",
type: "text",
default: "#E2956F",
thirtiescolor: {
label: "Rating color for score of 30-39",
type: "text",
default: "#E5B56E",
fourtiescolor: {
label: "Rating color for score of 40-49",
type: "text",
default: "#E2BC85",
fiftiescolor: {
label: "Rating color for score of 50-59",
type: "text",
default: "#D6DB7D",
sixtiescolor: {
label: "Rating color for score of 60-69",
type: "text",
default: "#B3DD7C",
seventiescolor: {
label: "Rating color for score of 70-79",
type: "text",
default: "#9AE27D",
eightiescolor: {
label: "Rating color for score of 80-89",
type: "text",
default: "#90E27D",
ninetiescolor: {
label: "Rating color for score of 90-99",
type: "text",
default: "#86E27D",
hundredcolor: {
label: "Rating color for score of 100",
type: "text",
default: "#86E27D",
betterLengths: {
section: [
GM_config.create("Better Album Lengths"),
'Adds seconds to the Total Length section on albums.',
options: ["On", "Off"],
label: "Toggle Better Album Lengths",
type: "radio",
default: "On",
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15.570312 L 10.015625 16.042969 L 9.96875 16.066406 C 9.941406 16.082031 9.851562 16.105469 9.71875 16.105469 C 9.566406 16.105469 9.453125 16.074219 9.414062 16.050781 L 8.460938 15.511719 C 8.179688 15.351562 7.851562 15.265625 7.507812 15.265625 C 6.96875 15.265625 6.453125 15.472656 6.09375 15.832031 L 3.101562 18.820312 C 2.496094 19.425781 2.359375 20.445312 2.78125 21.1875 L 3.378906 22.238281 C 3.449219 22.363281 3.464844 22.6875 3.402344 22.816406 C 3.238281 23.175781 2.777344 23.863281 2.558594 24.058594 L 1.445312 24.363281 C 0.621094 24.589844 0 25.410156 0 26.265625 L 0 30.492188 C 0 31.351562 0.621094 32.167969 1.445312 32.394531 L 2.652344 32.726562 C 2.789062 32.765625 3.023438 32.984375 3.070312 33.117188 L 3.441406 34.019531 L 3.460938 34.0625 C 3.519531 34.191406 3.507812 34.511719 3.4375 34.636719 L 2.890625 35.601562 C 2.46875 36.347656 2.605469 37.363281 3.210938 37.96875 L 6.203125 40.960938 C 6.558594 41.320312 7.074219 41.523438 7.617188 41.523438 C 7.957031 41.523438 8.289062 41.441406 8.570312 41.28125 L 9.496094 40.753906 C 9.535156 40.730469 9.652344 40.699219 9.808594 40.699219 C 9.941406 40.699219 10.03125 40.722656 10.058594 40.738281 L 11.113281 41.179688 L 11.160156 41.199219 C 11.292969 41.246094 11.511719 41.480469 11.550781 41.621094 L 11.875 42.785156 C 12.101562 43.613281 12.917969 44.234375 13.773438 44.234375 L 18.003906 44.234375 C 18.859375 44.234375 19.675781 43.613281 19.90625 42.785156 L 20.226562 41.621094 C 20.265625 41.484375 20.484375 41.246094 20.617188 41.199219 L 21.589844 40.800781 L 21.632812 40.777344 C 21.664062 40.765625 21.75 40.738281 21.882812 40.738281 C 22.042969 40.738281 22.164062 40.777344 22.203125 40.800781 L 23.1875 41.359375 C 23.46875 41.515625 23.796875 41.601562 24.140625 41.601562 C 24.683594 41.601562 25.199219 41.394531 25.554688 41.039062 L 28.546875 38.046875 C 29.152344 37.441406 29.289062 36.421875 28.867188 35.679688 L 28.308594 34.695312 C 28.238281 34.574219 28.226562 34.253906 28.289062 34.125 L 28.691406 33.160156 L 28.707031 33.117188 C 28.753906 32.984375 28.988281 32.765625 29.128906 32.726562 L 30.332031 32.394531 C 31.15625 32.167969 31.777344 31.347656 31.777344 30.492188 L 31.777344 26.265625 C 31.777344 25.410156 31.15625 24.589844 30.328125 24.363281 Z M 29.839844 30.621094 L 28.636719 30.953125 C 27.929688 31.148438 27.242188 31.785156 26.984375 32.476562 L 26.617188 33.359375 C 26.308594 34.027344 26.347656 34.964844 26.710938 35.601562 L 27.265625 36.582031 C 27.28125 36.621094 27.269531 36.71875 27.246094 36.746094 L 24.261719 39.734375 C 24.246094 39.742188 24.203125 39.761719 24.140625 39.761719 C 24.113281 39.761719 24.09375 39.757812 24.097656 39.761719 L 23.113281 39.199219 C 22.773438 39.007812 22.335938 38.902344 21.882812 38.902344 C 21.625 38.902344 21.238281 38.9375 20.867188 39.109375 L 19.972656 39.476562 C 19.285156 39.734375 18.648438 40.425781 18.453125 41.132812 L 18.132812 42.292969 C 18.117188 42.332031 18.042969 42.390625 18 42.394531 L 13.777344 42.394531 C 13.738281 42.390625 13.660156 42.332031 13.644531 42.296875 L 13.324219 41.132812 C 13.128906 40.425781 12.492188 39.734375 11.804688 39.476562 L 10.835938 39.070312 C 10.460938 38.894531 10.070312 38.859375 9.808594 38.859375 C 9.359375 38.859375 8.925781 38.964844 8.585938 39.15625 L 7.667969 39.679688 C 7.664062 39.679688 7.644531 39.6875 7.617188 39.6875 C 7.554688 39.6875 7.507812 39.664062 7.5 39.660156 L 4.515625 36.675781 C 4.488281 36.640625 4.476562 36.542969 4.488281 36.511719 L 5.035156 35.542969 C 5.398438 34.90625 5.4375 33.96875 5.132812 33.300781 L 4.792969 32.476562 C 4.539062 31.785156 3.847656 31.148438 3.140625 30.953125 L 1.941406 30.625 C 1.902344 30.609375 1.84375 30.53125 1.839844 30.492188 L 1.839844 26.269531 C 1.84375 26.226562 1.902344 26.152344 1.9375 26.136719 L 3.136719 25.804688 C 4.148438 25.527344 5.0625 23.613281 5.070312 23.59375 C 5.382812 22.925781 5.34375 21.972656 4.976562 21.332031 L 4.382812 20.285156 C 4.367188 20.246094 4.382812 20.152344 4.402344 20.121094 L 7.390625 17.132812 C 7.402344 17.125 7.449219 17.105469 7.507812 17.105469 C 7.535156 17.105469 7.554688 17.109375 7.554688 17.109375 L 8.503906 17.648438 C 8.839844 17.839844 9.273438 17.945312 9.71875 17.945312 C 9.984375 17.945312 10.378906 17.90625 10.753906 17.730469 L 11.789062 17.289062 C 12.476562 17.027344 13.109375 16.335938 13.304688 15.632812 L 13.644531 14.398438 C 13.660156 14.359375 13.738281 14.300781 13.773438 14.296875 L 17.996094 14.296875 C 18.039062 14.300781 18.117188 14.359375 18.132812 14.394531 L 18.472656 15.632812 C 18.667969 16.335938 19.300781 17.03125 19.988281 17.289062 L 20.945312 17.691406 C 21.320312 17.863281 21.710938 17.902344 21.972656 17.902344 C 22.421875 17.902344 22.855469 17.796875 23.191406 17.605469 L 24.199219 17.035156 C 24.203125 17.03125 24.222656 17.027344 24.25 17.027344 C 24.308594 17.027344 24.355469 17.046875 24.363281 17.054688 L 27.351562 20.039062 C 27.375 20.074219 27.386719 20.167969 27.375 20.203125 L 26.769531 21.273438 C 26.410156 21.90625 26.367188 22.84375 26.667969 23.515625 L 26.984375 24.28125 C 27.238281 24.972656 27.929688 25.609375 28.636719 25.804688 L 29.835938 26.132812 C 29.875 26.152344 29.933594 26.226562 29.9375 26.265625 L 29.9375 30.488281 C 29.933594 30.53125 29.875 30.609375 29.839844 30.621094 Z M 29.839844 30.621094 "/> \
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function round(value, decimals) {
return Number(Math.round(value + "e" + decimals) + "e-" + decimals);
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let criticscore =
let unrounded = criticscore.getAttribute('title')
document.getElementsByClassName('albumCriticScore')[0].style.color = '#FFF'
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criticscore.textContent = round(unrounded, RSRound1);
document.getElementsByClassName("albumCriticScore")[0].style.fontSize =
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if (
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let userscore =
let unrounded2 = userscore.getAttribute("title");
userscore.textContent = round(unrounded2, RSRound1);
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document.getElementsByClassName('albumCriticScore')[0].style.color = '#FFF'
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let check = document.getElementsByClassName("scoreHeader");
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check[i].textContent !== "Score"
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roundedscore[i].textContent = round(
roundedscore[i].style.fontSize = `${RSFontSize2}px`;
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case RAKeyBind:
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document.getElementsByClassName("pageSelectSmall").length - 1
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if (randompage == 1) {
window.location.href =
url.split(/ratings/)[0] + `ratings/${randompage}/`;
if (GM_getValue("first") == false) {
let randomalbumnumber = Math.floor(
Math.random() *
document.getElementsByClassName("artistTitle").length +
window.location.href =
"https://www.albumoftheyear.org" +
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let ok = false
let total = 0
let thingtest;
let albsrated = 0
const Observe = (sel, opt, cb) => {
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total += Number(document.getElementsByClassName("tableRating")[i].children[0].textContent)
let artistratings = document.getElementsByClassName("subHeadline artistRatings")[0]
let avgscore = round((total / albsrated), ATRound)
let color;
if (avgscore >= 69.5) {
color = "#85ce73"
if (avgscore < 69.5 && avgscore >= 49.5) {
color = "#f0e68c"
if (avgscore < 49.5) {
color = "#d76666"
artistratings.innerHTML += `<span style="font-size: 17.6px; font-weight: 400;"><br>Average Artist Rating: <span style="color: ${color}; font-weight: bold;">${round((total / albsrated), ATRound)}</span></br></span>`
total = 0
albsrated = 0
ok = false
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document.getElementsByClassName('sectionHeading')[2].innerHTML += `<br><span class="sorttracklist"; style="font-size: 8px; font-weight: 400; color: lightblue;"> [Sort by highest rated]</span></br>`
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function getAvgTracklist() {
if (url.includes('https://www.albumoftheyear.org/song/') || url.includes('https://www.albumoftheyear.org/album/')) {
if (!url.includes('/user-reviews/')) {
let allscores = 0
let ratedtrackcount = 0
let yourratedtrackcount = 0
let youravgrating = 0
let color2;
let color3;
if (document.getElementsByClassName('trackTitle') && url.startsWith("https://www.albumoftheyear.org/song/")) {
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for (let i = 0; i < document.getElementsByClassName('trackTitle').length; i++) {
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allscores += Number(document.getElementsByClassName('trackTitle')[i].parentNode.children[2].children[0].textContent)
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color3 = "#85ce73"
if (youraveragerating < 69.5 && youraveragerating >= 49.5) {
color3 = "#f0e68c"
if (youraveragerating < 49.5) {
color3 = "#d76666"
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color2 = "#85ce73"
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color2 = "#f0e68c"
if (averagerating < 49.5) {
color2 = "#d76666"
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tracklength.innerHTML = `<span style="color: white; font-weight: bold;">Your Average Rating: </span><span style="font-weight: bold;">N/A</span><br><span style="color: white; font-weight: bold;">Average Rating: </span><span style="font-weight: bold; color: ${color2}; ">${averagerating}</span></br>`
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if (averagerating < 49.5) {
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let originallength = length
const hours = Math.floor(length / 3600)
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if (hours == 1) {
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if (minutes > 0) {
timestring += `, ${seconds} seconds`
if (minutes == 0) {
if (hours >= 1) {
timestring += `, ${seconds} seconds`
if (!hours >= 1) {
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