去掉WEBP - 转换WEBP图片到源格式(JPG PNG GIF)用于Onenote与Evernote剪藏

将豆瓣、微信公众号、简书、知乎、B站(哔哩哔哩、Bilibili)文章专栏的webp图片转换为对应格式(JPG PNG GIF),用于Onenote、Evernote/印象笔记 剪辑保存,解决剪藏图片不显示的问题,已兼容保留豆瓣GIF动图、知乎内(高品质)GIF自动加载。可尝试自行添加生效网站。

La data de 20-04-2020. Vezi ultima versiune.

Acestea sunt versiunile scriptului în care codul a fost actualizat. Arată toate versiunile.

  • v1.5 14-02-2020 Add icon. Version update.
  • v1.4 14-02-2020 - 修正添加豆瓣读书、电影等页面内webp的转换,尽可能地转换成通常格式,方便剪藏。 - Fixed the .webp conversion in Douban Book, Movie, etc. Convert as much as possible for cliping.
  • v1.4 14-02-2020 - 修正添加豆瓣读书、电影等页面内webp的转换,尽可能地转换成通常格式,方便剪藏。 - Fixed the .webp conversion in Douban Book, Movie, etc. Convert as much as possible for cliping.
  • v1.3 14-02-2020 Name & Description updated.
  • v1.2 14-02-2020 兼容豆瓣、简书、微信公众号的GIF动图,豆瓣动图自动加载。New: .GIF kept & worked. GIF in Douban autoloads.
  • v1.0 08-02-2020 Description corrented.
  • v1.0 08-02-2020

Arata toate versiunile scriptului