Greasy Fork is available in English.

Login reminder popup remover (developement ceased - not up to date)

Removes the nagging login popups and banners from mobile and desktop versions of Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Quora, VK, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitch and from the mobile versions of Youtube and TikTok.

Filtru: Ultimele 30 de zile Ultimele 365 de zile Din totdeauna

Instalări zilnice

Instalări săptămânale

Verificare actualizări zilnice

Date nemodificate

Data Instalări Verificări actualizări
2025-02-11 6 4.746
2025-02-12 6 4.765
2025-02-13 7 4.721
2025-02-14 5 4.715
2025-02-15 1 4.535
2025-02-16 2 4.468
2025-02-17 4 4.806
2025-02-18 2 4.653
2025-02-19 4 4.751
2025-02-20 5 4.965
2025-02-21 4 4.938
2025-02-22 7 4.762
2025-02-23 1 4.706
2025-02-24 1 4.973
2025-02-25 3 5.035
2025-02-26 2 5.035
2025-02-27 3 4.866
2025-02-28 3 5.002
2025-03-01 3 4.575
2025-03-02 1 4.696
2025-03-03 5 4.925
2025-03-04 1 4.838
2025-03-05 4 4.886
2025-03-06 1 4.798
2025-03-07 4 4.818
2025-03-08 3 4.619
2025-03-09 5 4.593
2025-03-10 3 4.907
2025-03-11 3 4.790
2025-03-12 1 781
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