Greasy Fork is available in English.

TW Friends

Friend Management for The West Events

La data de 13-04-2015. Vezi ultima versiune.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            TW Friends
// @name:el         TW Friends
// @version         0.17
// @description     Friend Management for The West Events
// @description:el  Διαχείριση Φίλων για τις Εκδηλώσεις του The West
// @author          hiroaki
// @include         http://*.the-west.*/game.php*
// @include         https://*.the-west.*/game.php*
// @grant           none
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

function hiroFriendsScript(fn) {
	var script = document.createElement('script');
	script.setAttribute("type", "application/javascript");
	script.textContent = '(' + fn + ')();';
hiroFriendsScript (function() {
	var VERSION = 0.17;
	var installURL = "";
	var refreshMs = 2 * 60 * 1000;	// 2 minutes
	HiroFriends = {
		version: VERSION,
		storageItem: "HiroFriends.version",
		cdnBase: '',
		eventName : '',
		eventInfo : {},
		eventEndStamp : 0,
		friends : [],
		interval: false,
		timeLeft : 0,
		total : 0,
		avail: 0,
		log: { lastLog: 0, friendLog: {}, count_friends: 0, count_job: 0, count_duel: 0, count_npc: 0, count_fort: 0, count_mpi: 0, count_build: 0, count_item: 0, count_other: 0, count_reset: 0, count_bribe: 0, times_reset: 0, times_bribe: 0, received: 0, used: 0 },
		spanCounter: $("<span />", { id: "hiro_friends_counter", style: "position: absolute; right: 5px; color: #f8c57c; font-size: 13pt; height: 25px; line-height: 25px; bottom: 0px" }),
		spanTimeLeft: $("<span />", { id: "hiro_event_timeleft", style: "position: absolute; left: 5px; color: #d3d3d3; font-size: 11px; height: 25px; line-height: 25px" })
	HiroFriends.init = function(eventName) {
		if (undefined === Game.sesData[eventName] || undefined === Game.sesData[eventName].friendsbar) return false;
		HiroFriends.eventName = eventName;
		HiroFriends.eventInfo = Game.sesData[eventName].friendsbar;
		if (undefined === Game.sesData[HiroFriends.eventName].meta.end) return false;
		HiroFriends.eventEndStamp = (buildTimestamp(Game.sesData[HiroFriends.eventName].meta.end) - Game.serverTimeDifference) / 1000;
		HiroFriends.timeLeft = HiroFriends.eventEndStamp - Game.getServerTime();
		if (HiroFriends.timeLeft < 0) return false;
		HiroFriends.cdnBase = (undefined === Game.cdnURL) ? "" : Game.cdnURL;
		var eventImage = HiroFriends.cdnBase + "/images/interface/friendsbar/events/" + HiroFriends.eventName + ".png";	// event based
		var divContainer = $("<div />", { id: "hiro_friends_container", style: "position: absolute; top: 32px; right: 50%; margin-right: 120px; z-index: 16; width: 180px; height: 36px; text-align: left; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000; background: url('"+HiroFriends.cdnBase+"/images/interface/custom_unit_counter_sprite.png?2') no-repeat scroll 50% 0px transparent;" })
		var divCounter = $("<div />", { id: "hiro_friends", style: "background: url('"+HiroFriends.cdnBase+"/images/interface/custom_unit_counter_sprite.png?2') no-repeat scroll 0 -36px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); height: 25px; left: 32px; line-height: 25px; padding: 0 5px; position: absolute; top: 3px; width: 105px; z-index: 1; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000;" });
		var divRefresh = $("<div />", { style: "width: 24px; height: 24px; position: absolute; left: 8px; top: 3px; z-index: 3; padding: 4px 0px 0px 4px;" });
		var spanRefresh = $("<span >", { style: "display: inline-block; width: 20px; height: 20px; cursor: pointer; background: url('"+HiroFriends.cdnBase+"/images/tw2gui/window/window2_buttons.png?5') repeat scroll 0px -20px transparent;" });
		var spanSend = $("<span />", { style: "width: 26px; height: 26px; left: auto; position: absolute; right: 7px; top: 2px; z-index: 3;" });
		var imageSend = $("<img />", { src: eventImage, title: HiroFriends.eventInfo.label, style: "width: 26px; height: 26px; cursor: pointer" });
		divContainer.append(divRefresh.append(spanRefresh), spanSend.append(imageSend), divCounter.append(HiroFriends.spanTimeLeft, HiroFriends.spanCounter)).appendTo("#user-interface");;
		spanRefresh.hover(function() { $(this).css("background-position", ""); }, function() { $(this).css("background-position", "0px -20px"); }); { HiroFriends.spanCounter.slideUp(500, function() { HiroFriends.fetch(); }).slideDown(1500); }); {; });
		if(typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {
			var previousVersion = (localStorage.getItem(HiroFriends.storageItem) === null) ? 0 : parseFloat(localStorage.getItem(HiroFriends.storageItem));
			localStorage.setItem(HiroFriends.storageItem, HiroFriends.version);
			// if (previousVersion && HiroFriends.version > previousVersion) var msg=new west.gui.Dialog("TW Friends", "Script upgraded to version "+HiroFriends.version, west.gui.Dialog.SYS_WARNING).addButton("OK").show();
		$("<style>.hf_idx { width: 40px; text-align: right; padding-right: 8px; } .hf_player { width: 250px; } .hf_action { width: 200px; } .hf_log { width: 100px; text-align: right; padding-right: 8px; } .hf_delete { width: 40px; text-align: center; } div.tbody .hf_idx, div.tbody .hf_delete { background-image: url('"+HiroFriends.cdnBase+"/images/tw2gui/table/cell_shadow_y.png'); }</style>").appendTo("head");
		return true;
	HiroFriends.fetch = function() {
		if (HiroFriends.interval !== false) clearInterval (HiroFriends.interval);
		var event_times = {};
		var friends = [], total = 0, avail = 0, recv = 0;
		var server_time = Game.getServerTime(), activation_time, friend_time;
		if (HiroFriends.timeLeft < 0) {
			throw "Event is over";
		return $.post( "/game.php?window=friendsbar&mode=search", { search_type: "friends" } , function (data) {
			$.each(data.eventActivations, function (key, val) {
				if (val.event_name == HiroFriends.eventName) event_times[val.friend_id] = val.activation_time;
			$.each(data.players, function (key, val) {
				if ( !== {
					activation_time = (event_times[val.player_id] !== undefined) ? event_times[val.player_id]: 0;
					friend_time = activation_time + HiroFriends.eventInfo.cooldown - server_time;
					recv = (undefined === HiroFriends.log.friendLog[val.player_id]) ? 0 : HiroFriends.log.friendLog[val.player_id];
					friends.push ({ id: val.player_id, name:, time: friend_time, recv: recv });
					++ total;
					if (friend_time <= 0) ++ avail;
			// if (total) friends.sort(HiroFriends.timeCompare);
			HiroFriends.friends = friends;
			HiroFriends.avail = avail; = total;
			HiroFriends.interval = setInterval(function() { HiroFriends.fetch(); }, refreshMs);
	HiroFriends.getLog = function() {
		var hasNext = true;
		var limit = 100;
		var page = 1;
		var count = 0;
		var details;
		var maxDate = HiroFriends.log.lastLog;
		while (hasNext) {
			$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/game.php?window=ses&mode=log", data: { ses_id: HiroFriends.eventName, page: page, limit: limit }, async: false, success: function(data) {
				hasNext = data.hasNext;
				limit = data.limit;
				page = + 1;
				$.each(data.entries, function (key, val) {
					count = parseInt(val.value);
					if ( <= HiroFriends.log.lastLog) {
						hasNext = false;
						return false;
					if ( > maxDate) maxDate =;
					switch (val.type) {
						case "friendDrop":
							details = JSON.parse(val.details);
							if (undefined !== HiroFriends.friends[details.player_id]) HiroFriends.friends[details.player_id].recv += count;
							if (undefined === HiroFriends.log.friendLog[details.player_id]) HiroFriends.log.friendLog[details.player_id] = count;
							else HiroFriends.log.friendLog[details.player_id] += count;
							HiroFriends.log.count_friends += count;
							HiroFriends.log.received += count;
						case "jobDrop":		HiroFriends.log.count_job += count; HiroFriends.log.received += count; break;
						case "buildDrop":	HiroFriends.log.count_build += count; HiroFriends.log.received += count; break;
						case "duelDrop":	HiroFriends.log.count_duel += count; HiroFriends.log.received += count; break;
						case "duelNPCDrop":	HiroFriends.log.count_npc += count; HiroFriends.log.received += count; break;
						case "battleDrop":	HiroFriends.log.count_fort += count; HiroFriends.log.received += count; break;
						case "adventureDrop":	HiroFriends.log.count_mpi += count; HiroFriends.log.received += count; break;
						case "itemUse":		HiroFriends.log.count_item += count; HiroFriends.log.received += count; break;
						case "wofPay":
							HiroFriends.log.used += count;
							if (val.details == "timerreset") {
								HiroFriends.log.count_reset += count;
								++ HiroFriends.log.times_reset;
							else if (val.details == "sneakyshot") {
								HiroFriends.log.count_bribe += count;
								++ HiroFriends.log.times_bribe;
							HiroFriends.log.count_other += count;
							HiroFriends.log.received += count;
		HiroFriends.log.lastLog = maxDate;
	HiroFriends.display = function(sort) {
		var maindiv = $('<div class="hiro_friends_maindiv"></div>');
		if (!HiroFriends.friends.length) $('<h1 style="text-align: center; color: #990000; margin-bottom: 80px;">No Friends</h1>').appendTo(maindiv);
		else {
			switch (sort) {
				case "name" 	:	HiroFriends.friends.sort(HiroFriends.nameCompare); break;
				case "name_desc":	HiroFriends.friends.sort(HiroFriends.nameCompare).reverse(); break;
				case "recv" 	:	HiroFriends.friends.sort(HiroFriends.recvCompare); break;
				case "recv_asc"	:	HiroFriends.friends.sort(HiroFriends.recvCompare).reverse(); break;
				case "time_asc"	:	HiroFriends.friends.sort(HiroFriends.timeCompare).reverse(); break;
				case "time"	:
				default		:	sort = "time"; HiroFriends.friends.sort(HiroFriends.timeCompare);
			var thName = $('<a href="javascript:void();"><img src="'+HiroFriends.cdnBase+'/images/icons/user.png" alt="" />&nbsp;Name</a>').click(function (){ HiroFriends.display(sort == 'name' ? 'name_desc' : 'name'); });
			var thAction = $('<a href="javascript:void();"><img src="'+HiroFriends.cdnBase+'/images/icons/clock.png" alt="" />&nbsp;'+HiroFriends.eventInfo.label+'</a>').click(function (){ HiroFriends.display(sort == 'time' ? 'time_asc' : 'time'); });
			var thRecv = $('<a href="javascript:void();"><img src="'+HiroFriends.cdnBase+'/images/icons/watch.png" alt="" />&nbsp;Received</a>').click(function (){ HiroFriends.display(sort == 'recv' ? 'recv_asc' : 'recv'); });
			var hiroTable = new west.gui.Table().appendTo(maindiv).addColumn("hf_idx").addColumn("hf_player").addColumn("hf_action").addColumn("hf_log").addColumn("hf_delete").appendToCell("head", "hf_idx", '&nbsp;').appendToCell("head", "hf_player", thName).appendToCell("head", "hf_action", thAction).appendToCell("head","hf_log",thRecv).appendToCell("head", "hf_delete", '&nbsp;');
			var idx = 1;
			$.each(HiroFriends.friends, function (key, val) {
				var rcv = 0, actionCell;
				rcv = (undefined === HiroFriends.log.friendLog[]) ? 0 : HiroFriends.log.friendLog[];
				if (val.time > HiroFriends.timeLeft) actionCell = '(Next Year)';
				else if (val.time > 0) actionCell = '('+val.time.formatDurationBuffWay()+')';
				else {
					actionCell = $('<a href="javascript:void();">'+HiroFriends.eventInfo.label+'</a>').click({ id:, ev: HiroFriends.eventName }, function (e) {
						Ajax.remoteCall("friendsbar", "event", { player_id:, event: HiroFriends.eventName }, function (response) {
							if (response.error) return MessageError(response.msg).show();
							val.time += 86400;
							if (HiroFriends.avail) -- HiroFriends.avail;
							if (WestUi.FriendsBar.friendsBarUi !== null)
								WestUi.FriendsBar.friendsBarUi.friendsBar.eventActivations[][HiroFriends.eventName] = response.activationTime;
				hiroTable.appendRow(null, 'hiroFriendRow_'
					.appendToCell(-1, "hf_idx", idx)
					.appendToCell(-1, "hf_player", '<a href="javascript:void(''));">' + + '</a>')
					.appendToCell(-1, "hf_action", actionCell)
					.appendToCell(-1, "hf_log", val.recv)
					.appendToCell(-1, "hf_delete", '<a href="javascript:void(FriendslistWindow.deleteFromFriendList(''));"><img style="width:16px; height: 16px;" title="Remove Friend" src="'+HiroFriends.cdnBase+'/images/icons/delete.png" alt="delete" /></a>');
				++ idx;
			hiroTable.appendToCell('foot', 'hf_player', '<a target="_blank" href="'+installURL+'">TW Friends</a> version <b>' + HiroFriends.version.toFixed(2) + '</b>');
		var statsTable = $('<table style="margin: auto;"><tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td>Collected:</td><td style="color: #006600; font-weight: bold; text-align: right; padding-right: 8pt;">'+HiroFriends.log.received+'</td><td>Friends: <b>'+HiroFriends.log.count_friends+'</b>, Jobs: <b>'+HiroFriends.log.count_job+'</b>, Fort Battles: <b>'+HiroFriends.log.count_fort+'</b>, Adventures: <b>'+HiroFriends.log.count_mpi+'</b>,<br />Duels: <b>'+HiroFriends.log.count_duel+'</b>, NPC Duels: <b>'+HiroFriends.log.count_npc+'</b>, Construction: <b>'+HiroFriends.log.count_build+'</b>, Item Use: <b>'+HiroFriends.log.count_item+'</b>, Other: <b>'+HiroFriends.log.count_other+'</b></td></tr><tr><td>Used:</td><td style="color: #660000; font-weight: bold; text-align: right; padding-right: 8pt;">'+HiroFriends.log.used+'</td><td>Reset Timer: <b>'+HiroFriends.log.count_reset+'</b> (#'+HiroFriends.log.times_reset+'), Bribe: <b>'+HiroFriends.log.count_bribe+'</b> (#'+HiroFriends.log.times_bribe+')</td></tr></table>');
		var hiroWindow ="HiroFriends_"+HiroFriends.eventName, null, "noreload").setMiniTitle(HiroFriends.eventInfo.label).setTitle(HiroFriends.eventInfo.label);
	} = function() {
		if (!WestUi.FriendsBar.hidden) WestUi.FriendsBar.toggle();
		return HiroFriends.fetch().done(function() { HiroFriends.display('time'); });
	HiroFriends.nameCompare = function(a, b) { return; }
	HiroFriends.recvCompare = function(a, b) { if (a.recv > b.recv) return -1; if (a.recv < b.recv) return 1; return 0; }
	HiroFriends.timeCompare = function(a, b) { if (a.time < b.time) return -1; if (a.time > b.time) return 1; return 0; }
	HiroFriends.updateTimer = function() {
		HiroFriends.timeLeft = HiroFriends.eventEndStamp - Game.getServerTime();
		if (HiroFriends.timeLeft <= 0) {
		var seconds = 0;
		if (HiroFriends.timeLeft < 70) seconds = 1;
		else if (HiroFriends.timeLeft < 3660) seconds = 10;
		else if (HiroFriends.timeLeft < 86520) seconds = 60;
		else seconds = 120;
		setTimeout (function() { HiroFriends.updateTimer(); }, seconds * 1000);
	HiroFriends.update = function() {
		HiroFriends.spanCounter.html(HiroFriends.avail+' <span style="color: #d3d3d3; font-size: 11px;">/ ''</span>');
	HiroFriends.scriptInit = function(tries, maxTries) {
		if (tries >= maxTries) return false;
		if (Game && Game.loaded && undefined !== && undefined != {
			var westEvents =;
			var eventName;
			if ("object" == typeof westEvents) $.each (westEvents, function (key, val) {
				if (undefined !== val['id']) {
					eventName = val['id'];
					if ('SES Easter event' == eventName) eventName = 'Easter';
					else if ('SES: ' == eventName.substr(0,5)) eventName = eventName.substr(5);
					if ('Hearts' == eventName || 'Easter' == eventName || 'Independence' == eventName || 'DayOfDead' == eventName) {
						if (HiroFriends.init(eventName)) HiroFriends.fetch();
						return false;
			return true;
		++ tries;
		setTimeout(function() { HiroFriends.scriptInit(tries, maxTries); }, tries * 1000);
	HiroFriends.scriptInit(0, 100);