Greasy Fork is available in English.


Toggle server messages; See red bar below last read line; Linkify forgotten links; Highlight lines containing one of keywords; misc stuff too

La data de 10-06-2014. Vezi ultima versiune.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         mb. CHATLOGS POWER-UP
// @version      2013.0905.1803
// @description  Toggle server messages; See red bar below last read line; Linkify forgotten links; Highlight lines containing one of keywords; misc stuff too
// @namespace
// @author       PATATE12 aka. jesus2099/shamo
// @licence      CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
// @grant        none
// @include*
// @include*
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
	const userjs = "j2userjs127580";
	const ls = (typeof localStorage != "undefined");
	const cat = self.location.href.match(/chatlogs\.musicbrainz\.org\/([^/]+)\//);
	const date = self.location.href.match(/\/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\.html/);
	const dds = document.querySelectorAll("dd");
	var srdd = "none";
	var srnv = "jesus script patate";/*just some starting default value example*/
	var lskeys = [];
	for (var lsi=0; lsi<localStorage.length; lsi++) {
		if (localStorage.key(lsi).match(new RegExp(userjs+"lr"+(cat?cat[1]:"[a-z-]+")+"\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}", "i"))) {
	if (lskeys.length > 0) {
		document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("h2")).appendChild(createA("Last read "+(cat?"#"+cat[1]:"")+" chat logs", function (e) { var lulu = document.getElementById(userjs+"logs");"display","display")=="none"?"block":"none"); }));
		var ul = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("ul"));
		ul.setAttribute("id", userjs+"logs");"display", "none");
		for (var k=0; k<lskeys.length; k++) {
			if (lrpage = lskeys[k].match(new RegExp(userjs+"lr([a-z-]+)((\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2}))", "i"))) {
				ul.appendChild(document.createElement("li")).appendChild(document.createElement("a")).appendChild(document.createTextNode(lrpage[1]+" "+lrpage[2])).parentNode.setAttribute("href", "/"+lrpage[1]+"/"+lrpage[3]+"/"+lrpage[3]+"-"+lrpage[4]+"/"+lrpage[2]+".html");
	if (cat) {
		var ss = document.styleSheets[0];
		ss.insertRule("div#"+userjs+"toolbar { position: fixed; bottom: 0; right: 0; background: #ccc; padding: 2px 0 0 4px; border: 2px solid #eee; border-width: 2px 0 0 2px; }", ss.cssRules.length);
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		var sep = " | ";
		if (date) {
			var re_urlid = /html#(.+)$/;
			var re_server = /^\S+ has (?:joined|left) #\S+$/;
			var re_nick = /([^\s\[\]>]+)\]?$/;
			var css_brdr = "2px dashed red";
			var maxStoredLastread = 100;
			var lastread; if (ls && (lastread = localStorage.getItem(userjs+"lr"+cat[1]+date[1]))) { lastread = document.getElementById(lastread.split(" ")[0]); }
			var hashrow; if ((urlid = document.location.href.match(re_urlid)) && (urlide = document.getElementById(urlid[1]))) { hashrow = urlide; }
			if (ls) {
				if (tmp = localStorage.getItem(userjs+"srd")) { srdd = tmp; }
				if (tmp = localStorage.getItem(userjs+"nick")) { srnv = tmp; }
			var sr = ss.insertRule("dt.server, dd.server { display: "+srdd+"; }", ss.cssRules.length);
			var nrdt = ss.insertRule(nicksel(srnv, "dt")+" { background: #ff6; }", ss.cssRules.length);
			var nrdd = ss.insertRule(nicksel(srnv, "dd")+" { background: #ffc; }", ss.cssRules.length);
			/* jump links */
			if (hashrow) {
				if (ctt.firstChild) { ctt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(sep)); }
				var a = ctt.appendChild(createA("#\u00a0"+hashrow.getAttribute("id").match(/T(\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)-\d+/)[1].replace(/-/g, ":"), "#"+hashrow.getAttribute("id"), hashrow.getAttribute("id")));
				if (isServer(getSibling(hashrow, "dd"))) {
					ctt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" (server)"));
					a.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
						if ((servel = document.getElementById(this.getAttribute("href").substr(1))) && self.getComputedStyle(servel).display == "none" && (prevnick = getSibling(servel, "dt", "nick-", true))) {
							scrollTo(0, prevnick.offsetTop);
							e.cancelBubble = true;
							if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
							return false;
					}, false);
				hashrow.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].style.border = css_brdr;
			if (lastread) {
				if (ctt.firstChild) { ctt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(sep)); }
				ctt.appendChild(createA("#\u00a0last-read", function(e){
				}, lastread.getAttribute("id")));
			/* nick names highlight */ 
			if (navigator.userAgent.match(/firefox/i)) {/*(-_-;)*/
				if (ctt.firstChild) { ctt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(sep)); }
				var a = ctt.appendChild(createA("Firefox bug 28182", "", "reload after change nick names")); = "pink";
				a.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
			} else if (ctt.firstChild) { ctt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(sep)); }
			ctt.appendChild(createTag("input", {
				"id": userjs+"nick",
				"type": "text",
				"value": srnv
			}, {
				"keyup": function(e) {
			/* server messages on/off */
			ctt.appendChild(createTag("input", {
				"id": userjs+"tog",
				"type": "button",
				"value": (srdd=="block"?"Hide":"Show")+" server messages"
			}, {
				"click": function(e) {
					var fv;
					if ((dls = document.getElementsByTagName("dl")) && dls[0].offsetTop < self.pageYOffset) { fv = firstVisibleDT(); }
					var s = this.value.match(/^(Show|Hide)/);
					if (s) { s = s[1]=="Show"; }
					var d = s?"block":"none";
					if (ls) { localStorage.setItem(userjs+"srd", d); }
					ss.cssRules[sr].style.display = d;
					this.value = this.value.replace(s?"Show":"Hide", s?"Hide":"Show");
					if (fv) {
						if ((y = fv[0].offsetTop-fv[1]) < 0) {
							if (prevnick = getSibling(fv[0], "dt", "nick-", true)) { y = prevnick.offsetTop; }
							else { y = fv[0].offsetTop; }
						scrollTo(0, y);
			/* jump around! */
			if (hashrow || lastread) {
				var jumpto = setTimeout(function(){
					jumpto = null;
				}, 400);
				document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", function(e) {
					if ((hashrow||lastread) && !jumpto) { (hashrow||lastread).scrollIntoView(); }
				}, false);
			/* last read stuff */
			if (ls && date) {
				if (lastread) {
					if (nextDD = getSibling(lastread, "dd")) { = css_brdr; }
				if (ldt = lastDT()) {
					localStorage.setItem(userjs+"lr"+cat[1]+date[1], ldt.getAttribute("id")+" "+new Date().getTime());
				/* last read cleanup */
				dates = [];
				for (var sto=0; sto<localStorage.length; sto++) {
					if (key = localStorage.key(sto).match(new RegExp(userjs+"lr\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}"))) {
				if (dates.length > maxStoredLastread) {
					dates.sort(function(a,b) {
						return (parseInt(localStorage.getItem(a).split(" ")[1])-parseInt(localStorage.getItem(b).split(" ")[1]));
					for (var dat=0; dat < dates.length - maxStoredLastread; dat++) {
		/* #musicbrainz / #musicbrainz-devel */
		if (cat[1].match(/^musicbrainz(?:-devel)?$/)) {
			var tgt = "musicbrainz" + (cat[1].match(/^musicbrainz$/)?"-devel":"");
			ctt.appendChild(createA("#"+tgt, self.location.href.replace(/\/musicbrainz(?:-devel)?\//, "/"+tgt+"/")));
	function plusmoins(p) {
		if (p) {
			srnv = p;
			if (ls) { localStorage.setItem(userjs+"nick", srnv); }
			ss.cssRules[nrdt].selectorText = nicksel(srnv, "dt");
			ss.cssRules[nrdd].selectorText = nicksel(srnv, "dd");
		var nicks = document.getElementsByTagName("dt");
		for (var nick=0; nick<nicks.length; nick++) {
			if (who = nicks[nick].innerHTML.match(re_nick)) {
				var gotit = srnv.match(new RegExp("(?:^|[^\\w-])"+who[1]+"(?:$|[^\\w-])"));
				var a = nicks[nick].getElementsByClassName(userjs+"plusmoins");
				if (a && a.length == 1) {
					a = a[0];
				else {
					a = nicks[nick].insertBefore(createA(gotit?"-":"+", function(e) {
						var inni = document.getElementById(userjs+"nick");
						var t = this.getAttribute("title").match(/^(\S+) (\S+)$/);
						var v = inni.value;
						if (t[1] == "watch") {
							v += " "+t[2];
						} else {
							v = v.replace(t[2], "");
						var ns = v.match(/([\w-]+)/g);
						ns.sort(function(a,b) {
							return (a.toLowerCase()>b.toLowerCase()?1:-1);
						v = "";
						for (var n=0; n<ns.length; n++) {
							v += ns[n]+" ";
						inni.value = v;
					}, (gotit?"unwatch":"watch")+" "+who[1]), nicks[nick].lastChild);
					a.setAttribute("class", userjs+"plusmoins"); = "none"; = "0";
					nicks[nick].insertBefore(document.createTextNode(" "), nicks[nick].lastChild);
				a.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(gotit?"-":"+"), a.firstChild);
				a.setAttribute("title", a.getAttribute("title").replace(/^(\S+)/, gotit?"unwatch":"watch"));
				var subs = srnv.split(" ");
				for (var sub=0; sub<subs.length; sub++) {
					var dd = getSibling(nicks[nick], "dd");
					if (subs[sub].match(/\w+/) && dd.textContent.match(new RegExp(subs[sub], "i"))) {
						dd.className += " nick-"+subs[sub]+" ";
					} else {
						dd.className = dd.className.replace(subs[sub], "");
	function nicksel(nicklist, tag) {
		var nicks = nicklist.match(/([\w-]+)/g);
		var sep = "";
		var sel = "";
		for (var n=0; nicks && n<nicks.length; n++) {
			sel += sep+tag+"[class*='nick-"+nicks[n]+"']"+(tag=="dt"?"+dd":"");
			if (sep == "") { sep = ", "; }
		return sel;
	function firstVisibleDT() {
		var okdt;
		for (var dd = 0; dd < dds.length; dd++) {
			if (dds[dd].offsetTop >= self.pageYOffset + self.innerHeight) { return [okdt, 0]; }
			else if (!isServer(dds[dd])) {
				okdt = getSibling(dds[dd], "dt", null, true);
				if (dds[dd].offsetTop >= self.pageYOffset) { return [okdt, okdt.offsetTop-self.pageYOffset]; }
		return null;
	function lastDT() {
		for (var dd = dds.length-1; dd >= 0; dd--) {
			if (!isServer(dds[dd])) { return getSibling(dds[dd], "dt", null, true); }
		return null;
	function isServer(o) {
		return (o.childNodes.length == 1 && o.firstChild.nodeType == 3 && o.firstChild.nodeValue.match(re_server));
	function getSibling(obj, tag, cls, prev) {
		var cur = obj;
		if (cur = prev?cur.previousSibling:cur.nextSibling) {
			if (cur.tagName == tag.toUpperCase() && (!cls || cls && cur.className.match(new RegExp("\\W*"+cls+"\\W*")))) {
				return cur;
			} else {
				return getSibling(cur, tag, cls, prev);
		} else {
			return null;
	function createTag(tag, attribs, events) {
		var t = document.createElement(tag);
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		for (evt in events) { if (events.hasOwnProperty(evt)) { t.addEventListener(evt, events[evt], false); } }
		return t;
	function createA(text, link, title) {
		var a = document.createElement("a");
		if (link && typeof link == "string") {
			a.setAttribute("href", link);
		else {
			if (link && typeof link == "function") {
				a.addEventListener("click", link, false);
			} = "pointer"; = "underline";
		if (title){ a.setAttribute("title", title); }
		a.appendChild(typeof text=="string"?document.createTextNode(text):text);
		return a;
	function linkify() {
		/*linkify adapt*/
	    const urlRegex = /\b(https?:\/\/[^\s\"\<\>]+)/ig;/*/\b(https?:\/\/[^\s+\"\<\>]+)/ig;*/
	    // tags we will scan looking for un-hyperlinked urls
	    var allowedParents = [
	        /*"abbr", "acronym", "address", "applet", "b", "bdo", "big", "blockquote", "body", 
	        "caption", "center", "cite", "code", */"dd"/*, "del", "div", "dfn", "dt", "em", 
	        "fieldset", "font", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "i", "iframe",
	        "ins", "kdb", "li", "object", "pre", "p", "q", "samp", "small", "span", "strike", 
	        "s", "strong", "sub", "sup", "td", "th", "tt", "u", "var"*/
	    var xpath = "//text()[(parent::" + allowedParents.join(" or parent::") + ") and " +
	                "contains(translate(., 'HTTP', 'http'), 'http')]";
	    var candidates = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
	    /*var t0 = new Date().getTime();*/
	    for (var cand = null, i = 0; (cand = candidates.snapshotItem(i)); i++) {
	        if (urlRegex.test(cand.nodeValue)) {
	            var span = document.createElement("span");
	            var source = cand.nodeValue;
	            cand.parentNode.replaceChild(span, cand);
	            urlRegex.lastIndex = 0;
	            for (var match = null, lastLastIndex = 0; (match = urlRegex.exec(source)); ) {
	                span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(source.substring(lastLastIndex, match.index)));
	                var a = document.createElement("a");
	                a.setAttribute("href", match[0]);
	                lastLastIndex = urlRegex.lastIndex;
	    /*alert(((new Date().getTime()) - t0) / 1000);*/