KashiKaikin JS - 歌詞検索サイトの歌詞テキストをコピー可能にする
amzOrderHistoryFilter JS - You will be able to view your Amazon (amazon.co.jp) order history by month, and view and print receipts by month or year at a time.
ReloadSuppression_tameshiyo.me JS - Suppress unexpected reloads in tameshiyo.me
LetMeUseF12 JS - [F12] and some other limited key operations are possible
AlphaKaikin JS - Enables range selection and context menu display in the body of the Alphapolis novel
Helper to return of Kindle Unlimited loans JS - Help with the return of Kindle Unlimited loans in Amazon.co.jp.
YN-SearchOrigin JS - Find the original article of the article of Yahoo News Japan.
amzShowOpenOrders JS - View "Open Orders" on Amazon.co.jp
concurrent_promise JS (Biblioteca) - Parallel processing module for JavaScript that can specify the number of concurrent executions.