Google Search Extra Buttons JS - Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page
ufoCorrect JS - Correct Long Tall design in 5 sites: habrastorage.org, toster, tmtm, freelansim, habrahabr, geektimes, megamozg
OverCompact JS - more compact forum forums.overclockers.ru
habrActivity JS - view user activity in Habr comments for Fx-Opera-Chrome
HabraKarmaView JS - Подсказка кармы по наведению на ник, кроссбраузерно
Habr Percentage Ring JS - Percentage Rings around numbers which show grades (for with userstyles)
HabrAjax JS - Cumulative script with over 60 functions for Fx-Opera-Chrome
Feedly: partial refresh by R in any keyboard layout JS - Refresh by "R" in any national keyboard layout, add styles, date of refresh and floating title of opened article
hhFiller JS - Fill response post for vacation in hh.ru by template
Remove livejournal-promo JS - Remove livejournal's promo blocks, promo-posts, hide spam-authors by list in localStorage, fix CSS.
Lamptest pinned header of table JS - for stick header of table when scrolling