ayuwage_sub_openAdlink JS - www.ayuwage.com - sub - click open link Ad
ayuwage - MainPage JS - www.ayuwage.com - Main - getAlllink and open one
adfiver.com - Main JS - adfiver.com- Main - choose link and open
revadburst - open ad JS - revadburst - Main - collect and open Ad-link
revadburst - autoclose Ad JS - revadburst -subpage - autoclose Ad
auto_ref_thaieibvn JS - auto ref = thaieibvn
revadburst - PTC Main JS - enter something useful
bittrex - Show Chart only JS - try to take over the world!
myetherwallet - Chỉnh max =100 JS - try to take over the world!
Binance - auto sort - left JS - try to take over the world!
raydium - Connect JS - try to take ove11r the world!