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YouTube Links

Download YouTube videos. Video formats are listed at the top of the watch page. Video links are tagged so that they can be downloaded easily.

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Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado em: 02/12/2016

Subtitles [Feature request]

Hi, love your script.
Would it be too difficult/much work adding the download links of the subtitles, too?
I know it is technically possible because for example downsub dot com can do it, but I really have no idea if it would be difficult to implement.
If it isn't really needed because there already is some other fine script for that (avoid feature duplication) could somebody please point me to it?

Publicado em: 22/09/2018

Hi, I don't have plans to. There are already other scripts that can do it. Just search for "youtube subtitle".

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