
Bypass Ads

< Feedback de AdsBypasser

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado em: 16/06/2015

not working binbox

hello sir,

script is working very nicely ... but now i facing a small problem with binbox...
script is not able to skip the captcha.....
please fix it sir ..
thanks you

Publicado em: 16/06/2015

I just tried, and it works correctly. Please provide us more information:

Publicado em: 16/06/2015

I can reproduce it, the captcha shows up. Are all captcha in supposed to be skipped?

Publicado em: 16/06/2015

@legnaleurc Captchas for accessing pastes are supposed to be skipped. Would it be possible to get a screenshot and the log?

Publicado em: 17/06/2015

If I use Chrome or private mode in Firefox, it happens. The pasteInfo says access denied.

Publicado em: 17/06/2015
Editado em: 17/06/2015

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