First you can only do this on FireFox so install tampermonkey on FireFox and do it there. Second go to about:config on firefox (just search it up on google) then look for "dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled" and turn it to false then the Quill Answer autofill should work.
< Feedback de Quill Answer Revealer and Auto-fill
The script only works on certain questions, most of them you still have to type out the full sentence. It doesn't work on fill-in-the-blanks either. If you're too busy with school to fix it, or don't see this, I understand. But if the creator doesn't get back to me in the next week, I'll be working on one in the meantime if anyone wants it it'll be called "Quiller" on github whenever I figure out how to make it in the next couple of days, if everything works, it should also spoof the time completed.
Edit: I don't know javascript so I just did the assignments. Make sure copy and paste is enabled on the website, and if you have grammar 1+2, split-screen the proofreading. I did 251 assignments in around 9-10 hours.
ohh mbmb I wrote the script mostly for this specific class and I didn't make it work for every question as I thought some of them were too easy(for my class at least) so I just left them be. I like just legit saw this ngl
The script only works on certain questions, most of them you still have to type out the full sentence. It doesn't work on fill-in-the-blanks either. If you're too busy with school to fix it, or don't see this, I understand. But if the creator doesn't get back to me in the next week, I'll be working on one in the meantime if anyone wants it it'll be called "Quiller" on github whenever I figure out how to make it in the next couple of days, if everything works, it should also spoof the time completed.