
Download youtube videos at the comfort of your browser.

< Feedback de YoutubeDL


Publicado em: 15/06/2024
Editado em: 15/06/2024

On Violentmonkey BETA 2.18.1
Hello, this script not work for me, button not injected
• TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'innerHTML')
at fetchPageInformation (YoutubeDL.user.js:289:72)
at async injectAll (YoutubeDL.user.js:1284:13)
at async YoutubeDL.user.js:1381:25
• ERROR: Failed to load CSS

My 5 cents:
• modify @match from * to http*://*.*/*
• change button apearance to -> document.querySelector('.ytp-time-display')?.after(MY_SUPER_popup)

I will wait for working script, don't worry

Publicado em: 16/06/2024

Hello, do you have other Youtube scripts/theme changers & what video link does this happen on? Looking forward to fix your issue.
Cheers, you can contact me via my socials if needed.

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