BYTS(Better YouTube Shorts) - Greasyfork Edition

Gives you a seekbar, autoplay option, volume options, etc.

< Feedback de BYTS(Better YouTube Shorts) - Greasyfork Edition


Publicado em: 17/08/2022

It Currently Doesn't Detect Light Theme To Automatically Adjust The Images To Work With Light Theme

Publicado em: 25/08/2022

Could you describe that more clearly? I am not sure what you mean. The buttons? Never using light theme myself, so i never really checked on that

Publicado em: 25/09/2022

The Volume Indicator And The Progress Time Both Don't Detect Light Theme

Publicado em: 25/09/2022

To Fix This Issue You Could Make A Separate Plugin That Creates A Special Dark Theme Suited For This Plugin That Only Applies To Youtube Shorts

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