
non premium menber use "Sort by popularity"

< Feedback de pixiv_sort_by_popularity

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado em: 08/04/2020

Great script!

Thank you for making this a thing! Although it sometimes gets stuck on "searching..." the script is extremely easy to use and is such a great extension for Pixiv. Thank you for your work on this

Publicado em: 10/04/2020

@Takoyuuki said: Thank you for making this a thing! Although it sometimes gets stuck on "searching..." the script is extremely easy to use and is such a great extension for Pixiv. Thank you for your work on this

thank you for such higher compliment!

coincidently I got notice message today, from bank, it's a payment notice for pixiv!

glad this script still working, and doing help of peoples, 550 yen was worthed!

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