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CosmosisT's TinyChat Script (CTS V1.8.65)

Modified TinyChat - Best Scripts; prepare to be amazed.

< Feedback em CosmosisT's TinyChat Script (CTS V1.8.65)

Avaliação: Ruim - o script não funciona

Publicado: 14/09/2021
Editado: 14/09/2021

This script takes away freedoms of Tinychat users by banning everyone that enters rooms on Tinychat for no reason. Tinychat users can create hundreds of random Tinychat accounts and the script autobans as soon as Tinychat users enter the room. The script doesn't care who the Tinychat users are all it knows is to ban on sight. This script has turned Tinychat into a communist censorship site with all this mod abuse. Never in the history of the internet has their been so much mod abuse and it's all because of this script. I guess this script was to destroy Tinychat and make Tinychat a communist censorship site.

Publicado: 15/09/2021

Script knows how to ban dummies, who create fake accounts as they have no verifying process. Safelist is in place to know who isn't stupid. Enjoy!
Be a better person...

*Drops mic*

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