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2020 MouseHunt AutoBot

An advance user script to automate sounding the hunter horn in MouseHunt

< Feedback em 2020 MouseHunt AutoBot

Avaliação: OK - script funciona, mas tem bugs

Publicado: 24/07/2020

Is there anything in the code for why the bot is choosing Forgotten Art of Dance as priority for auto-laby? even when I have ILT?

Publicado: 24/07/2020

Unfortunately one of the updates broke the weapon list. Not all weapons get armed, even if they are owned. If you export your preferences, you'll see the weapon list. Either the weapon is not recognized as being owned, or the name of the weapon is slightly different, or it is just not being armed. I can't remember which is the case, but I have tried to fix it a few times.

Publicado: 03/09/2020

@Reconchan - Please install the latest code and let me know if this is working correctly now.

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