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AutoSave to Internet Archive - Wayback Machine

Automatically save the page you visited (or all links you can see) to "Wayback Machine".

< Feedback em AutoSave to Internet Archive - Wayback Machine

Avaliação: Ruim - o script não funciona

Publicado: 08/08/2019

Can't seem to get it to archive anything

I installed this to tampermonkey on chrome and enabled it with everything defaulted. It doesn't show as running on almost any site, I tried multiple different sites of different types even. The only website it shows as running or doing anything is the wayback machine website itself, where it asks if I want to archive it or not, which why I would archive the wayback machine pages to itself I have no idea. I've repeatedly checked the wayback machine for the pages I've been to today and nothing has propogated, so it's either got an extremely long delay for adding things to the wayback machine and also doesn't show it's running ever, or it's broken some how.

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