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fixing a notable script Youtube page load performance

Publicado: 10/11/2022
Editado: 10/11/2022

i hound a script on stackoverflow that could be extemely useful for youtube load page speed however there is an issue, the code that's involved is extremely old and it uses jquery and i am trying to solve errors within the code and or use something other than jquery. need assistance
***note*** there's also externals for this userscript that needs to be fixed as well

// ==UserScript==
// @name Youtube: Page load performace
// @namespace computerarea / twitter
// @description hide / shows elements to increase page load time
// @include*
// @version 1
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

///*Hides by defualt*///

///*Actions that change defualts*///

///*DO NOT TOUCH*///
var script = unsafeWindow.document.createElement("SCRIPT");
script.src = '';
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.addEventListener('load', function(){
jQuery = unsafeWindow['jQuery'];
unsafeWindow['$_'] = jQuery.noConflict(true);
}, false);

Publicado: 11/11/2022

This question is 7 years old. (question on SO)

Publicado: 12/11/2022

As far as I know, the only effective way to youtube speedup is

  1. Mobile version
  2. Alternative mirrors like Invidious
  3. Applying some experimental flags



4 Redirecting video to local players using like youtube-dl libraries

4.1 #1

4.2 #2

You can look for magic scripts if you believe in magic -

Publicado: 12/11/2022

The script you provided is lazy loading of some elements. In principle, YouTube is now taking a similar approach.

It is possible to revive this script, the problem is that it is useless

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