Did they even play? JS - Show play stats on Steam Gifts winners pages. Adapted from kelnage's Do You Even Play, Bro? script.
Lex's SG Chart Maker JS - Create bundle charts for Steam Gifts.
Steam Gifts Archive Link to Winners JS - Add links to Winners to Archive results
YouTube Uploads Sorter Button JS - Adds a button to a YouTube channel's videos page which sorts recent uploads by views
Kicktraq links JS - Links thumbnails directly to Kickstarter and adds [K] links to KS to the Top Ten list
edX More Video Speeds JS - Adds more speed options to the edX video player
IndieGala Keys to TextArea JS - Displays a text area with game titles and keys.
Fanatical Keys Backup JS - Displays a text area with game titles and keys so you can copy them out easily.
Steam - Glance Cards and Cheevos JS - Highlights Cards and Achievements at the top of game pages
Humble Bundle Keys Backup JS - Displays a text area with game titles and keys so you can copy them out easily.
- Web Integration JS - Shows if an link has been claimed or not
Steam ASF Idle Helper JS - Lets you manage ASF's priority queue from a game's page or the Steam Badges page. Also lets you click a game on the Badges page to take you right to the associated store page.
ASF AddLicense Helper JS - Make !addlicense commands clickable.
Roll20 Sandbox Restarter JS - Restarts your API sandbox if it crashes. Leave open your Mod (API) Scripts page while you play and this will automatically restart it if there are errors.
SteamGifts Region Helper JS - Assists with setting regions on new giveaways.
Fanatical Bundle Regional Pricing JS - 3/12/2025, 7:04:09 AM