Steam Hotkeys JS - Add hotkeys to navigate the Steam website and Discovery Queue
Did they even play? JS - Show play stats on Steam Gifts winners pages. Adapted from kelnage's Do You Even Play, Bro? script.
Lex's SG Chart Maker JS - Create bundle charts for Steam Gifts.
Steam Gifts Archive Link to Winners JS - Add links to Winners to Archive results
YouTube Uploads Sorter Button JS - Adds a button to a YouTube channel's videos page which sorts recent uploads by views
Kicktraq links JS - Links thumbnails directly to Kickstarter and adds [K] links to KS to the Top Ten list
edX More Video Speeds JS - Adds more speed options to the edX video player
IndieGala Keys to TextArea JS - Displays a text area with game titles and keys.
Fanatical Keys Backup JS - Displays a text area with game titles and keys so you can copy them out easily.
Steam - Glance Cards and Cheevos JS - Highlights Cards and Achievements at the top of game pages
Humble Bundle Keys Backup JS - Displays a text area with game titles and keys so you can copy them out easily.
- Web Integration JS - Shows if an link has been claimed or not
Steam ASF Idle Helper JS - Lets you manage ASF's priority queue from a game's page or the Steam Badges page. Also lets you click a game on the Badges page to take you right to the associated store page.
ASF AddLicense Helper JS - Make !addlicense commands clickable.
Roll20 Sandbox Restarter JS - Restarts your API sandbox if it crashes. Leave open your Mod (API) Scripts page while you play and this will automatically restart it if there are errors.